Civil Engineering Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of civil engineering expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on civil engineering and related issues. Civil engineering expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these civil engineering expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Civil Engineering, Construction, Drainage, Hydrology, Structural Engineering, Construction Defects, Building Codes, Concrete, Flooding, Forensic Engineering, Grading, Hydraulics, Retaining Walls, Flood, and Floodplain.

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Lamar T. Hawkins, PE, JD

PEG, Inc.

Birmingham, Alabama
Engineering, Premises Liability - Civil Engineering, Fall Protection, Construction, Analysis, Industrial Safety including OSHA and NFPA. See for Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geo technical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering
PEG, Inc. offers consultation and expert testimony in many specialized areas, such as the following: Accident Reconstruction & Investigations Building Codes Concrete Failures Construction & Environmental Construction Equipment Accidents Construction Safety & Related Codes Cooling Towers & Hydraulics Electrical Engineering Excavation, Blasting & Trenching Exhibit Reconstruction & Investigations Fall Protection Highway & Transportation Problems Mechanical Engineering Metallurgy & Welding / Failure Studies OSHA Issues Paints, Coatings & Lead Abatement Premise Liability Product Failure & Liability Issues Safety Issues (Construction, Industrial & Product) Slips, Trips & Falls Software Engineering Studies Structural Steel & Building Failure Studies

Randy P Wall, PE, MPA

Wood Structural Engineering & Land Planning Expert

Professional Engineering Services

Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering - Right-of-Way, Grading & Drainage, Hillside Homes, Due Diligence, Inverse Condemnation, Construction Defects, Wood Engineering, High-end Homes, Eminent Domain, Residential Structural, Land Use & Zoning, Permitting & Entitlements, Road & Highway Design, Land Use Planning, Local Government, Forensics
Engineering thought leader and expert in Civil Engineering, Residential Structural Engineering, and Land Development. Over 40-years of experience with subdivision and commercial project land development permits, design, and construction, and structural and site design of high-end residences in snow country and on hillsides. Master of Public Administration, local government, and regulatory agency entitlement processing specialist. Professional Development Instructor in the Engineering Industry, teaching contracts, risk management, project management, professional liability, writing, and communication skills. Holds Professional Engineering licenses in 10-states. Over 42-years of experience as a Certified Ski Instructor with an active snowsports expert witness practice.

Christine E. Carrigan, P.E., PhD

RoadSafe, LLC

Civil Engineering, Transportation - Trucking, Guardrail, Barrier, Highway Design, Highway Safety, ISPE, Bridge railing, Traffic Safety, Cable Barrier, Concrete Barrier, Guardrail ends/terminals, Traffic engineering, Construction Engineering, Traffic control, tree crash, pole crash, Highway construction, Run off road crash, Safety
• Experienced expert, serving clients nationally . • PhD in civil engineering with a focus on highway safety and a registered Professional Engineer in 15+ states. • Special focus on roadside safety and highway design. • Published in peer-reviewed literature, conference proceedings books, monographs, and trade publications. National speaker and instructor. • Member of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Roadside Design and past president of the Maine Society of Professional Engineers. • Hands on experience designing a variety of highway and intersection improvements. • Roadside and highway safety research funded by the National Academy of Science’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and a variety of other government and industry sponsors. • Established design guidance for inclusion in publications such as the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Specification and developed models for quan...

Jeffrey A Sanchez, P.E., PTOE

Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE)

Mesa, Arizona
Traffic Engineering, Civil Engineering - Construction Traffic Control, Traffic Engineer, Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, PTOE, Signal Timing Analysis, Temporary Traffic Control, Permanent Traffic Control, Intersection Sight Distance, Highway Signage, Road Signs, Traffic, Transportation Engineer, Work Zone, Construction Zone
I hold a B.S. in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in structural engineering from the United States Coast Guard Academy. I am a professional engineer and hold a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) Certification from the Transportation Professional Certification Board (TPCB). I have 15+ years of experience in traffic control and roadway design, highway construction project management, and highway maintenance. My forensic investigation background includes traffic engineering, traffic signal timing, roadway design and construction, temporary and permanent traffic control, roadway distress and failure, and ADA compliance. I have been deposed and testified at trial as an expert witness on multiple occasions and have written well over 400 technical reports. I worked for the New Mexico Department of Transportation as a traffic engineer, engineering design manager, and highway maintenance engineer for a combined 7 years. I worked as a project manager for 5 years for bridge, roa...

Yasser M. Abdelhamid, PhD

Construction Defect/Geotechnical Expert Witness

Bryant Consultants

Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Defects - Civil Engineering, Expansive Soil, Foundation Analysis and Design, Settlement, Heave, Pavement, Retaining Walls, Slope Stability, Numerical Modeling, Seepage, Drainage, Erosion, Hydrology, Seismic, Earthquake Engineering, Laboratory Testing, Structural Engineering, Construction Defects
Dr. Abdelhamid has been designated as an expert witness for many litigated cases. Dr. Abdelhamid is heavily involved in performing forensic geotechnical and geophysical investigations for several problematic foundations, pavements, retaining walls and slopes. He devises protocols for geotechnical and geophysical testing, in-situ long-term monitoring, lab testing and analysis. He is also heavily involved in preparing and reviewing proposals and expert reports for geotechnical exploration and litigated and non-litigated forensic projects. Dr. Abdelhamid is responsible for meeting clients during the proposal phase, the investigation phase and after releasing the final report to ensure client satisfaction. Dr. Abdelhamid has performed work at wide variety of forensic projects. He evaluated numerous residential buildings from single family house to a whole subdivision. Dr. Abdelhamid also evaluated many commercial, school, hospital, garage buildings. He performed stability analysis for v...

Chad Ballard

Surface Water, Hydrology and Flood Expert

High Water Mark

Hydrology, Civil Engineering - Floodplain, Flooding, Hydrology, River Hydrualics, Levee Breach, Dam Break/Failure, Stormwater, FEMA, Advanced Modeling, Storm Recreation, Erosion, Rainfall, Flood Forensics, Bridge Hydraulics, Water Resources
Mr. Chad Ballard is a licensed civil engineer (CA, TX, CO, WA) working in the water resources field, more specifically hydrology and hydraulics specializing in advanced hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, stormwater, and flood mitigation. In addition to a broad range of engineering skills, Mr. Ballard has helped hundreds of engineering firms all around the world apply hydraulic models to their projects. Mr. Ballard has taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in hydraulics and hydrology as an adjunct faculty member, as well as currently teaching professional continuing education courses for the new 2D numerical modeling tools such as HEC-RAS and SRH-2D. Mr. Ballard is active in professional organizations including ASCE, EWRI and TFMA where he has served and is serving in various leadership positions at the state and national level. Chad is also a current volunteer member of the Region 3 State Flood Planning Group overseeing the Regional State Flood Plan development effort i...

Jeff Lewandowski, D. Eng., P.E.

Advanced Hydro Engineering

Walnut Creek, California
Civil Engineering, Engineering - Water related system modeling and construction defect analyses, Design and PS&E, Drinking water flow and pressure, Wastewater and sewer backup, Storm water drainage and flooding, Groundwater and seepage, Tidal hydrodynamics, Water pumping and storage, Hydraulic and hydrologic analyses, Irrigation
Dr. Lewandowski is a registered professional engineer in the State of California, and has over 35 years of professional experience in water related systems analysis, modeling and construction defect review, including: Drinking Water Systems – Wide range of project size and experience, from analyzing low water pressure conditions in HOA water distribution systems potentially caused by construction defects to City wide water distribution system master planning of piping, pumping and storage facilities to maintain water pressure and quality. Wastewater Systems – District Engineer services for a Sanitary District, including Master Plan review and development, modeling of peak wet weather flows, and project management of design and construction. Identified causes and resolutions for sewer backup and overflow conditions. Storm Drain Systems – Master planning and water quality modeling studies for numerous agencies, cities and districts, including a tidal hydrodynamic model of a natural co...

Evan A. Page, PLS

Land Surveying Expert

Selkirk-Cabinet Land Surveying, PLLC

Land Surveying, Civil Engineering - Boundary, Riparian, Littoral, Easement, Land Title, Standard of Care, Surveyor Negligence, Property Dispute, Adverse Possession, Prescriptive Easement, Encroachment, Mapping, Topographic Survey, Construction Survey, Water Boundary, Public Land Survey System, Forensic Surveys, Land Descriptions
Evan Page has over 40 years of broad land surveying experience and is licensed in California, Idaho and Washington. He is a regionally recognized speaker on boundary and other survey topics. He developed particular expertise in water boundaries (river, lake and coastal) during his thirteen years with the California State Lands Commission, from which he retired as a Senior Boundary Determination Officer in 2021. Mr. Page served as a Technical Expert on many enforcement matters for the California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists (BPELSG). He also served on the state-specific Professional Land Surveyors licensing exam development and grading teams for several years and on several ad hoc advisory teams for BPLESG. Mr. Page has served as expert witness and/or expert consultant for several private parties on land survey matters involving land and water boundaries, title matters, survey practice, standard of care and surveyor negligence. He has testifie...

