Endoscopy Expert Witnesses

Endoscopy expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on endoscopy. The endoscopy expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anesthesiology, Bariatric Surgery, Colon & Rectal Surgery, Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Hepatology, Internal Medicine, Legal Nurse Consulting, Medical Management, Nurse Anesthetist, Nursing Administration, Nutrition, and Obstetrical Anesthesiology.

Steven M Fendley, MD, FACS

Wiregrass Surgical

Dothan, Alabama
General Surgery, Colon & Rectal Surgery - endoscopy, colonoscopy, open hernia, laparoscopic hernia, robotic hernia, cholecystectomy, mastectomy, lumpectomy, breast biopsy, lymph node mapping biopsy, gastric sleeve, robotic bariatric surgery, appendectomy, colectomy, hemorrhoidectomy, laparoscopy, breast cancer, da Vinci, reflux
With over 34 years experience and over 45,000 surgical cases/procedures in a high volume general surgery practice for which he is the senior partner, Dr. Steve Fendley has extensive experience and expertise in open, laparoscopic and robotic surgery. He was an early adopter of the da Vinci Robot platform and immersed himself in training on the da Vinci in 2012, now having completed over 2,400 robotic cases, while continuing a full general surgery practice, with a high volume of hernia repair, EGD/colonoscopy, mastectomy, colectomy, gastric sleeve, appendectomy, cholecystectomy as well as other common general procedures. Robotically, he specializes in hernia repair, gastric sleeves and anti-reflux surgeries. He currently serves as the Medical Director of Robotic Services at Flowers Hospital. He led the transition regionally from open to laparoscopic surgery, and now to da Vinci Robotic general surgery, serving as a site mentor and consultant for Intuitive Surgical. His vast ex...

Alfreda Miller-Coleman, MD

Board Certified Anesthesiologist

Trussville, Alabama
Anesthesiology - Ambulatory, Outpatient, General, Monitored Anesthesia Care, Regional, Endoscopy, Medical Board Case Review

James E. Martinez, MD

Gastroenterology Specialists, PC

Scottsdale, Arizona
Gastroenterology - Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Dilation, ERCP, Indications and Complications, GI Bleeding, Biliary Disease, Colon Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Liver Disease
Over 13 years of Expert Opinion . Testimony in both plaintiff and defense cases, including the United States Attorney's Office. President New Mexico Medical Society 2014-2016. Board Certified. Assistant Clinical Professor, Endoscopy Unit Director, Medical Case Review Committee. Email at [email protected]

David Goldenberg, MD, MSHS

Gastroenterology Expert, Stanford Faculty

Palo Alto, California
Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine - Colonoscopy, intellectual property, gastrointestinal bleeding, Ulcer, Constipation, Diarrhea, PEG tube, Clostridium difficile, fecal microbiota transplant, EGD, colitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, brain-gut interaction, posttraumatic abdominal symptoms, Endoscopy, irritable bowel syndrome, IBD
I direct the general gastroenterology group of physicians as an assistant clinical professor at Stanford University, and I have a full-time clinical practice in gastroenterology. Additionally, I teach medical students, residents, fellows, and other gastroenterologists. I have performed thousands of endoscopic procedures. In addition to teaching, clinical, and leadership work, I am a Biodesign Faculty Fellow at Stanford University and have experience with medical innovation and several patents. I completed expert witness training with SEAK. I completed my fellowship and master's degree at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, residency at Tufts University, and medical school at Dartmouth College.

Christian Jackson, MD FACG

Gastroenterology Expert Witness

Specialty Experts

Westlake Village , California
Gastroenterology - GI, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), diarrhea, constipation, colorectal cancer screening and surveillance, iron deficiency anemia, GI bleeding, gastrointestinal angiodysplasia (GIAD), Barrett's esophagus, colonoscopy, endoscopy, endomicroscopy, sedation complication, small bowel disease
Credentials: - Diplomate American Board of Internal Medicine, subspecialty in Gastroenterology Affiliations: - Health Sciences Clinical Professor, University California Riverside - Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology - Assistant Clinical Associate professor of Public health, Loma Linda University school of Public Health - Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Loma Linda University- Medical Center Hospital Affiliations: - Loma Linda VA Healthcare System Dr. Christian Jackson is board-certified in Gastroenterology specializing in both general and complex gastrointestinal diseases with over 18 years of experience. His medical interests include the treatment of a wide array of gastrointestinal conditions including but not limited to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), diarrhea, constipation, colorectal cancer screening and surveillance, iron deficiency anemia and gastrointestinal bleeding. Dr. Jackson is widely respected for his unique focus on gastroi...

