Nurse Expert Witnesses in Illinois

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of nurse expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on nurse and related issues. Nurse expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these nurse expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Acute Care, Adult Nursing, Airway Obstruction, Cardiac Arrest, Critical Care, Decubitus, Medical Malpractice, Nurse, Nursing Standard Of Care, Personal Injury, Pressure Injuries, Respiratory Nursing, Tracheostomy, Wound Care Management, and Wound Healing.

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Mary B. Gloeckner, RN,MS,WOCN,APN

Expert in Wound Care and Pressure Injuries

Moline, Illinois
Wound Care, Nurse - Pressure Injuries, Wounds due to Pressure, Decubitus, Wounds, Wound healing, Wounds in Nursing Homes, Wound Management, Wound Care Management
Mary Gloeckner has an extensive background in Pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment in both Acute and Long term care areas. She has been board certified by the Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nurse Society (WOCN) for 44 years. She has also been a member of WOCN, Sigma Theta Tau, United Ostomy Association of America (UOAA), and WCET for 44 years. She served on the WOCN Certification Board from 2010 to 2014 and the International Wound Board ISTAP from 2011 through 2021. In 2016 Mary was awarded the Top Wound/Ostomy Nurse of the Year.

Stacey Kelland, MSN, BA, RN, BC-MS, BC-CV, CRNI

Burgess Experts INC

Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - Registered Nurse, Medical/Surgical nursing, Cardiovascular nursing, Infusion nurse, IV, Falls
• 13+ years of hands-on expertise in nursing. • Inpatient staff nurse and educator in Long Island, New York. INS certified in Infusion Nursing ANCC Board Certified in Medical/Surgical and Cardiovascular Nursing. • 2022-P ANCC Vice Chair- Content Expert board member for setting the standards/creating the Cardiovascular nursing certification exam. • 2019- 2021 ANCC Content Expert board member for setting the standards/creating the medical/surgical nursing certification exam. • 2020 Award Winner of the Florence Nightingale Honor for Advancing the Profession of Nursing. • 2022 team DAISY Award winner for Nursing Excellence. • Active Registered Nurse licenses to practice in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Florida and Texas. • Nurse Expert experienced in consultation, report writing, deposition and trial testimony. • Master of Science in Nursing Education with experience in teaching nursing clinical.

Nicole McCaughin, MSN, RNC, C-EFM, C-ONQS

Nurse, Obstetrics & Gynecology - labor and delivery, labor and delivery nurse, obstetrics, high risk obstetrics, fetal monitoring, birth injury, antepartum, nursing license defense
Nicole McCaughin, MSN, RNC, C-EFM, C-ONQS Certified in Inpatient Obstetrics, External Fetal Monitoring, Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety and Inpatient Antepartum Nursing. Currently working as a bedside labor and delivery nurse. As well as bedside practice worked as an adjunct faculty member teaching Women's Health at Ohlone Nursing College, Science Team Member for AWHONN, and Expert Practice Consultant for the Board of Registered Nursing. Published co-author of two Association of Women's Health and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Evidenced Based Guidelines. Published position statement that was printed in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing in March of 2020. Podium presentation at national AWHONN conference 2020. Synovia panelist speaker for the Joint Commission; meeting the measures symposium April 2021. Expert practice consultant and expert witness for the California Department of Consumer Affairs and the Board of Registered Nursing. Experienced...

Dr Linda L. Morris, Ph.D., APN, CCNS, FCCM

Dr Linda L. Morris

Darien, Illinois
Critical Care Medicine, Nurse - tracheostomy specialist, critical care, respiratory nursing, adult nursing, airway obstruction, cardiac arrest, nurse, acute care, medical malpractice, nursing standard of care, tracheostomy care, personal injury
Linda Morris is a certified clinical nurse specialist in critical care, who provides consultation and expert testimony in medical-legal cases. Over 30 years experience in health care, including positions in the clinical environment, education, and academia. Advanced practice nurse for respiratory care and tracheostomy specialist. Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Anesthesiology with the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine. Tracheostomy specialist and co-editor / author of the new book, Tracheostomies: The Complete Guide, 2nd Ed. (Morris & Afifi, 2021, Benchmark Health Publishing). Speaker who has developed and presented hundreds of formal and informal programs to numerous professional, civic, and community groups. Clinical consulting for tracheostomy patients (improving care; developing policies, protocols, teaching, etc.)
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Colorado, California, Maryland, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Maine, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, Washington, Pennsylvania, Texas, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, South Carolina, Montana, Mississippi, Nevada, and Virginia