Clark Stoner, PE, PLS

Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Expert

Bear Flag Engineering Inc

Sonoma, California
Civil Engineering, Land Surveying - Civil Engineer, Land Surveyor, Geomatics Engineer, Boundary Disputes, Easements, LiDAR, Laser Scanning, UAV, Drone, Aerial Photogrammetry, Change Detection, Aerial Photo Analysis, Floodplains, Flooding, Hydraulics, Storm Drains, Sanitary Sewers, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Landslides, Wildfires
Clark Stoner has over 25 years of experience in the civil engineering and land surveying fields. His experience ranges from the design, construction and operation of large scale water and wastewater infrastructure facilities to the design and construction of amusement theme parks, subdivisions and residential, commercial and hospitality projects. He also has extensive experience as technical expert in litigation support matters involving massive flooding events, storm drain and sanitary sewer systems, landslides, land subsidence, change detection, code compliance, construction defect, origin and cause investigations, failure analysis, boundary and easement disputes, and standard of care. He has testified as an expert witness in California and Nevada on a range of issues. Mr. Stoner has also assisted consulting and legal teams to develop the macro perspective on litigation support matters through use of remote sensing techniques, such as aerial and terrestrial LiDAR, 3D laser sca...

David T Williams, PhD, PE, PH, CFM, CPESC, F.ASCE, D.WRE

DTW and Associates, Engineers, LLC

Civil Engineering, Hydrology - floodplain flooding, hydrology, river hydraulics, stream bank protection, stream restoration, fluvial geomorphology, levees, erosion control, stream bank failure, erosion control plans, best management practices, FEMA floodplain studies
Dr. David Williams, PE (CO, AZ, CA, LA, MO, NM, TX, HI, MS, OR, WA) has over 45 years of experience in the water resources industry and is known for his contributions to the industry. He is also a recognized expert in sedimentation engineering and in developing innovative solutions to difficult hydraulic and hydrologic design problems in rivers and estuaries. Dr. Williams previously served as a two-time President of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). He has served as chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Technical Committees on Sedimentation, Computational Hydraulics, River Restoration, and Risk, Uncertainty and Probabilistic Approaches. He served as a committee member of ASTM A05.12 (Wire specifications) and on ASTM D18.25 (Erosion Control Products). While chair of the Federal Interagency Technical Committee on Sedimentation, he worked with hydraulic and sedimentation experts from the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. ...

Gerald Blackler, Ph.D, P.E., D.WRE

Denver, Colorado
Hydrology, Civil Engineering - Water Resources, Hydraulics, Floodplain, Flood Forensics, Hydrologist, Hydraulic Modeling, Transportation Drainage, Roadway Drainage, Rainfall, Runoff, Design Storms, Sedimentation, Sediment Transport, Stormwater, Culvert, Stormsewer, Urban Hydrology, Urban Flooding, Construction
Water flows downhill, sometimes water is a resource, sometimes it is an enemy, sometimes it is both. If your case involves the impact of water, my expertise is available for your case. I am an expert in hydrology, hydraulics, the engineering of drainage systems, including culverts, transportation drainage, bridge scour, bridge hydraulics, floodplain management, transportation hydraulics, water resources, and accidental death or drowning near hydraulic structures. My work routinely produces technical evidence that is hard to dispute and easy to understand. My background and experience in consulting and teaching allows me to produce complicated information in a format that is easy to digest, such as video files, and images that explain the complicated physical interactions of hydrology and hydraulics. Some of my past litigation work produced evidence that was not disputed by opposing experts. My approach is to first understand the case, then to discuss one on one what technica...

Amr Helal, Ph.D., P.E., PMP, M.ASCE

Geotechnical & Construction Defect Expert

Bryant Consultants Operating LLC

Centennial, Colorado
Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Engineering - Forensic, geotechnical, numerical modeling, construction defect investigation, soil-structural interaction, Slope failure, foundation movement, water intrusion, Settlement, Heave, Pavement, Retaining Walls
Dr. Helal is the Manager of Forensic Engineering for Bryant Consultants Colorado office. He has more than fifteen years of experience in civil and geotechnical engineering between academic and industrial exposure. Dr. Helal expertise includes geotechnical engineering, design and forensics, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Numerical Modeling, construction defect investigation, failure investigation and expert testimony.

Steve Kocher, PE, LEED AP, EXW

Civil Engineering Expert Witness

Harris Kocher Smith

Denver, Colorado
Civil Engineering - Civil Infrastructure, Grading, Accessibility, Drainage, Flood Control, Storm Sewer, Water System, Sanitary Sewer, Erosion Control, Development, Transportation, Roadway Design, Construction Defects, Residential, Commercial, Senior Housing, Student Housing, Utilities, Handicap
Steve Kocher is the President and co-founder of Harris Kocher Smith and also serves as Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager for the firm’s private and public clients. Mr. Kocher has designed and managed civil engineering projects since 1993. Mr. Kocher has designed, or managed the design, of civil infrastructure, grading, and drainage for numerous residential projects, totaling over 10,000 multi-family, single-family, student housing, and senior living dwelling units. Mr. Kocher has also managed and designed projects for many state and local governments and agencies, including Colorado Department of Transportation; National Conference of State Legislatures; Colorado Springs; Douglas County; Kansas Department of Transportation; Castle Pines Metropolitan District; City and County of Denver; Highlands Ranch Metro District; Centennial Water & Sanitation District; Denver Public Schools; and Colorado School of Mines. Mr. Kocher’s specific expertise includes site grading, handic...

David T Williams, PhD, PE, PH, CFM, CPESC, F.ASCE, D.WRE

DTW and Associates, Engineers, LLC

Commerce City, Colorado
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - floodplain flooding, hydrology, river hydraulics, stream bank protection, stream restoration, fluvial geomorphology, levees, erosion control, stream bank failure, erosion control plans, best management practices, FEMA floodplain studies
Dr. David Williams, PE (CO, AZ, CA, LA, MO, NM, TX, HI, MS, OR, WA) has over 45 years of experience in the water resources industry and is known for his contributions to the industry. He is also a recognized expert in sedimentation engineering and in developing innovative solutions to difficult hydraulic and hydrologic design problems in rivers and estuaries. Dr. Williams previously served as a two-time President of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). He has served as chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Technical Committees on Sedimentation, Computational Hydraulics, River Restoration, and Risk, Uncertainty and Probabilistic Approaches. He served as a committee member of ASTM A05.12 (Wire specifications) and on ASTM D18.25 (Erosion Control Products). While chair of the Federal Interagency Technical Committee on Sedimentation, he worked with hydraulic and sedimentation experts from the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. ...

Craig L Moskowitz, PE, MBA, MS

CLM Engineering Associates, LLC

Stamford, Connecticut
Premises Liability, Construction Defects - OSHA, construction, slips/trips/falls, storm damage, water intrusion, roofing systems, warranty inspections, civil engineering, structural engineering, building collapse, property condition assessment, building codes, forensic engineering, engineering expert, construction accidents, personal injury
Since 2010, the President and Managing Member of CLM Engineering Associates, LLC, which concentrates its focus on forensic engineering/expert witness work for the insurance industry and legal community. In addition, we offer construction management, civil engineering and building inspection services. Prior experience includes extensive construction management work on both commercial and residential projects. Performed safety inspections on both civilian and military projects through application of OSHA regulations. Designed drainage systems for the government while an officer with the United States military. Cost estimating for various projects exceeding $500 million. Design document creation and management of high-rise construction in Manhattan. marketplace. Management of telecommunications projects for Verizon in Manhattan including CPM schedule creation and updating. Directed and managed all water distribution system and sewer system work while working as a contractor to th...

Robert C Eitel, PE

Landesign, Inc.

District Of Columbia
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - Flooding, Engineering Standard of Care, Land Development Engineering
Board Certified Diplomate of Forensic Engineering through the National Academy of Forensic Engineers

Hesham Ali, PhD, PE, CPM

Sustainable Road Engineering

Sunrise, Florida
Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering - asphalt, pavement, construction inspection, materials testing, emulsion, road construction, maintenance of traffic, concrete, earthwork, traffic control plans, materials laboratory, road failure, geotechnical engineering, deficiencies, construction safety, pavement engineering
Academic • 64 Publications • 3 Patents • $ 3+ Million in research funding • Principal Investigator in 10 federally-, state- and privately funded research projects • 3 year member in Faculty Senate • 4 years ASCE Student Chapter Faculty Advisor • Inventor of 3D Paving • Promoted to Professor rank in 2021. • Editorial Manager International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology • Host of 2 annual Infrastructure Sustainability seminars • 10 years full time position with Florida International University Technical • PhD in Civil Engineering • Professional Engineering license in the states of Florida and Maryland • Licensed Contractor (Broward County) • 30 years of progressive experience as an engineer, consultant and contractor in a variety of design and construction projects in Florida, New York, New Jersey, Georgia, Maryland, Texas and Qatar. • Prequalified by FDOT for Construction and Engineering Inspection, Geotechnical Engineering, Materials Testing and Design. • FDOT approv...