Susan M. Thibeault, DNAP, CRNA

Branford, Connecticut
Nurse Anesthetist, Anesthesiology - CRNA, hospital liability, airway, fire, aspiration, awareness, EMR/EHR Audit trails, capnography, dental, endoscopy, colonoscopy, intubation, non-OR anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care (MAC), overdose, oversedation, positioning, post anesthesia care unit, PACU, central line
Yale-trained nurse anesthetist leader in active clinical practice. Clinical experience includes both operating room and non-operating room procedures. Head of CRNA quality and safety for Yale New Haven Hospital – a 1,500+ bed level 1 trauma center. Has reviewed numerous adverse events for deviations from standard of care. Extensive public speaking experience.

Joel Chodos, MD, JD

Digestive Health Center

Newark, Delaware
Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine - Endoscopy, Swallowing difficulties, Colonoscopy, GI bleeding, Ulcerative Colitis, Colon Cancer, GI Cancer diagnosis, colon cancer, Barrett's esophagus, Constipation, Acid Reflux, Diarrhea, Crohn's Disease, malabsorption, celiac disease
Over 15 years of various medico-legal experience including trial experience while in full time active practice of medicine. Board certified in GI and Internal Medicine. Excellent communication skills including scientific/medical issues explained in layman's terms. Careful, Insightful, Deliberate, Articulate Analysis. Timely performance. Keen attention to detail. Have JD degree acquired via 4 years of part time study while in med practice. Passed California Bar 2017 on first attempt. Member California bar. Meticulous attention to detail. Medical school teaching experience and also have taught medicine and physiology at local university. Publish GI newsletter for physicians.

David S. Borislow, MD

Gastroenterology and Liver Disease Specialist

David Borislow MD, PLLC

Treasure Island, Florida
Gastroenterology, Hepatology - Endoscopy, colonoscopy, colorectal cancer screening, Barrett’s esophagus, GERD, diseases of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, hepatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, food borne illness, perforation, pancreatitis, colon polyp
I am an experienced board-certified gastroenterologist, trained at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Duke University Medical Center. I have practiced in the Tampa Bay area for over 34 years, where I have both directed my own practice, and was instrumental in the formation of a large single specialty group practice. I have been involved in the formation and management of several endoscopy centers, and have been the Chief of Endoscopy at a large regional hospital for several terms. I have been on the American College of Gastroenterology Practice Management Committe, which included medical legal issues, and co-chaired a national conference for the ACG on practice management. I am open to reviewing cases for both defendants and plaintiffs, including depositions and trial testimony. In addition, I have also reviewed records and offered my expert opinion related to potential food-borne illness assertions.

Steven M Fendley, MD, FACS

Wiregrass Surgical

General Surgery, Colon & Rectal Surgery - endoscopy, colonoscopy, open hernia, laparoscopic hernia, robotic hernia, cholecystectomy, mastectomy, lumpectomy, breast biopsy, lymph node mapping biopsy, gastric sleeve, robotic bariatric surgery, appendectomy, colectomy, hemorrhoidectomy, laparoscopy, breast cancer, da Vinci, reflux
With over 34 years experience and over 45,000 surgical cases/procedures in a high volume general surgery practice for which he is the senior partner, Dr. Steve Fendley has extensive experience and expertise in open, laparoscopic and robotic surgery. He was an early adopter of the da Vinci Robot platform and immersed himself in training on the da Vinci in 2012, now having completed over 2,400 robotic cases, while continuing a full general surgery practice, with a high volume of hernia repair, EGD/colonoscopy, mastectomy, colectomy, gastric sleeve, appendectomy, cholecystectomy as well as other common general procedures. Robotically, he specializes in hernia repair, gastric sleeves and anti-reflux surgeries. He currently serves as the Medical Director of Robotic Services at Flowers Hospital. He led the transition regionally from open to laparoscopic surgery, and now to da Vinci Robotic general surgery, serving as a site mentor and consultant for Intuitive Surgical. His vast ex...

