Financial Expert Witnesses in Illinois

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of financial expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on financial and related issues. Financial expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these financial expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Antitrust, Contract Disputes, Economic Damages, Personal Injury, Regression Analysis, Statistical Evidence, Valuation (Divorce), Wrongful Death, and Wrongful Termination.

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Scott D Gilbert, PhD

Gilbert Economics

O'Fallon, Illinois
Economics, Financial - economic damages, antitrust, wrongful termination, contract disputes, valuation (divorce), statistical evidence, regression analysis, personal injury, wrongful death
Scott Gilbert is a PhD economist who provides expert witness and litigation support services on economic matters in tort and contract law, via the consulting firm Gilbert Economics. He lives in southern Illinois, where he is associate professor of economics at Southern Illinois University. Since 1998 he has served as economics expert on a range of legal matters, in cases filed in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, and Mississippi. As an expert witness he serves all midwest states, and does not charge clients for travel time or expenses. Scott received his PhD degree in economics in the year 1996, and before that worked as economics research associate at the nation's central bank on the west coast -- the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. He serves as associate editor of The American Statistician, and his academic research has been published in high-quality peer-reviewed journals in the fields of economics, statistics, and finance. Scott is an active researcher and edu...
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Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Virginia