Jason Bondurant, PE, RRC

Building Envelope & Construction Defects Expert

GCI Consultants, LLC

Jupiter, Florida
Construction Defects, Civil Engineering - Building Envelope, Water Infiltration, Forensic Investigation, Facade Systems, Building Performance, Waterproofing, Moisture Control, Air Barriers, Roofing Systems, Fenestration, Weatherproofing, Building Diagnostics, Water Leaks, Litigation Support, Expert Testimony, Windows, Doors, Exterior Walls
Jason Bondurant, PE, RRC, is a Senior Engineer at GCI Consultants, LLC, a leading building envelope consulting and engineering firm based in South Florida. With over 12 years of extensive experience in the field, Jason has established himself as an expert in building envelope systems, specializing in roofing/waterproofing systems, exterior wall systems, and glazing systems. Professional Qualifications: - Licensed Professional Engineer in seven states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas - Registered Roof Consultant (RRC) with the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC) - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida (2012) Areas of Expertise: - Forensic investigations of building envelope failures - Development of repair plans and specifications - Construction management services - Quality assurance inspections - Expert witness testimony Professional Experience: - 2019-Present: Senior Consultan...

Christine E. Carrigan, P.E., PhD

RoadSafe, LLC

Civil Engineering, Transportation - Trucking, Guardrail, Barrier, Highway Design, Highway Safety, ISPE, Bridge railing, Traffic Safety, Cable Barrier, Concrete Barrier, Guardrail ends/terminals, Traffic engineering, Construction Engineering, Traffic control, tree crash, pole crash, Highway construction, Run off road crash, Safety
• Experienced expert, serving clients nationally . • PhD in civil engineering with a focus on highway safety and a registered Professional Engineer in 15+ states. • Special focus on roadside safety and highway design. • Published in peer-reviewed literature, conference proceedings books, monographs, and trade publications. National speaker and instructor. • Member of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Roadside Design and past president of the Maine Society of Professional Engineers. • Hands on experience designing a variety of highway and intersection improvements. • Roadside and highway safety research funded by the National Academy of Science’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and a variety of other government and industry sponsors. • Established design guidance for inclusion in publications such as the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Specification and developed models for quan...

Richard Coates, PE

Gulf Atlantic Engineers, PA

Clearweater, Florida
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering - Property Damages/Loss Consultant, Moisture Intrusion Cause & Origin, Construction Defects & Delays, Construction Claims Consultant, Flooding Root Cause & Damages, Building Consultant, Pavements & Parking Lots, Real Estate Due Diligence, Stormwater & Drainage Consultant, Storms/Disaster Damages
Licenced Professional Engineer in the following states: Virginia District of Columbus Maryland Florida Georgia Texas North Carolina South Carolina West Virginia Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi

Scott Harvey-Lewis, PE, LEED AP

Building Mavens

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - Building Inspection, construction, civil engineering, milestone inspections, structural integrity inspections, Building Enclosures, Exterior Walls and Cladding Systems, Waterproofing Systems, Roofing Systems, Water Intrusion Investigations
Mr. Harvey-Lewis has more than 19 years of experience providing structural engineering design, construction administration, and forensic services to public and private-sector clients on various projects. As a forensic engineer, Scott investigates structural failures, building construction defects, and code compliance on behalf of attorneys, owners, developers, and insurance companies. Scott’s design portfolio includes significant phases of project development, from conceptual design and plan preparation through construction and final inspection. His expertise includes building envelope systems, cast-in-place concrete, steel, masonry, and timber design for commercial and residential structures, telecommunication and educational facilities, marinas, industrial plants, warehouses, storage and containment, and land development.


Experienced Construction Defect Structural Experts

Preeminent Solutions, Inc.

SANFORD, Florida
Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - concrete defect, steel defect, design defect, Civil Engineering, Construction defect, Structural Engineering, Construction, insurance litigation, Seismic/wind design, standard of care analysis, code review, storm damage, water intrusion, building collapse, forensic engineering, engineering expert
Preeminent Solutions is a civil-structural engineering firm in Orlando, Florida. We have over 40 years experience in structural engineering design, forensics, and construction defect expert consulting. We offer construction drawings and renderings, shop drawings, forensic engineering, construction-defect expert witness testimony, consulting, site inspections, threshold inspections, foundation inspections, and more. We design industrial structures, commercial structures, residential structures, marine structures, and more. We offer expert witness testimony in the following specialized areas: Building Codes Building Envelope Failure Water Intrusion Concrete Defects Construction Safety & Related Codes Fall Protection Structural Steel & Building Failure Studies Accident Reconstruction & Investigations Call us for your next case today!

Honglong Li, PhD. PE.

LISS TransTech

Honolulu, Hawaii
Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering - Transportation Greenhouse Gas, Traffic Engineering, Traffic Accidents, Environmental Impact Studies, Bus Mass Transit System, DOT Regulations, Personal Injuries, Transportation Safety, Transportation Management Systems, Civil Engineers General, Construction Contracts & Claims
Located in the State of Hawaii; Licensed Professional Civil Engineer in State of Hawaii. I have provided expert witness reports on several legal cases on traffic and transportation issues and have been deposed several times. The cases range from traffic accidents, road maintenance fee dispute, and transportation greenhouse gas and carbon emissions. I have had considerable experiences in preparing traffic studies for land developments, EIS, infrastructure projects in helping the clients to deliver projects in the State of Hawaii. I have worked with all four counties and Hawaii State Department of Transportation on many projects and are very familiar with their standards and expectations. I have more than 26 years of combined public sector and private sector experience with State DOT and County Transportation agency in consulting, contracting, and construction . In addition, I have also taught the undergraduate level and graduate level transportation planning and traffic safety c...

Evan A. Page, PLS

Land Surveying Expert

Selkirk-Cabinet Land Surveying, PLLC

Sandpoint, Idaho
Land Surveying, Civil Engineering - Boundary, Riparian, Littoral, Easement, Land Title, Standard of Care, Surveyor Negligence, Property Dispute, Adverse Possession, Prescriptive Easement, Encroachment, Mapping, Topographic Survey, Construction Survey, Water Boundary, Public Land Survey System, Forensic Surveys, Land Descriptions
Evan Page has over 40 years of broad land surveying experience and is licensed in California, Idaho and Washington. He is a regionally recognized speaker on boundary and other survey topics. He developed particular expertise in water boundaries (river, lake and coastal) during his thirteen years with the California State Lands Commission, from which he retired as a Senior Boundary Determination Officer in 2021. Mr. Page served as a Technical Expert on many enforcement matters for the California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists (BPELSG). He also served on the state-specific Professional Land Surveyors licensing exam development and grading teams for several years and on several ad hoc advisory teams for BPLESG. Mr. Page has served as expert witness and/or expert consultant for several private parties on land survey matters involving land and water boundaries, title matters, survey practice, standard of care and surveyor negligence. He has testifie...

Randy P Wall, PE, MPA

Wood Structural Engineering & Land Planning Expert

Professional Engineering Services

Boise, Idaho
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering - Right-of-Way, Grading & Drainage, Hillside Homes, Due Diligence, Inverse Condemnation, Construction Defects, Wood Engineering, High-end Homes, Eminent Domain, Residential Structural, Land Use & Zoning, Permitting & Entitlements, Road & Highway Design, Land Use Planning, Local Government, Forensics
Engineering thought leader and expert in Civil Engineering, Residential Structural Engineering, and Land Development. Over 40-years of experience with subdivision and commercial project land development permits, design, and construction, and structural and site design of high-end residences in snow country and on hillsides. Master of Public Administration, local government, and regulatory agency entitlement processing specialist. Professional Development Instructor in the Engineering Industry, teaching contracts, risk management, project management, professional liability, writing, and communication skills. Holds Professional Engineering licenses in 10-states. Over 42-years of experience as a Certified Ski Instructor with an active snowsports expert witness practice.