Mark A Molos, MD

Gastroenterology & Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

MedMalpractice Reviews

Boca Raton, Florida
Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine - Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, EGD, Esophageal Dilation, Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Colon Cancer, Colon Polyps, Barrett's Esophagus, GERD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, SMA Syndrome, Celiac Disease, Perforation, Food Poisioing, Difficulty swallowing, Obesity Treatment
Board Certified Gastroenterologist with over 35 years of clinical experience. Innovator, Entrepreneur and holder of 5 USA Patents & Multiple PCT Patents for Medical Devices. 30,000+ colonoscopies performed. Highly Experienced Expert witness – over 100 cases, 40 Depositions and 12 Trials. Have treated many patients with Inflammatory Bowel disease with Remicade (Infliximab), Humira (Adalimumab), Cimzia (Certolizumab), Entyvio (Vedolizumab), Stelara (Ustekinumab), Skyrizi (Risankizumab), Omvoh (Mirikizumab), Xeljanz (Tofacitinib), Rinvoq (Upadactinib), Zeposia (Ozanimod), Velsipity (Etrasimod), Imuran, Prednisone. Have treated patients with Obesity and Obesity Surgery, Bariatric Surgery Complications. Extensive experience in treating and evaluating patients with Obesity, GERD (Acid Reflux), Dysphagia (Difficulty Swallowing), Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Constipation, Iron Deficiency Anemia, GI & Rectal Bleeding.


Bariatric and General Surgery Expert

Nevada Surgical, University of Nevada School of Medicine

Bariatric Surgery, General Surgery - Bariatric Surgery Program Director, Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, Ambulatory Surgery Center, Hernia, Mesh, Obesity, Diabetes, Surgical Devices, Endoscopy, Endoscopic Dilation, Endoscopic stent, Gastric Balloon, Cancer Surgery, Wound Management, Sepsis, Colostomy, Hiatal hernia, Fundoplication
Thought leader and 20+ years service as Medical Director of a Nationally Accredited Bariatric Center; Performed over 10,000 Bariatric Surgical procedures; Highly experienced expert case reviewer and witness with over 100 case reviews for Nevada State Medical Board and US Air Force; over 25 depositions and trials, Author of the books Outpatient Weight Loss Surgery and The type 2 Diabetes Cure, Inventor and patent holder of bariatric surgical device. Experienced surgeon in areas of bariatric surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, duodenal switch, reoperative surgery, revisional surgery, hiatal hernia, wound care, biologics, colorectal surgery, pelvic floor and incontinence treatment, sacral neuromodulation, advanced endoscopy, Barrett's esophagus, hernia and mesh, endoscopic stenting, leaks, and solving complications. Top of class AOA medical school graduate from the University of California San Francisco, published research scientist, award-winning teacher and surgeon. San...

Steven Siegal, MD, FACS

General Surgeon with Bariatric and GI Expertise

General Surgery Institute

Fort Myers, Florida
General Surgery, Bariatric Surgery - Endoscopy, Hernia, Gastrointestinal, Solid Organ, Postoperative Care, Colonoscopy, Colon, Weight Loss, Acid reflux, Hiatal Hernia, Upper GI, Swallowing Disorders, Robotic Surgery, Wound Care, Stomach Surgery, Hiatal Hernia, Bariatric Surgery, Endoscopic Sleeve, Gastric Bypass, Bowel Injury
Dr. Siegal is a board-certified fellow surgeon of the American College of Surgeons with specialty training in minimally invasive bariatric, robotic, and endoscopic surgery. He graduated from the University of Miami in 2008, then received his medical degree from the University of Florida in 2013. Dr. Siegal then pursued his general surgery residency at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, OR where he published many peer-reviewed research papers focused on hernia surgery, esophageal cancer, and reflux disease. He then pursued a fellowship in advanced robotic gastrointestinal, endoscopic and bariatric surgery at Penn State University where he focused on advanced surgical endoscopy. In addition to being a Founding Member of the American Foregut Society, Dr. Siegal carries the following certifications: SAGES Flexible Endoscopy, Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery, Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery, Fundamental Use of Surgical Energy, Intuitive Robotic Surgery, Stop ...

