Trade Dress Infringement Expert Witnesses

Trade dress infringement expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on trade dress infringement. The trade dress infringement expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Advertising, Clothing/Apparel, Industrial Design, Intellectual Property, and Marketing.

Joel Delman

Informed Innovation Inc.

Los Angeles, California
Industrial Design, Intellectual Property - Design, Design Patent Infringement, Design Patent Validity, Utility Patent Infringement, Utility Patent Validity, Patent Litigation, Trade Dress Infringement, Trade Dress, Secondary Meaning, Functionality, Likelihood of Confusion, Product Design, Industrial Design
Formerly a corporate lawyer, I graduated Harvard Law School and later earned a Master's in Industrial Design at Pratt Institute. From toys to complex medical devices, I've spent the past 28 years guiding innovation through strategic product development, and have helped hundreds of clients bridge the elusive gap between creative insight and commercial success. As design consultant to a broad range of markets and industries, I keep my finger on the pulse of critical trends in consumer electronics, medical devices, transportation, IOT, toys, and a host of other product categories. With clients including LG Electronics, Swingline, Kimberly Clark, Olympus, Qualcomm, Novartis, Fisher Price, Blackberry, Dell, Intel, Disney and Hallmark, I bring that foundation of understanding to my work as design expert witness, and it has proven invaluable to developing effective litigation strategies and legal arguments. Designers think in such a unique way that it's been coined “Design Thinking,” whi...

Gabriele Goldaper

Marina Del Rey, California
Clothing/Apparel, Intellectual Property - Apparel/Clothing Industry, Apparel/Licensing, Brand Dilution, Copyright Infringement, Fashion Industry, Clothing Industry. Garment Industry, Intellectual Property, Licensing, Textile(s), Trademark and Trade Dress Infringement, Branding and Fashion Marketing
More than 45 years experience in the Fashion/Garment/Clothing Industry, as a retailer, manufacturer, consultant & college instructor. A perceptive & articulate expert witness who has been involved in more than 150 apparel industry legal disputes during the past several years. Ms. Goldaper has been deposed and testified for both defendants and plaintiffs. 
She has owned her own clothing manufacturing company & held key executive positions in major public and private apparel companies. Ms. Goldaper has been a management consultant to over 180 new, failing or growing apparel companies, and completed assignments for the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Romania, Egypt, El Salvador, Moscow, Thailand & Bulgaria as an apparel expert. She is a 35-year member of the faculty at Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising.

Brian Sowers, MBA

Applied Marketing Science, Inc.

Burlington, Massachusetts
Marketing, Advertising - Survey research, Lanham Act, trademark infringement, trade dress infringement, likelihood of confusion, dilution, secondary meaning, genericness, false/deceptive advertising, class action, Intellectual property
Federal and state level qualified consumer survey expert with 30 years market research experience. Principal at Applied Marketing Science, Inc., a full-service market research and consulting firm. Mr. Sowers has served as a testifying expert and submitted reports to Federal and State Courts, as well the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, in a variety of litigation matters on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants. He has personally designed and conducted thousands of market research surveys across a broad range of modalities and a broad range of populations. Mr. Sowers hosts an annual CLE accredited webinar on survey evidence in Intellectual Property and serves as an editor for The Trademark Reporter. His expert services include survey design, implementation and analysis, expert report preparation, critique of opposing expert reports, expert testimony, guidance on the deposition and trial questioning of opposing expert witnesses.

Michael Keyes

Dorsey & Whitney

Seattle, Washington
Marketing, Advertising - Consumer Surveys, Lanham Act, Likelihood of Confusion, Dilution, Trade Dress Infringement, Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Genericness, False Advertising, False Labeling, Consumer Class Actions, TTAB, NAD
Michael Keyes is a partner at Dorsey & Whitney, an international law firm. He brings a unique value proposition to the table as a consumer survey expert. He has been litigating and trying trademark cases for nearly 25 years. In this capacity he has represented some of the biggest and most well-known brands in the world including TikTok,, Meta, Kraft Foods, Abercrombie & Fitch, the North Face, Footlocker, and Sazerac. In addition to his distinguished career as a trademark and advertising trial lawyer, Mike has vast expertise as a consumer survey researcher. He has an advanced degree in survey research and data analysis. He publishes, writes, and lectures on the topic of consumer survey evidence for national legal organizations including the American Bar Association, the American Intellectual Property Law Association, and the Practicing Law Institute. He has also provided trainings and briefings related to consumer survey research to the American Association for ...