Christopher R Hanstad, P.E., CFM

Flood and Drainage Expert Witness

Hanstad Engineering Services

Champaign, Illinois
Civil Engineering - Floodway Violations, Floodplain Modeling, Flood Damage and Loss Assessment, Hydrology, Hydraulics, FEMA Floodplain Revisions, Drainage
Chris Hanstad is a Licensed Professional Engineer (IL, IN, KY, WI) and Certified Floodplain Manager with over 15 years of expertise in floodplain analysis and regulatory compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Since 2018, he has served as an expert witness in flooding and drainage-related litigation, providing both discovery deposition and trial testimony. As the lead of Illinois’ Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) program since its inception, Mr. Hanstad has overseen the evaluation and determination of hundreds of LOMR applications, ensuring compliance with rigorous floodplain modeling standards and NFIP regulations. His work directly informs revisions to FEMA floodplain maps. Mr. Hanstad specializes in assessing the flood risk impact of projects within floodplains, particularly their effects on adjacent properties. He has identified and reported seven floodway violations to FEMA and has provided litigation support in cases involving such violations. His expertise...

Roger R. Machut, P.E., LEED AP

Solution Engineering Group

Montgomery, Illinois
Civil Engineering, Failure Analysis - Site and Land Development, Project Management, Utility Design, Surface and Groundwater Flooding, Roadway Design, Bituminous and Concrete Pavement Design, Stormwater Management, Runway Pavement Design, Slip and Fall Injuries, Root Cause Construction Failures, Lead, Asbestos, Mold, Radon
Roger Machut is a Senior Civil Engineering Expert for Solution Engineering Group. He consults on all aspects of roadway design, bituminous and concrete paving design, runway pavement design, stormwater management, utility design, site development, and surface and groundwater flooding. Mr. Machut has over 30 years of practical professional experience in civil engineering, in both design and construction applications. Combined with decades of holding positions of leadership in various organizations, Mr. Machut has developed a unique ability to express the complex in ways understandable to individual audiences, allow each group to take action or make a decision. As a solution creator, he equally identifies root causes of failures, inefficient methodologies, and unsustainable construction. Adding to his total professional credentials is the Mr. Machut’s 33 years of service in the United States Marine Corps, from which he retired as a Brigadier General. In addition to his extensi...

Makarand (Mark) Hastak, PhD, PE, MS(Law), CCP, CRIS, FASCE, NAC

Hastak Consulting Services, LLC

Indianapolis, Indiana
Construction, Civil Engineering - Construction Engineering, Construction Management, Cost Overruns, Schedule Delays, Construction Safety, Modular Construction, Factory Built Construction, Infrastructure Planning, Data Center Construction, project risk management, Disaster Recovery, Disaster Mitigation, Trade Secret Misappropriation
Dr. Hastak is Associate Dean of Engineering for Facilities and Planning in Indianapolis, Dernlan Family Head and Professor of Construction Engineering and Management as well as Professor of Civil Engineering at Purdue University. He was an Honorary Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University in China. Dr. Hastak has assisted the construction industry for the past 35 years through consulting, research, teaching, and service to the community. Prof. Hastak is recognized around the world as an expert in construction engineering and management with specific expertise in profitability of construction companies, disaster risk reduction, infrastructure management, cost control, project management decision-making, risk management, factory-built housing, contracts, warranties, modular construction, and strategic planning. He is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE), a Construction Risk Insurance Specialist (CRIS), and a Certified Cost Professional (CCP). As a Fellow of the America...

William J. Kirkham, P.E., S.E., Ph.D.

Civil&Structural Engr/Cladding/Construction Defect

APT Engineering LLC

Eudora, Kansas
Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - Codes, Civil Engineering, Steel, Masonry, Failure, Corrosion, Seismic, Wind, Collapse, Prestressed Concrete, Post-tensioned Concrete, Facade, Cladding, Leaking, Leakage, Decay, Wood, Tall Buildings, Timber, Concrete
As an engineer, I am fascinated by complexity and understanding new and different situations. I love to talk about engineering and explaining engineering processes and principles to young engineers and lay persons is personal passion. Examining a structural failure brings out my inner researcher, and explaining the cause and physics to a jury or arbitration panel channels my teacher personality. I work as a forensic engineer with the intent of helping the legal industry understand engineering principles and to help citizens resolve their disputes justly. Though I have worked as a scientific programmer and chemical engineer, my primary expertise is in structural engineering. I began professional practice at kpff in Portland, OR in 1998. In 2001, I was hired by DCI Engineers. In 2003, I started my own consulting engineering firm which I continue to operate. I have designed concrete, steel, masonry and wood structures, generally commercial, government or schools. About half of my work...

John Hlinka, PE, M. ASCE

Benton, Kentucky
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - civil, railroad, accident, cranes, failures, foundations, structures, drainage, culverts, washouts, hydrology, concrete pump trucks, corrosion, chemical, industrial, building codes, inspections, construction, OSHA Compliance, swimming pools
Mr. Hlinka has worked over 40 years in the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management market with experience in numerous industries: Chemical, Oil Refinery, Pulp & Paper, Adhesives, Nuclear Power Generation, Nuclear Feed Stock, and Steel. His work has overlapped with residential and commercial industries. Throughout his career he has engineered and managed a myriad of projects in these industries and has provided leadership to the various companies in the capacities of: Site Manager, Design Manager, Project Manager, Construction Supervisor, and currently as President. Design engineering, analysis, and inspection experience includes structural steel, reinforced concrete, stone, masonry, wood, and stormwater drainage.

Christine E. Carrigan, P.E., PhD

RoadSafe, LLC

Canton, Maine
Civil Engineering, Transportation - Trucking, Guardrail, Barrier, Highway Design, Highway Safety, ISPE, Bridge railing, Traffic Safety, Cable Barrier, Concrete Barrier, Guardrail ends/terminals, Traffic engineering, Construction Engineering, Traffic control, tree crash, pole crash, Highway construction, Run off road crash, Safety
• Experienced expert, serving clients nationally . • PhD in civil engineering with a focus on highway safety and a registered Professional Engineer in 15+ states. • Special focus on roadside safety and highway design. • Published in peer-reviewed literature, conference proceedings books, monographs, and trade publications. National speaker and instructor. • Member of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Roadside Design and past president of the Maine Society of Professional Engineers. • Hands on experience designing a variety of highway and intersection improvements. • Roadside and highway safety research funded by the National Academy of Science’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and a variety of other government and industry sponsors. • Established design guidance for inclusion in publications such as the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Specification and developed models for quan...

Robert C Eitel, PE

Landesign, Inc.

Bowie, Maryland
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - Flooding, Engineering Standard of Care, Land Development Engineering
Board Certified Diplomate of Forensic Engineering through the National Academy of Forensic Engineers

Tara L Pase

Bramel Engineering, LLC

Tracys Landing, Maryland
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - Construction Defect, Concrete, Seismic, Retaining Walls, OSHA, Building Codes, Steel, Earthquake, Stormwater Management, Civil Engineering, Failure Analysis, Wood, Wind, Construction, Structural Engineering, Strength of Materials, Masonry, Foundations, Construction Accident, Design and Analysis
Civil/Structural Engineering Construction Defects Building Codes OSHA Failure Analysis Strength of Materials Concrete/Steel/Wood/Masonry Design Concrete/Steel/Wood/Masonry Analysis Seismic Design and Analysis Wind Design and Analysis Foundations and Retaining Structures Grading and Soil Properties Field Repair Designs Stormwater Management Component/Connection Design and Analysis Construction Cost Estimates Building Envelope (Moisture Barriers) Construction Management Registered Professional Engineer, State of New York, License No.087752 Registered Professional Engineer, State of Maryland, License No.42640 Registered Professional Engineer, Commonwealth of Virginia, License No.051210 Registered Professional Engineer, State of New Jersey, License No.24GE05239300

Timothy J. Mayotte, Ph.D., CPG, P.E.

Mayotte Design & Engineering

East Lansing, Michigan
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering - Groundwater, Wastewater, Remediation, Bioremediation, Modeling, Stormwater, Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Geotechnical, Microbiology, Contamination, Geochemistry, Construction, Demolition, Home Inspection
Dr. TImothy Mayotte is President and CEO of Mayotte Design & Engineering, PC, a civil and environmental engineering design firm based in East Lansing, Michigan. Since 2003, MD&E has proved itself a highly responsive design, advocate and risk management partner for clients in the energy, automotive, commercial printing, textile, pharmaceutical, chemical, real estate, and legal industries. MD&E offers a variety of services, specializing in the design and engineering of treatment solutions for wastewater, groundwater, stormwater and contaminated soil, sediment and air. Dr. Mayotte has assisted clientele across globe, having completed projects in: Alabama; Arizona; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas, Massachusetts; Michigan; Missouri, Mississippi; Nevada; New Jersey; New York; Ohio; Oregon; Tennessee; Texas; Vermont; Virginia; West Virginia; Washington, Wisconsin; Wyoming; British Columbia; Ontario; Quebec; Brazil; China; Czech Republic; Italy; and Mex...