Steven M Fendley, MD, FACS

Wiregrass Surgical

General Surgery, Colon & Rectal Surgery - endoscopy, colonoscopy, open hernia, laparoscopic hernia, robotic hernia, cholecystectomy, mastectomy, lumpectomy, breast biopsy, lymph node mapping biopsy, gastric sleeve, robotic bariatric surgery, appendectomy, colectomy, hemorrhoidectomy, laparoscopy, breast cancer, da Vinci, reflux
With over 34 years experience and over 45,000 surgical cases/procedures in a high volume general surgery practice for which he is the senior partner, Dr. Steve Fendley has extensive experience and expertise in open, laparoscopic and robotic surgery. He was an early adopter of the da Vinci Robot platform and immersed himself in training on the da Vinci in 2012, now having completed over 2,400 robotic cases, while continuing a full general surgery practice, with a high volume of hernia repair, EGD/colonoscopy, mastectomy, colectomy, gastric sleeve, appendectomy, cholecystectomy as well as other common general procedures. Robotically, he specializes in hernia repair, gastric sleeves and anti-reflux surgeries. He currently serves as the Medical Director of Robotic Services at Flowers Hospital. He led the transition regionally from open to laparoscopic surgery, and now to da Vinci Robotic general surgery, serving as a site mentor and consultant for Intuitive Surgical. His vast ex...

Sheela Mahendra, MD

Sheela Mahendra MD LLC

Wheaton, Illinois
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Nutrition - Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Foreign body ingestions, Malnutrition, Failure to thrive, Rett syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, Celiac disease, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Abdominal pain, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Short Bowel syndrome, Neonatal cholestasis, Refeeding Syndrome, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy
Professional specialization in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Pediatric Nutrition. Expertise in managing nutritional needs (enteral and parenteral) in medically complex patients. Expertise in esophagogastroduodenoscopies and colonoscopies with biopsies, foreign body removal in pediatric patients. Treat the following conditions: Failure to thrive/ Malnutrition, Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Short Bowel syndrome, Celiac disease, GERD, Abdominal pain, Aerodigestive disorders, Neonatal Cholestasis, Cystic Fibrosis- pancreatic insufficiency, liver disease. • Experienced speaker to public and medical professionals on topics in pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. • Golden Apple award recipient for Nutrition education for Pediatric Residency Program in 2019. Board certified: Pediatric Gastroenterology (2015), General Pediatrics (2012) Certified Nutrition Support Physician, National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists (2017) Active State Medical Licenses: Illinois (201...

Aboubakr Khairat, FACS, MRCSI, CABS


Ellicott City, Maryland
General Surgery, Bariatric Surgery - Laparoscopic, robotic, minimally invasive, bariatric surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, morbidly obese, weight loss surgery, obesity, endoscopy, colonoscopy, laparoscopic hernia, robotic hernia, abdominal wall reconstruction, cholecystectomy
Dr. Aboubakr Khairat, MD, is a highly skilled double-board certified general surgeon, specializing in both pediatric and adult surgery. Trained in Qatar as a pediatric surgeon, Dr. Khairat further honed his expertise through additional training in adult general surgery in the United States. Currently practicing as an abdominal and bariatric surgeon in the United States, he brings a wealth of experience and proficiency to his patients. Dr. Khairat is particularly passionate about utilizing minimally invasive/robotic surgical approaches and pioneering innovative techniques to optimize patient outcomes. Training University of Maryland Medical Center Residency, Surgery, 2013 University of Florida, Jacksonville, FL Internship, General Surgery, 2009 Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar Residency, Pediatric Surgery, 2006 Ain Shams University, Faculty of Medicine Professional Education, MBBCH, 1997 Organizations American Medical Association American College of Surgeons American Society of Met...

Eric J. Kraut, MD, FACS

General Surgery, Trauma and Critical Care

Eric J Kraut MD LLC

Owings Mills, Maryland
Trauma Surgery, General Surgery - General Surgery, Trauma, Critical Care, abdominal surgery, hernias, laparoscopy, endoscopy, bleeding, sepsis, injuries, intestinal surgery, cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, diverticulitis, wounds, perforations, falls, motor vehicles crash, penetrating injuries
I have been in practice for 28 years. I am an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University and I am board certified in general surgery and critical care. I have held many administrative positions which involved review of medical care. These include chief of surgery, trauma medical director, medical director of ambulatory surgery center, medical director and founder of a breast cancer center as well as educator of residents and students. I have had a broad experience in my career including both academic and private practices and levels 1, 2 and 3 trauma centers. I have maintained a broad range of skills. My career has included vascular, thoracic, oncologic, advanced laparoscopic and open procedures.

