Pain Management - Medicine Expert Witnesses in Colorado

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of pain management - medicine expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on pain management - medicine and related issues. Pain management - medicine expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these pain management - medicine expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Causation, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome , Crps, Epidural Si, Facet, Ime, Impairment Ratings, Independent Medical Examiner, Major/Minor Joints And Bursae, Mbb/Rfa, Paravertebrals, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Permanency, Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, and Pm&R.

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Simon Dardashti, MD, MS

Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Pain Expert

Expert Medical Services LLC

Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - Pain Management, Breach of Care, Motor Vehicle Accident, Medical Malpractice, Epidurals, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Spinal Cord Stimulator, Personal Injury, Paralysis, Spinal injury, Opiates, Nerve Injury, Slip Trip Fall, Facet Injection, Radiofrequency, Tort Law, Back & Neck Pain
Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Case Reviews for Plaintiff & Defense Attorneys. Fast communication and timely report turnaround. Board Certified & in Active Practice. With extensive experience in medical record review (MRR), assessment of merit for medical malpractice cases, depositions, and trial testimony. I specialize in reviewing cases to establish causation of injuries, determine future medical care, appropriateness and BREACH of care, and draft disclosure statements and medical necessity determinations. My medical areas of expertise encompass a wide range of conditions and treatments, including: Complex regional pain syndrome/reflex sympathetic dystrophy (CRPS/RSD), motor vehicle accidents, spinal cord stimulation (SCS), spinal injury, epidurals, whiplash, disability, neck and back pain, spinal cord injury, sciatica, nerve blocks, radiculopathy neuropathy, spondylosis, spinal stenosis, chronic pain, non-surgical orthopedic care, opioid and non-opioid medication managem...

Roshni N. Patel, MD

Quadruple Board-Certified Pain & Neurology Expert

Ctr of Excellence in Pain & Regenerative Medicine

Pain Management - Medicine, Neurology - Headaches, Migraines, Medication Management, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Disability review, Concussion, Chronic Pain, Back Pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Nerve Pain, Peripheral Neuropathy, Neck Pain, IME, Independent medical examiner, medical review, Seizures, Spinal Injury, Stroke
Dr. Roshni N. Patel, MD: Elite Pain Management and Neurology Expert- Quadruple board-certified in Pain Medicine, Headache Medicine, Brain Injury Medicine, and Neurology - one of only two physicians in the United States with this unique combination of qualifications. Education and Appointments: Assistant Clinical Professor, Frank H. Netter School of Medicine, Quinnipiac University Pain Medicine Fellowship, New York University (NYU) School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesia Neurology Residency, University of Connecticut School of Medicine MD, Ross University School of Medicine Expertise: 15+ years of specialized practice in Pain Management and Neurology Comprehensive experience in medicolegal consultations, including: Workers' Compensation Cases Disability Impairment Ratings Medical Records Review Personal Injury Cases Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Claim Reviews Medical Necessity Determinations Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) Board Certified by the American Boar...

Anthony H Guarino, MD

GES, Inc.

Pain Management - Medicine - Nerve damage, epidural steroid injection complications, Spinal and epidural injections, Spinal cord injury, Nerve injury, Radiofrequency neuroablation injuries, spinal cord stimulators, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS, RSD), medication errors, failed back surgery syndrome
Dr. Anthony Guarino is a nationally recognized pain management expert and a celebrated clinician, teacher, author and researcher. His interest in pain management began during his undergraduate work at Yale University and developed further during graduate studies in religion at Yale Divinity School. He completed a medical degree at the University of Maryland, an internship in medicine at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore and an anesthesiology residency and formal training in pain management at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Guarino served as director of pain management services for Washington University in St. Louis, MO at Barnes Jewish West County Hospital for 21 years before entering private practice in 2019. He has over 20 years of experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys. The thoroughness of his work in combination with his ability to clearly communicate his findings to both attorneys and juries has led him to have a very busy consultant practice.

Timothy Bundy, DO, CIME, CLCP, CMCPS, ATC

National Life Care Planners

Pain Management - Medicine, Life Care Planning - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, PM&R, Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, sports medicine, IME, traumatic injuries, complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS, defense and plaintiff, Tampa, Florida, Impairment Ratings, Causation, Permanency, Independent Medical Examiner, Physician Expert Witness
Board-certified in Brain Injury Medicine, Pain Medicine, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with over 25 years of experience. Expertise in the areas of musculoskeletal, spine, brain, and central and peripheral nerve injuries, as well as disability and sports medicine. Active clinical practice. Certified Independent Medical Examiner and Certified Physician Life Care Planner. Has performed over 500 Future Cost of Care and Life Care Plan assessments. Experienced expert at trial and has testified in over 50 depositions. Medical licenses in Florida, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Kansas.

Eric Mehlberg, MD

Golden, Colorado
Anesthesiology, Pain Management - Medicine - Facet, MBB/RFA, epidural SI, major/minor joints and bursae, paravertebrals, peripheral nerve blocks, RFA, SCS, pumps
I am a licensed physician in the State of Colorado. I obtained my license in 2015 when I moved to Colorado and am currently in good standing. I attended the University of Illinois for my MD and obtained my undergraduate degree at Gordon College. Following Medical School, I trained in Anesthesiology at Stanford University Medical Center and Interventional Pain Management at University of California at San Francisco. I have been in private practice since 2015. I hold specialty certificates in both Anesthesiology and Pain Management. I am also Level 2 accredited by the Colorado Workers Compensation Board.   All basic interventional techniques under either fluoroscopy or ultrasonography (Facet, MBB/RFA, epidural [C2 and below; both interlaminar and TFESI, with the caveat that I do not do bilateral or multilevel cervical TFESI ], SI, major/minor joints and bursae, paravertebrals, peripheral nerve blocks, etc). Kyphoplasty. Platelet Rich Plasma regenerative techniques. Spinal Cord Stimu...
You can also find Pain Management - Medicine Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas , Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Washington