Joel A Paulsen, PE

Paulsen Engineering

MOORHEAD, Minnesota
Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering - P3, Floodplain, Flood Control, Program Management, Project Management, Water, Drainage, Highway, Street, Sewer, Storm Sewer, Dispute Resolution, Contract Dispute, Flooding, Environmental Mitigation, Permit Compliance, Construction permitting
Seasoned Executive Director and Civil Engineer with over 20 years of comprehensive experience in managing large-scale infrastructure projects in the public and private sectors. Recognized for pioneering the Metro Flood Diversion Authority, overseeing the first and largest split-delivery P3 project in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which brought about innovative flood control solutions and substantial cost and time savings. Demonstrated success in securing significant federal and state funding, achieving record-low financing rates, and negotiating pivotal legal settlements to drive project progress. Expert in sustainable practice integration, such as implementing biofuel usage in construction, which marked a national first. Highly adept in technical design and project management across various civil engineering disciplines including water distribution, sanitary systems, and storm sewer management. My career is distinguished by my commitment to achieving project ...

Frank Comer, PE


Kansas City, Missouri
Engineering, Construction Defects - Building Inspection, Civil Engineering, Construction Defects, Failure Analysis, Structural Engineering, Roof Analysis, Water Leaks, Geotech Engineering, Forensic Engineering, Stucco - EIFS, Grade Drainage, Foundation Settlement, Retaining Walls, Cause & Origin, Building Codes, Standard of Care
Frank Comer is an experienced engineer specializing in the civil, structural, geotechnical and environmental fields. Licensed in the state of Missouri, he holds a reciprocity license in Kansas, is registered w NCEES to access other state licenses. Founder and sole owner of Property Services Team, LLC, dba PST Engineering, Frank has been inspecting, designing and consulting under PST since 1999. He has been in the insurance adjusting and engineering field for over 35 years. PST provides design for new homes and buildings (complete construction and additions), design consulting to other professionals (engineers and architects), due-diligence and construction, QA/QC inspections, as well as forensic and cause and origin investigations for many different building- and property-related products and their design and installation. PST’s team also performs reviews for agricultural, warehouse, manufacturing, other commercial structures & facilities, historical buildings and residential struc...

William J. Kirkham, P.E., S.E., Ph.D.

Civil&Structural Engr/Cladding/Construction Defect

APT Engineering LLC

Structural Engineering, Construction Defects - Codes, Civil Engineering, Steel, Masonry, Failure, Corrosion, Seismic, Wind, Collapse, Prestressed Concrete, Post-tensioned Concrete, Facade, Cladding, Leaking, Leakage, Decay, Wood, Tall Buildings, Timber, Concrete
As an engineer, I am fascinated by complexity and understanding new and different situations. I love to talk about engineering and explaining engineering processes and principles to young engineers and lay persons is personal passion. Examining a structural failure brings out my inner researcher, and explaining the cause and physics to a jury or arbitration panel channels my teacher personality. I work as a forensic engineer with the intent of helping the legal industry understand engineering principles and to help citizens resolve their disputes justly. Though I have worked as a scientific programmer and chemical engineer, my primary expertise is in structural engineering. I began professional practice at kpff in Portland, OR in 1998. In 2001, I was hired by DCI Engineers. In 2003, I started my own consulting engineering firm which I continue to operate. I have designed concrete, steel, masonry and wood structures, generally commercial, government or schools. About half of my work...

Jared Krupa, PE

K2 Engineering

Reno, Nevada
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering - zipline engineering, zip lines, aerial adventure challenge courses, ASTM, structure fire repair design evaluation, NAARSO, ACCT, wood structures, amusement ride inspections, pre manufactured wood trusses, ASTM F2959, IBC wind snow seismic design
Jared A. Krupa is a principal engineer at K2 Engineering and Structural Design, LLC (K2). He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno, and Professional Engineering licenses in multiple US states. Jared started his structural engineering career in 1999 and has since advanced his profession into more specialized fields such as the amusement ride industry and design/analysis of buildings damaged by fire. Founded in February 2005, K2 is a medium-sized engineering firm located in Reno, Nevada, that focuses on the structural design of commercial buildings, residential homes, and amusement rides and attractions. K2 provides quality engineering services to architects, designers, owners, building contractors and developers with a focus on efficiency and constructability. K2’s staff has over 60 years of experience in the design of projects both large and small in Northern California, Northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe. K2’s expertise and ex...

Amin Terouhid, Ph.D., PE, PMP, CFE

Adroit Consultants, LLC

Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Construction Defects, OSHA - Civil Engineering, industrial engineering, forensic schedule and delay analysis, construction safety, slip and fall, construction injury, concrete inspection, standard of care, construction simulation and modeling, construction inspection, loss of productivity, critical path method (CPM), OSHA
Dr. Amin Terouhid is a Principal Consultant with Adroit Consultants, LLC. He leads a vibrant consulting practice on construction claim matters especially in the areas of delay analysis, loss of productivity, claims for changes, construction defects, and injury cases. With extensive experience working on several large and mega construction projects internationally and throughout the United States, he is a recognized expert in preparing and investigating construction claims. Served numerous times (in more than 100 cases) in the capacity of a consulting expert. Currently (Feb 2022) involved in one international arbitration case for a multimillion-dollar claim in the court of London and three other cases, including a construction delay and loss of productivity claim for a megaproject in New York, a construction injury case, and a slip and fall case in the United States. Licenses • Examined and certified as a Professional Engineer (P.E.) • Examined and certified by the Association of ...

Paul J. Angelides, PE

Paul J. Angelides, P.E., P.C.

Melville, New York
Engineering, Forensic Science - Forensic Engineering, Building Structures and Systems, Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Foundations, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Construction, Construction Defects, Investigations, Fires, Floods, Insurance, Property Casualty, Disaster Recovery, Premises Liability
Expert Engineering Staff with Interdisciplinary Experience Client base consists of Insurance Professionals, Building Owners, and Attorneys representing Plaintiff's and Defendants. Retained as Experts in Over 10,000 cases. National Academy of Forensic Engineers Certified Safety Professional Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator National Society of Professional Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers OSHA and Suspended Scaffold Certifications New York City Special Inspection Agency Licensed in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Florida, US Virgin Islands Qualified as Experts in State Supreme and Federal Courts FAA Certified Drone Pilot

Ronald A Bova, PE, DFE

Buildings, Structures, and Heavy Highway Expert


Glenville, New York
Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering - Building, Highway, Bridge, Structures, pavement, trench, underground, drainage, traffic engineering, temporary traffic control, building envelope, roof, slip and fall, erosion, sewerage, directional boring, soils, trusses, construction vibration, groundwater
Chief Senior Forensic Engineer with a background in Design, Inspection and Construction of Buildings, Bridges, Heavy Highway, and Field Engineering for State Government, Municipal, Institutional, Commercial, and Private sectors; including towers, culverts, and underground infrastructure related to Traditional Civil Engineering and Forensic Engineering and Forensic Investigation. Board-Certified Diplomate Senior Forensic Engineer through the National Academy of Forensic Engineers, Diplomate Building Inspection Engineer and Certified Structural Engineer through the former Structural Engineering Certification Board (2008-2022). Licensed to practice engineering in CT, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, VA, VT, WV, and the USVI. Provided Expert Testimony in over dozens of cases and Expert Opinions in over hundreds of cases involving wrongful death, injury, and property damage.

Frank Ferrantello, PLS

Ferrantello Group

Plainview, New York
Land Surveying, Slip Trip & Fall - Boundary Dispute, accident and site mapping, civil engineering, flood, drainage, utility, land development, standard of care, easements, mapping, zoning, land use, earth work, adverse possession
Mr. Ferrantello has been retained by a vast number of law firms, insurance companies and municipalities.Mr. Ferrantello has also had great deal of experience with large number of diverse projects such as: Expert Surveys, Maps, Plans, Diagrams, Exhibit’s, Testimony for damages and injuries such as: trip and falls, tree damage, flood building damage, traffic accidents, public and private property damage as well as wrongful death suits. Also has an extensive experience and background in Site Planning and Subdivision Consulting, examining title records, deeds and other recorded documents such as ingress and egress, pedestrian easements, right of ways, air and development rights, vista easements, bridle paths, beach, bathing and mooring rights, covenants and restrictions, real property, zoning and other land use principles. Extensive knowledge of the local Long Island zoning codes, site planning and subdivision regulations.The profession itself is to define the property lines and measure...