Dan M. Drzymalski, MD, CHCQM

Anesthesiologist trained at Harvard Med

Tufts Medical Center

Boston, Massachusetts
Anesthesiology, Obstetrical Anesthesiology - Quality, Anesthesia, Pregnancy, Cesarean section, Epidural analgesia, Spinal anesthesia, Labor pain, Cerclage, Tubal ligation, Blood patch, Amniotic fluid embolism, Intubation, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Pulmonary embolism, Heparin, obstetric fellowship
Recognized with several awards, nearly 40 peer reviewed publications, graduated M.D. from Harvard Medical School in 2011, now Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at Tufts Medical Center, active full time clinical practice. Double Board certified in Anesthesia and Health Care Quality and Management. Several years of experience at Medical Director (Division Chief) of obstetric anesthesia at a large academic medical center. Served on Credentialing Committee, Vice President of Medical Staff, Perinatal Quality Committee, Medical Board Ad Hoc Investigatory Sub-Committee, Task Force for Safety and High Reliability Organization, Transfusion committee, Clinical Competency Committee

Ilan Mizrahi, MD

Harvard Faculty: Anesthesiology & Critical Care

Massachusetts General Hospital

Brookline, Massachusetts
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine - General Anesthesia, Postoperative complications, Critical Care, ICU, Difficult Airway, ACLS, Shock, Sepsis, Resuscitation, Perioperative medicine, PACU, Orthopedic anesthesia, General Surgery, Endoscopy, Airway Management, Spinal Anesthesia, Informed Consent, Central Line, Cardiac Arrest
Dr. Ilan Mizrahi is a Harvard-trained, double board-certified anesthesiologist and critical care physician, currently practicing at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Mizrahi specializes in all aspects of anesthesia care, including pre-surgical evaluation, anesthesia management during surgery, and post-surgical recovery. He is highly experienced in assessing whether the standard of care was met during anesthesia and in addressing complications that arise after surgery, whether in the recovery room, during a hospital stay, or in the ICU. In addition to his work in the operating room, Dr. Mizrahi is a senior physician in the ICU, where he cares for critically ill patients, both surgical and medical. He provides expert insight into the standard of care for hospitalized patients, including those experiencing emergencies such as cardiac arrest, "code-blue" events, the need for CPR, or urgent intubation. He has particular expertise in "failure-to-rescue" cases, which involve delays in r...



Hingham, Massachusetts
Emergency Medicine, Legal Nurse Consulting - ER nurse expert, ED nurse expert, ER legal nurse consultant, emergency room standards of care, Trauma, Triage, Wound Care, Med-Surg, dialysis, endoscopy, Gastroenterology, nursing standards of care, nursing education
I have more than 20 years' extensive experience including emergency medicine, global health, flight medicine, dialysis, clinical and classroom instruction, I served as the Nurse Manager of Dialysis Services at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and work clinically as an Advanced Clinician in the Emergency Department of Massachusetts General Hospital. I previously served at MGH in the Center for Global Health working in Uganda and the Center for Disaster Medicine focused on Biothreat response during the Ebola outbreak. I have been Adjunct Faculty Acute Care nursing education and Clinical Faculty at Simmons University. I have deployed as a humanitarian aid nurse for Project Hope to Nepal (2015 earthquake) and Afghanistan (2021refugee transport). I have worked internationally and domestically providing HAZMAT-WMD. I am a Nurse Specialist on the HHS/ASPR/ NDMS Massachusetts –1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team. Currently, I serve as Professional Development Manager providing nursing ...

Jason Reich, MD

Gastroenterology Expert - Proven Success

Sharon, Massachusetts
Gastroenterology, Hepatology - Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastrointestinal bleeding, acid reflux (GERD), colon cancer, pancreas, liver, hepatology, Barret's Esophagus, GERD, Cirrhosis, endoscopy, colonoscopy, diverticulitis, perforation, gastric ulcers
Dr. Reich is an academically trained gastroenterologist and has been an expert witness for the past few years. He currently practices gastroenterology with Southcoast Health in Southern Massachusetts. Over the last 4 years, he has been retained in several cases, offering his expert opinion for both defense and plaintiff attorneys. He is board certified in Gastroenterology, and Internal Medicine, and licensed to practice medicine in the states of Massachusetts, Florida, New Mexico and Indiana. He also serves as a gastroenterology consultant for Evens https://evens.com/ to help to roll out an online personalized acid reflux treatment platform. He has a particular interest in telemedicine and digital health and provides consults for 2nd.MD, as well as Sitka. Dr. Reich also has experience with medical chart review and has written numerous articles for medical news websites.