Amin Terouhid, Ph.D., PE, PMP, CFE

Adroit Consultants, LLC

New York
Construction Defects, OSHA - Civil Engineering, industrial engineering, forensic schedule and delay analysis, construction safety, slip and fall, construction injury, concrete inspection, standard of care, construction simulation and modeling, construction inspection, loss of productivity, critical path method (CPM), OSHA
Dr. Amin Terouhid is a Principal Consultant with Adroit Consultants, LLC. He leads a vibrant consulting practice on construction claim matters especially in the areas of delay analysis, loss of productivity, claims for changes, construction defects, and injury cases. With extensive experience working on several large and mega construction projects internationally and throughout the United States, he is a recognized expert in preparing and investigating construction claims. Served numerous times (in more than 100 cases) in the capacity of a consulting expert. Currently (Feb 2022) involved in one international arbitration case for a multimillion-dollar claim in the court of London and three other cases, including a construction delay and loss of productivity claim for a megaproject in New York, a construction injury case, and a slip and fall case in the United States. Licenses • Examined and certified as a Professional Engineer (P.E.) • Examined and certified by the Association of ...

Joel A Paulsen, PE

Paulsen Engineering

North Dakota
Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering - P3, Floodplain, Flood Control, Program Management, Project Management, Water, Drainage, Highway, Street, Sewer, Storm Sewer, Dispute Resolution, Contract Dispute, Flooding, Environmental Mitigation, Permit Compliance, Construction permitting
Seasoned Executive Director and Civil Engineer with over 20 years of comprehensive experience in managing large-scale infrastructure projects in the public and private sectors. Recognized for pioneering the Metro Flood Diversion Authority, overseeing the first and largest split-delivery P3 project in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which brought about innovative flood control solutions and substantial cost and time savings. Demonstrated success in securing significant federal and state funding, achieving record-low financing rates, and negotiating pivotal legal settlements to drive project progress. Expert in sustainable practice integration, such as implementing biofuel usage in construction, which marked a national first. Highly adept in technical design and project management across various civil engineering disciplines including water distribution, sanitary systems, and storm sewer management. My career is distinguished by my commitment to achieving project ...

Matthew C. Neff, P.E.,P.S.

M.Neff Consultants

Cleveland, Ohio
Civil Engineering, Land Surveying - civil engineering, drainage, grading, utilities, site design, subdivisions, land development
Mr. Neff has expertise in the areas of civil / site engineering, design and review of roadways, utilities, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains, site planning, industrial site design, residential site design, multi-family site design, stormwater management, soil and erosion control, water quality, EPA regulations, and feasibility studies. Mr. Neff has surveying expertise in land surveying including boundary line determination; boundary, topographic and ALTA/ACSM surveys. Mr. Neff has been an expert witness including document analysis and report preparation in land development and drainage cases.

Scott A. Vura, PE

Osborn Engineering

Cleveland, Ohio
Engineering, Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering, Storm Drainage, Site Development, Grading, Underground Utilities, Athletic Fields, Stadiums, Detention Basins, Construction Claims, Pavement, Roadway, Culverts
Mr. Vura has participated in over twenty cases in the past 20 years. He is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer in AL, AZ, AR, CO, GA, FL, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, MI, MO, NE, NJ, NM, NY, NV, NC, OH, PA, RI, SC, TX, VA, WV, WI. Employed at Osborn Engineering since 1997, and currently serving as Executive Vice President and Principal of the infrastructure Group, his responsibilities have included civil engineering management, design, plan and specification preparation, feasibility studies and construction inspection. Project experience includes utilities – waterlines, sanitary & storm sewers – site development, storm water analysis and detention/retention basin sizing and athletic fields.

Firas Abdelahad, PE, MS

Top Rated Structural Engineering in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Design & Engineering Services LLC

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - Personal injuries, slip & fall, Construction Defects, Code review, structural assessments for conservatorship cases, Property condition assessments, Floor collapse, Building envelope assessments & consulting, panels failures, Structural distress, Fire damage structural assessment, Foundation defects
An accomplished and award winning structural engineer and experienced expert witness, I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Structural Engineering and a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from FAU. As a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) with active licensure in Pennsylvania and several other states, my professional credentials are further reinforced by a current NCEES record. Drawing from a wealth of experience, my expertise lies in the evaluation, repair, and rehabilitation of existing structures. This encompasses a spectrum of tasks, including load-bearing wall removals, addressing floor sags, and managing foundation movements and failures. Additionally, I possess the capability to accurately pinpoint the cause and origin of structural deficiencies and damages resulting from accidents. My proficiency extends to the design, calculations, fabrication, and installation of facade panels, equipping me with the skills needed to assess defects, failures, and damages in both...

Keith A. Bergman, PE

Bergman Engineering, LLC

Harleysville, Pennsylvania
Premises Liability, Traffic Engineering - Accident Reconstruction, Civil Engineering, Codes and Standards, Construction, Highway and Street Design, Job-Site Safety, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Premises Liability, Slip Trip and Fall, Transportation, Traffic Engineering, Walkway Surface and Pavement Evaluation
Our mission: Bringing clarity to complexity. Bergman Engineering is a forensic engineering firm that provides objective investigative analysis and consulting services as well as expert witness testimony. Hired for our expertise, we utilize our knowledge and experience to evaluate cases and claims with regard to civil engineering concepts. This can extend to a number of different practice areas for both plaintiff and defense counsel. Our case experience ranges from small private claims to large civil claims. We have consulted in complex claims and litigation on behalf of corporations, attorneys, insurance companies, and municipal/government agencies. Certified Professional Engineer: California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

John E Poole, P.E.

CNX Forensics and Consulting

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Civil Engineering, Construction - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Building Codes, Civil Engineering, Construction, Stucco, OSHA Ramp & Stairs, Scheduling Delay & Analysis, Structural Engineering, Waterproofing, Storm water
A construction and engineering expert with over 20 years of construction industry experience as a civil engineer, forensic engineer, CPM scheduler, cost estimator, general contractor, subcontractor, and project management consultant. Strong expertise gained through projects that ranged from $100,000 to over $1 Billion and have included commercial, residential, government, and institutional markets. Mr. Poole has been retained as an expert witness on litigation cases and testified at deposition, arbitration, and trial. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, and Florida.

Michael Sheleheda, P.E.

Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Monroeville, Pennsylvania
Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering - Stormwater, Erosion and Sediment Control, Hydrology, Landslides and Slope Stability, Foundations, Settlement, Retaining Walls, Geohazards, Pavement Evaluation and Remediation, Earthwork, Construction and Materials Testing, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility
Mr. Sheleheda specializes in geotechnical and civil engineering. His experience includes providing geotechnical engineering design/expertise for all aspects of land development and construction. Projects have included establishing procedures for subsurface explorations, boring layout, soil sampling, and laboratory testing programs. Michael has authored geotechnical reports regarding deep, shallow, and specialty foundation construction for projects in the real estate, natural gas, manufacturing, mining and public client sectors. Also, he has investigated and provided remedial recommendations for landslides, carbonaceous (expansive) shale, retaining walls, karst, geohazards, and mine grouting/subsidence. His responsibilities have included preparing bid packages, authoring specifications, and construction level drawings, as well as preparing expert reports for the legal and insurance industries. In addition, Michael has experience in the preparation of erosion and sediment control pla...

Harvey H Stone, PE

Railroad Engineering Expert Witness

Stone Consulting, Inc.

WARREN, Pennsylvania
Railroad, Civil Engineering - Railroad Track, Railroad Equipment, Streetcar Track, Railroad Grade Crossings, Railroad Structures, Railroad Bridges, Surface Transportation Board, Coal Rate Cases, Shortline Railroad, Tourist Railroad, Overhead Contact System, Track Related Injuries
With 50+ years of engineering experience and 20+ years of railroad experience, I have experience with railroad track design and inspection as well as most aspects of railroading regarding rail operations, streetcars, rail related injuries, railroad grade crossings and railroad structures. I have inspected numerous railroad bridges in many states as well as investigating derailments. In addition, my firm, Stone Consulting, Inc. has completed railroad line appraisals, rail equipment inspections and appraisals, and track assessments, for both shortline and tourist railroads. I have no relationships with any Class 1 railroads. I am licensed as a Professional Engineer in AR; CO; FL; GA; MD; ME; MI; MN; MO; MT; NC; NH; NY; OK; PA; TN; TX; UT; VA; WI; IA; MA; NE; NV; OR; RI; SC; VT; WA; WY. I have been accepted as an expert witness by the Surface Transportation Board (STB) for railroad track design, construction and maintenance of way.

James D. Wamble, PE, RLS

Wamble & Associates, PLLC

Brentwood, Tennessee
Engineering, Land Surveying - Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, Land Condemnation, Eminent Domain, Land Use Planning, Real Estate Development, Drainage, Site Design, Subdivision, Zoning, Highway Design, Concept Design
Over 40 years' experience as a professional engineer serving as expert witness in condemnation, land use, survey and general civil engineering lawsuits. I specialize in land use planning, civil engineering and land surveying for development projects involving the design of roads, drainage, subdivisions, apartments, condominiums, shopping centers and all types of commercial site plans.

Yasser M. Abdelhamid, PhD

Construction Defect/Geotechnical Expert Witness

Bryant Consultants

Carrollton, Texas
Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Defects - Civil Engineering, Expansive Soil, Foundation Analysis and Design, Settlement, Heave, Pavement, Retaining Walls, Slope Stability, Numerical Modeling, Seepage, Drainage, Erosion, Hydrology, Seismic, Earthquake Engineering, Laboratory Testing, Structural Engineering, Construction Defects
Dr. Abdelhamid has been designated as an expert witness for many litigated cases. Dr. Abdelhamid is heavily involved in performing forensic geotechnical and geophysical investigations for several problematic foundations, pavements, retaining walls and slopes. He devises protocols for geotechnical and geophysical testing, in-situ long-term monitoring, lab testing and analysis. He is also heavily involved in preparing and reviewing proposals and expert reports for geotechnical exploration and litigated and non-litigated forensic projects. Dr. Abdelhamid is responsible for meeting clients during the proposal phase, the investigation phase and after releasing the final report to ensure client satisfaction. Dr. Abdelhamid has performed work at wide variety of forensic projects. He evaluated numerous residential buildings from single family house to a whole subdivision. Dr. Abdelhamid also evaluated many commercial, school, hospital, garage buildings. He performed stability analysis for v...

Chad Ballard

Surface Water, Hydrology and Flood Expert

High Water Mark

Dallas, Texas
Hydrology, Civil Engineering - Floodplain, Flooding, Hydrology, River Hydrualics, Levee Breach, Dam Break/Failure, Stormwater, FEMA, Advanced Modeling, Storm Recreation, Erosion, Rainfall, Flood Forensics, Bridge Hydraulics, Water Resources
Mr. Chad Ballard is a licensed civil engineer (CA, TX, CO, WA) working in the water resources field, more specifically hydrology and hydraulics specializing in advanced hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, stormwater, and flood mitigation. In addition to a broad range of engineering skills, Mr. Ballard has helped hundreds of engineering firms all around the world apply hydraulic models to their projects. Mr. Ballard has taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in hydraulics and hydrology as an adjunct faculty member, as well as currently teaching professional continuing education courses for the new 2D numerical modeling tools such as HEC-RAS and SRH-2D. Mr. Ballard is active in professional organizations including ASCE, EWRI and TFMA where he has served and is serving in various leadership positions at the state and national level. Chad is also a current volunteer member of the Region 3 State Flood Planning Group overseeing the Regional State Flood Plan development effort i...

Gerald Blackler, Ph.D, P.E., D.WRE

Hydrology, Civil Engineering - Water Resources, Hydraulics, Floodplain, Flood Forensics, Hydrologist, Hydraulic Modeling, Transportation Drainage, Roadway Drainage, Rainfall, Runoff, Design Storms, Sedimentation, Sediment Transport, Stormwater, Culvert, Stormsewer, Urban Hydrology, Urban Flooding, Construction
Water flows downhill, sometimes water is a resource, sometimes it is an enemy, sometimes it is both. If your case involves the impact of water, my expertise is available for your case. I am an expert in hydrology, hydraulics, the engineering of drainage systems, including culverts, transportation drainage, bridge scour, bridge hydraulics, floodplain management, transportation hydraulics, water resources, and accidental death or drowning near hydraulic structures. My work routinely produces technical evidence that is hard to dispute and easy to understand. My background and experience in consulting and teaching allows me to produce complicated information in a format that is easy to digest, such as video files, and images that explain the complicated physical interactions of hydrology and hydraulics. Some of my past litigation work produced evidence that was not disputed by opposing experts. My approach is to first understand the case, then to discuss one on one what technica...

Jens Figlus, PhD

Bryant Consultants

Carrollton, Texas
Civil Engineering, Engineering - Wave modeling, subsidence, scour, vessel wakes and propeller wash, Environmental fluid mechanics, Fluid-sediment-structure interactions, Coastal processes, Field measurements, Hydraulic engineering, Coastal protection, Hydrology, Sedimentation, Coastal Erosion
Jens Figlus is a coastal engineering expert with 12 years of experience. He works with Bryant on expert witness cases and projects related to sediment erosion, coastal flooding, water waves, fluid-soil-structure interactions, and issues related to ship-induced hydrodynamics, such as vessel wakes and propeller wash. His background is in applied coastal research and engineering, hydraulic engineering, and environmental fluid mechanics. Dr. Figlus is an Associate Professor in the Ocean Engineering Department at Texas A&M University. He heads the Coastal Engineering Laboratory (CEL) on A&M’s Galveston Campus and is a distinguished partner with the A&M Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas (IDRT). His expertise includes field and laboratory measurements (piezo-electric, acoustic Doppler, sediment tracer, optical backscatter, laser anemometry, remote sensing) as well as process-based numerical modeling (CShore, XBeach, Delft3D, Funwave) related to nearshore and estuarine hydrodynamic...

L. David Givler, MSCE, PE

Givler Engineering, Inc.

San Antonio, Texas
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - flood, drainage, storm, water, floodplain, dam, hydraulics, FEMA, municipal, stormwater regulation, flood plain analysis, dam construction and maintenance, road construction and repair, water resources, runoff, flow, pipe, street, utility
Registration Professional Engineer, 1990 (PA No. PE 040565 E), 1993 (TX No. 73842), 2023 (OH No. PE.88791), 2023 (KY No. 38514), 2023 (OK No. 34041), 2023 (FL No. PE95991), 2023 (NM No. 28602), 2023 (MI No. 6201312442) Experience Experienced in hydrology and hydraulics. Performed numerous flood studies for rivers and creeks, bridge hydraulic studies, reservoir analyses, drainage designs and storm water pollution prevention plan designs. Experienced with dams. Designed new dams, performed inspections, analyzed seepage conditions, developed rehabilitation programs, developed Emergency Action Plans, developed foundation-grouting programs and constructed and operated physical models. Experienced city engineer, having served in multiple cities. Designed public street, drainage, and utility improvements. Reviewed subdivision plats, proposed utility modifications and ordinances. Experienced in site development and subdivisions. Designed roads, utilities, lot layouts, grading pla...

William F. Ikerd, II, PhD, PE, CM-BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM), VDC, LOD

IKERD Consulting, LLC

Dallas, Texas
Construction, Technology - Building Information Modeling (BIM), Level Of Development (LOD), Structural Engineering, 3D Modeling, Laser Scanning, LiDAR, scan-to-BIM, Metrology, Failure Analysis, Forensic Engineering, Architecture, MEP, mechanical, construction defects, concrete, steel, wood, timber, masonry, civil engineering
Dr. Will Ikerd, PhD, P.E. (TX) is principal at IKERD, a firm that specializes in consulting for attorneys, owners, general contractors, trade contractors and designers of buildings, civil, infrastructure, mechanical and manufacturing projects. The firm focuses in the areas of engineering, laser scanning, Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) and Building Information Modeling (BIM). Mr. Ikerd is currently on the board of directors of the BIMForum and chairs three of their Taskforces; BIM Execution Plan (BxP), Reality Capture / Laser scanning and Level Of Development (LOD). He graduated with his bachelor’s in civil engineering and masters in structural engineering in 1998 from Washington University in St. Louis with a focus on 3D parametric modeling and is currently a University of Denver PhD candidate in BIM research.

Amy Patrick, PE

Apollo BBC, Inc.

Houston, Texas
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - Engineering Design, Consulting Engineering, Structural Analysis, Infrastructure, Concrete, Steel Structures, Engineering, Construction, Grading, Drainage, Steel, Foundation, Brick, Building, Structure, Frame, Masonry, Flooding, Flood, Pools
Ms. Patrick is a Technical Consultant at Apollo BBC and a licensed professional engineer with over 15 years of experience. Ms. Patrick has a background in structural and civil engineering, including civil site development, structural design, structural forensics, highway and associated structure analysis and evaluation, retaining wall evaluation, flood mitigation and floodproofing, building envelope consulting, and finite element analysis of structural systems. Amy is a licensed professional engineer in Texas and California and has been an adjunct professor at the University of Houston-Downtown's Structural Analysis and Design program since 2013. She is an experienced expert witness in construction defect litigation.

Amin Terouhid, Ph.D., PE, PMP, CFE

Adroit Consultants, LLC

Construction Defects, OSHA - Civil Engineering, industrial engineering, forensic schedule and delay analysis, construction safety, slip and fall, construction injury, concrete inspection, standard of care, construction simulation and modeling, construction inspection, loss of productivity, critical path method (CPM), OSHA
Dr. Amin Terouhid is a Principal Consultant with Adroit Consultants, LLC. He leads a vibrant consulting practice on construction claim matters especially in the areas of delay analysis, loss of productivity, claims for changes, construction defects, and injury cases. With extensive experience working on several large and mega construction projects internationally and throughout the United States, he is a recognized expert in preparing and investigating construction claims. Served numerous times (in more than 100 cases) in the capacity of a consulting expert. Currently (Feb 2022) involved in one international arbitration case for a multimillion-dollar claim in the court of London and three other cases, including a construction delay and loss of productivity claim for a megaproject in New York, a construction injury case, and a slip and fall case in the United States. Licenses • Examined and certified as a Professional Engineer (P.E.) • Examined and certified by the Association of ...