Tara L MacLaren-Gibson, CRNA

Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - Outpatient surgery, anesthesia for office dental procedures, endoscopy, plastic surgery, airway management, orthopedic surgery, neuro surgery, General anesthesia, TIVA, pre-op evaluation, PACU, positioning, standard of care, patient safety, sedation management, CRNA practice, anesthetic techniques
I am an actively practicing CRNA with over 18 years of clinical experience including anesthesia management for inpatient and outpatient surgery, endoscopy centers, and dental offices. I worked primarily at a 400 bed community hospital for 15 years before switching completely to an outpatient practice in 2020. I was a lead CRNA for 6 years and I have been the CRNA staffing manager for a small 1099 practice for 9 years. I facilitate all onboarding of CRNAs, as well as handle staffing, payroll, and other duties necessary. I have assisted in the development of an outpatient total joint program and worked on numerous QA projects and updated and reviewed anesthesia policies. I have served as a clinical preceptor for nurse anesthetist training programs, as well as some education for medical students. I also mentor nurses as they prepare for entrance into anesthesia programs. As a clinician and expert I will provide a thorough and detail oriented review of records, case preparation a...


Bariatric and General Surgery Expert

Nevada Surgical, University of Nevada School of Medicine

Reno, Nevada
Bariatric Surgery, General Surgery - Bariatric Surgery Program Director, Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, Ambulatory Surgery Center, Hernia, Mesh, Obesity, Diabetes, Surgical Devices, Endoscopy, Endoscopic Dilation, Endoscopic stent, Gastric Balloon, Cancer Surgery, Wound Management, Sepsis, Colostomy, Hiatal hernia, Fundoplication
Thought leader and 20+ years service as Medical Director of a Nationally Accredited Bariatric Center; Performed over 10,000 Bariatric Surgical procedures; Highly experienced expert case reviewer and witness with over 100 case reviews for Nevada State Medical Board and US Air Force; over 25 depositions and trials, Author of the books Outpatient Weight Loss Surgery and The type 2 Diabetes Cure, Inventor and patent holder of bariatric surgical device. Experienced surgeon in areas of bariatric surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, duodenal switch, reoperative surgery, revisional surgery, hiatal hernia, wound care, biologics, colorectal surgery, pelvic floor and incontinence treatment, sacral neuromodulation, advanced endoscopy, Barrett's esophagus, hernia and mesh, endoscopic stenting, leaks, and solving complications. Top of class AOA medical school graduate from the University of California San Francisco, published research scientist, award-winning teacher and surgeon. San...

Jonathan Mazer, MD

Montclair, New Jersey
Anesthesiology - General Anesthesia, Sedation, Regional Nerve Block, Spinal, Epidural, Thoracic, Orthopedic, Obstetrics, Vascular, Endoscopy, Urology, Gynecology, Spine, Brain, Neurosurgery, Airway, Intubation, Interventional Radiology, Ambulatory, Ophthalmology
Harvard-Trained. Board Certified in Anesthesiology. Previous case review experience. Published on neuraxial anesthesia. Presentation at a national conference on ambulatory anesthesia. Multiple poster presentations. Graduated from medical school with a distinction in research. Currently in private practice performing a wide variety of anesthetic cases (General Anesthesia, Sedation, Regional/Nerve Blocks, Spinal, Epidural, Thoracic, Orthopedic, Obstetrics, Vascular, Endoscopy, Urology, Gynecology, Spine, Brain, Neurosurgery, Interventional Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging, Ambulatory, Ophthalmology, ENT/Otolaryngology, Plastics, Adult, Pediatric, Out of OR). Both efficient and thorough with case review.

Harpreet Pall

Princeton, New Jersey
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Medical Management - Endoscopy, hepatology, nutrition, liver, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac, gastrointestinal, health systems, motility, milk protein allergy, pancreatitis, childhood digestive disease, abdominal pain, intestine, failure to thrive, gastritis, functional pain
Dr. Harpreet Pall is a board certified Pediatric Gastroenterologist. He is an award winning physician and is currently Associate Chair of Pediatrics, President-Elect of the Medical Staff, Associate Professor and Chief of Gastroenterology at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children and Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Pall has formal management and leadership training including an MBA, year-long leadership fellowship, medical management coursework at Harvard, and most recently a Dean's internship at Drexel University College of Medicine. As a highly effective physician executive versed in medical management, his expertise is in clinical program development, medical education, and academic mentorship. Dr. Pall is a collaborative team leader who encourages creative problem-solving and practices meta-leadership. He has been nationally recognized for his scholarship in clinical efficiency, patient experience, and health disparities as related to the field o...

Teddi Swidinsky, MD, FACS

Las Vegas, New Mexico
General Surgery - Rural General Surgery, Endoscopy, central venous access, critical care
13 years of community general surgery practice in mostly rural settings. Experienced in trauma, endoscopy, and bread and butter procedures. Critical care experienced as well. Previous chief of surgery and chief of staff. Currently involved in hospice as a medical director.

David H Robbins, MD, MSc

NEW YORK, New York
Gastroenterology - Gastroenterology, Endoscopy, Interventional endoscopy, Advanced endoscoy, Colonoscopy, Endoscopic ultrasound, Cancer, Colon cancer, Colon polyps, Barrett's esophagus, Esophageal cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Pancreas, Pancreatic cyst, Rectal cancer, Neuroendocrine tumor, Diverticulitis, PEG
Dr. Robbins is the Associate Chief and Program Director in Gastroenterology at Lenox Hill Hospital. He is board-certified in Gastroenterology and is an Associate Professor of Medicine. He is available for expert witness consultations and testimony to both defense and plaintiff attorneys. His areas of expertise include general gastroenterology, GI cancer treatment, pancreas cancer and interventional endoscopic techniques, and early GI cancer detection. Dr. Robbins spends the bulk of his professional time caring for his patients. He is consistently deemed a Top Doctor by the Castle Connolly Guide, attended Columbia College (BA), the Mount Sinai School of Medicine (MD with honors) and Columbia University (MSc).

Mark G Shrime, MD, MPH, PhD

Head and neck tumors / ENT - Harvard faculty

New York, New York
Public Health, Otolaryngology - Head and neck surgery, Public health, Parotid, Thyroid, Surgery, Head and neck cancer, Endoscopy, Sinus surgery, Neck mass, Vocal cord paralysis, Larynx cancer, Tongue cancer, Oral cancer, Oropharyngeal cancer
Professor Mark G. Shrime, MD, MPH, PhD, FACS, is a Lecturer in Global Health and Social Medicine at the Harvard Medical School. He previously served as the O’Brien Chair of Global Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, as the founder and Director of the Center for Global Surgery Evaluation at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, and as Research Director for the Program in Global Surgery and Social Change at Harvard. He is the author of seminal papers on the global burden of surgical disease, the financial burden facing surgical patients, and the number of people who cannot access safe surgery worldwide. He served as a co-author on the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. Dr. Shrime graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University in 1996 with a BA in molecular biology. He received his MD from the University of Texas in 2001, after taking a year to teach organic chemistry in Singapore. Medical school was followed by a residency in otolaryngology at the joint ...

Daniel J. Lantos, MSN, RN, CNML

Expert in Nursing Practice and Standards of Care

Concord, North Carolina
Nursing Administration, Medical Management - Medication errors, patient falls, restraints, restrictive interventions, central lines, infection prevention, infection control, CLABSI, CAUTI, pressure ulcers, bedsores, informed consent, HIPAA, staffing, delegation, scope of care, sedation, endoscopy, radiology, critical care
I am a Registered Nurse leader with a Master’s Degree and professional certification in Nursing Leadership. With strong bedside and management experience in Critical Care and procedural departments, I have dedicated many years to ensuring quality and compliance in high-performing patient care areas. This includes addressing patient care issues such as patient falls, pressure ulcer prevention, physical restraints, infection prevention, and procedural sedation; regulatory issues such as HIPAA, scope of care, delegation, and informed consent; and evaluating the circumstances around adverse events such as medication errors, patient misidentification, and incorrect execution of orders. I have precepted new hires, developed onboarding programs, and been extensively involved with hiring, performance evaluations, disciplinary steps, and maintaining a Just Culture. I am comfortable and experienced with documentation audits and medical record chart review. I have been a Registered Nurse in B...

David R Neiblum, MD, FACP, FACG, AGAF

Excellent communicator, seasoned expert, fast eval

West Chester, Pennsylvania
Gastroenterology - Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, polyps, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, Barrett's, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, endoscopy, colonoscopy, perforation, pancreatitis and fluid mgmt, diverticulitis, ulcers, bleeding, PEG tubes, hepatitis, cirrhosis, celiac, GERD
Dr. Neiblum has been a practicing, board-certified gastroenterologist for 28 years, and is the senior partner of a large GI practice in a Philadelphia suburb. He is a fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology, the American Gastroenterological Association, and the American College of Physicians, consistently voted a "Top Doc" by Philadelphia Magazine and Castle Connolly, and has personally performed over 28,000 endoscopic procedures, including diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy, upper endoscopy, and PEG feeding tube placements. He is an expert on current practice guidelines including colonoscopy screening guidelines and appropriate intervals for both high risk (such as those with a family history of cancer, or those with Ulcerative colitis) and average risk patients. Dr Neiblum is also an expert on appropriateness of endoscopic and imaging procedures for particular patient complaints, and when such procedures are NOT indicated. In addition, he is an expert on treatm...

Michael J. Barker, MD

Experienced Bariatric & General Surgeon

Henrico, Virginia
Bariatric Surgery, General Surgery - Weight Loss Surgery, Gastric Bypass, Roux-en-Y, Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Sleeve, Revision, Conversion, Endoscopy, Gastric Balloon, Morbid Obesity, Lap Band, Vitamin Deficiencies, Wernicke’s, Laparoscopy, Hernia, Gallbladder, Cholecystectomy, Foregut Surgery, Hiatal hernia, Fundoplication
Michael Barker, MD, FACS, is a fellowship-trained, board-certified general surgeon who specializes in Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgery. He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and SUNY Brooklyn College of Medicine, and also completed a Fellowship in Bariatric & Minimally Invasive Surgery at East Carolina University. Dr. Barker spent 16 years on Active Duty in the Navy, where he made multiple overseas deployments and was Director of the largest Bariatric Surgery program within the Department of Defense. He continues to serve in executive and leadership positions in the Navy Reserve, including as Advisor to the Surgeon General of the Navy regarding General Surgery. Dr. Barker is currently the Medical Director of the Central Virginia VA Healthcare System Bariatric Surgery Program and Director of the Operating Room at McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, VA. He maintains an active practice in bariatric surgery including primary operations, revisions, conversions, an...

Scott Choi, MD

Gastroenterology, Food safety, Pharmaceutical

Gastroenterology Associates, PC

Mclean, Virginia
Gastroenterology, Hepatology - Crohn's disease and colitis, colon polyps, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, Barrett's, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, ERCP, Endoscopy, colonoscopy, perforation, pancreatitis, diverticulitis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, PEG tubes, hepatitis, cirrhosis, food safety
Dr. Myung (Scott) Choi has been an expert witness for over the past decade, and is currently a partner of Gastroenterology Associates, P.C. in northern Virginia. He provides expert witness work for both defense and plaintiff attorneys. He is board-certified in gastroenterology, and licensed to practice medicine in the state of Virginia. Since 2001, he has practiced gastroenterology and hepatology in both the academic and private practice environments. As an assisitant clinical professor at Metropolitan Hospital in New York city from 2005-2006, he was recognized by the medical students as the best physician-teacher. From 2014-2019, he served in many roles, including: CEO of Gastroenterology Associates, Director of Digestive Disease for Novant Health in northern Virginia, president of Advanced Digestive Care, and a speaker for Allergan and Abbvie. Over the course of his career, he has been recognized as a “Top Doctor” by Washingtonian Magazine, Consumer Checkbook and Northern ...

Michael Quinn, DO

Fincastle, Virginia
Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology, GI, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, EGD, ERCP, Alcohol liver disease, GERD/swallowing, Barrett's Esophagus, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Liver disease, Cirrhosis, Diverticulitis, Ulcers, PEG tubes Feeding tubes, Pancreatitis, Gastrointestinal bleeding, Perforation, GI tract cancers
Will provide medical document review, reports, and testimony for both plaintiff and defense attorneys. Board certified in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine. Performs colonoscopies, EGD (upper GI endoscopy), ERCP, PEG tube/feeding tube insertions and care. Provides teaching to medical students and Internal Medicine residents Will serve as associate program director to a Gastroenterology Fellowship program beginning in July 2024 Easily reachable, available, and quick to respond

Paul B. Warfield, MD, AGAF

Paul B. Warfield, MD, PLLC

Moses Lake, Washington
Gastroenterology, Hepatology - Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Colon Cancer, Liver Disease, ERCP, Diseases of the Pancreas, Intestines, Stomach, Esophagus, Gall Bladder, and Bile Ducts, Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, VA Medical Center, Charleston, SC, 2018-2019. Board-Certified in Gastroenterology. Johns Hopkins and University of Chicago trained clinician with 30 years practice experience and research experience in clinical trials. Served on the Boards of Directors of two large physician groups. Selected as an AGA fellow February, 2020.