David T Williams, PhD, PE, PH, CFM, CPESC, F.ASCE, D.WRE

DTW and Associates, Engineers, LLC

Civil Engineering, Hydrology - floodplain flooding, hydrology, river hydraulics, stream bank protection, stream restoration, fluvial geomorphology, levees, erosion control, stream bank failure, erosion control plans, best management practices, FEMA floodplain studies
Dr. David Williams, PE (CO, AZ, CA, LA, MO, NM, TX, HI, MS, OR, WA) has over 45 years of experience in the water resources industry and is known for his contributions to the industry. He is also a recognized expert in sedimentation engineering and in developing innovative solutions to difficult hydraulic and hydrologic design problems in rivers and estuaries. Dr. Williams previously served as a two-time President of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). He has served as chair of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Technical Committees on Sedimentation, Computational Hydraulics, River Restoration, and Risk, Uncertainty and Probabilistic Approaches. He served as a committee member of ASTM A05.12 (Wire specifications) and on ASTM D18.25 (Erosion Control Products). While chair of the Federal Interagency Technical Committee on Sedimentation, he worked with hydraulic and sedimentation experts from the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. ...

Marcor G. Platt, SE, PE, CBO, PMP, PMI-ACP

Engineer, Building Code, Project Management Expert

MarcorSEN Engineering

South Jordan, Utah
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - Forensic engineering, construction defects, structural failure and retrofit, bridge engineering, fall protection, building codes, project management, fire, water, wind, snow, flood, hurricane, tornado, impact, damage analysis, hydrologic and hydraulic river studies, electrical power line structures
Mr. Marcor Platt is a licensed civil and/or structural engineer (PE/SE) in 22 US states, districts, and territories - namely Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, the US Virgin Islands, Washington, and Washington D.C. He is a Building Code Specialist, credentialed by the International Code Council as a Certified Building Official (CBO). He is also Project Management Expert, certified by the Project Management Institute as a Project Management Professional (PMP) and Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP). He provides expert opinion reports and testimony for structural and civil projects involving both forensic engineering, design engineering, building codes, and project management. He has conducted over 700 forensic investigations involving roof failures, wall failures, foundation issues, corrosion, or other forms of damage result...

Michael Troy Richardson, BS, MA, MS

Amusement-Adventure-Trampoline Park Attractions

ZipSafe, LLC, dba Momentum Engineering

Santaquin, Utah
Travel & Tourism, Engineering - Zip line, Trampoline Park, Amusement Park, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Risk Management, Aerial Adventure, Challenge Courses
Michael Troy Richardson studied Integrating Engineering and earned a BS in 2014. Ten years later, Troy earned a Master's in Technical Writing. In 2024, Troy was selected for the Engineering & Technology Management (MS-ETM) master's program at Utah Valley University. Before his education, he owned AA Machining, & Welding (1995-2016), Inc. and was National-Board Certified. His company manufactured and built amusement rides. He still supplies the amusement ride industry with safer products. Synopsis Troy owns Momentum Engineering, he has supplied the amusement ride industry with inspections, audits, 3rd party training, and inspections for over 23 years. He votes, writes rationales, and shares his expertise with the industry standards, and his clients' benefit. As a member of ASTM F24 and F15, he influences safety changes in the standards. He has researched over two hundred amusement ride accidents. In 2016, Troy and Rex Bush, Esq. authored a Utah Trial Journal Article, "Zipline I...

Michael F Myers, PE, CFM

30 Scale, LLC

Palmyra, Virginia
Civil Engineering, Hydrology - Drainage, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Floodplain Mapping, Storm Sewer, Stormwater Management, Flooding, Storm Drainage, FEMA, Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control, Runoff
Mr. Myers has over 25 years of experience as a civil engineer in Virginia as the engineer-of-record on projects involving hydrologic/hydraulic analysis for land development projects. A Professional Engineer in Virginia since 1999 and a Certified Floodplain Manager since 2012, Mr. Myers is experienced in commercial and residential stormwater management design, floodplain management, erosion and sediment control design, and assessing drainage issues through field investigation and written report.

Tara L Pase

Bramel Engineering, LLC

Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - Construction Defect, Concrete, Seismic, Retaining Walls, OSHA, Building Codes, Steel, Earthquake, Stormwater Management, Civil Engineering, Failure Analysis, Wood, Wind, Construction, Structural Engineering, Strength of Materials, Masonry, Foundations, Construction Accident, Design and Analysis
Civil/Structural Engineering Construction Defects Building Codes OSHA Failure Analysis Strength of Materials Concrete/Steel/Wood/Masonry Design Concrete/Steel/Wood/Masonry Analysis Seismic Design and Analysis Wind Design and Analysis Foundations and Retaining Structures Grading and Soil Properties Field Repair Designs Stormwater Management Component/Connection Design and Analysis Construction Cost Estimates Building Envelope (Moisture Barriers) Construction Management Registered Professional Engineer, State of New York, License No.087752 Registered Professional Engineer, State of Maryland, License No.42640 Registered Professional Engineer, Commonwealth of Virginia, License No.051210 Registered Professional Engineer, State of New Jersey, License No.24GE05239300

Michelle L Macauley

Geotechnical Engineer and Trenchless Expert

Macauley Expert Services

Tacoma, Washington
Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Engineering - trenchless, drilling, tunnel, tunneling, pipeline, HDD, microtunnel, auger, boring, pipe, ramming, sinkhole, geology, construction, DSC, differing, horizontal, directional
I am a nationally recognized Geotechnical Engineer and Trenchless Expert. I have been involved with litigation matters involving construction issues related to pipeline installations using trenchless technologies. Qualifications and Accreditation M.S., Geological Engineering, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1996 B.S., Geological Sciences, University of Washington, 1994 California: Professional Engineer (Civil), Cert. No. C74224 Washington: Professional Engineer (Civil), Lic. No. 37412 Alaska: Professional Engineer (Civil), Lic. No. AELC11636 Memberships and Professional Organizations American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE) • Executive Committee, Pipeline Division, Board member, 10/2024 to present • Manual of Practice (MOP) for Introduction to Trenchless Technologies (new MOP), Committee chair, 9/2024 to present • MOP for Horizontal Directional Drilling (MOP 108) committee member, 2021 to present • MOP for the Direct Steerable Pipe Thrusting (MOP 155), committee member, 2017 t...

Evan A. Page, PLS

Land Surveying Expert

Selkirk-Cabinet Land Surveying, PLLC

Land Surveying, Civil Engineering - Boundary, Riparian, Littoral, Easement, Land Title, Standard of Care, Surveyor Negligence, Property Dispute, Adverse Possession, Prescriptive Easement, Encroachment, Mapping, Topographic Survey, Construction Survey, Water Boundary, Public Land Survey System, Forensic Surveys, Land Descriptions
Evan Page has over 40 years of broad land surveying experience and is licensed in California, Idaho and Washington. He is a regionally recognized speaker on boundary and other survey topics. He developed particular expertise in water boundaries (river, lake and coastal) during his thirteen years with the California State Lands Commission, from which he retired as a Senior Boundary Determination Officer in 2021. Mr. Page served as a Technical Expert on many enforcement matters for the California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists (BPELSG). He also served on the state-specific Professional Land Surveyors licensing exam development and grading teams for several years and on several ad hoc advisory teams for BPLESG. Mr. Page has served as expert witness and/or expert consultant for several private parties on land survey matters involving land and water boundaries, title matters, survey practice, standard of care and surveyor negligence. He has testifie...

Scott Phelan, Ph.D, P.E., P.Eng., S.E.

Caprock Engineering, PLLC

Greater Seattle Area, Washington
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - Highway Bridge Design, Transit Guideway Design, Structural Bridge Design, Concrete Segmental Bridge Design, Design-Build, Value Engineering
I serve as President and Chief Technical Specialist for Caprock Engineering, PLLC, and as a Principal Engineer with Systra-IBT. I have over thirty years of experience in structural bridge design. My LinkedIn profile is at I serve on the international American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Economics & Finance Committee, the national Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Bridges Committee, and the regional American Council of Engineering Companies/ Washington Department of Transportation (ACEC/WSDOT) Structures & Geotech Subcommittee. I recently was inducted as an ASCE Fellow. I have participated in the design and construction of numerous concrete segmental bridge projects, including the final design of two world-record bridges and the construction of the first precast concrete segmental bridges in the State of Washington. I recently served as Co-Chair of the Seattle DOT Technica...
You can also find Civil Engineering Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii , Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas , Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington