Maritime Expert Witnesses in Nevada

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of maritime expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on maritime and related issues. Maritime expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these maritime expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Allision, Anchor, Anchoring, Captain, Collision, Colregs, Harbor, Heavy Weather, Imo, Pilot Ladder, Piloting, Ship, Ship Handling, Ship Routing, and Standard Of Care.

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Capt. David G. Bacon

Maritime, Slip Trip & Fall - marina safety, boating accidents, collisions/allisions, investigation, ship, yachts, seaworthiness, captain responsibilities, crew, passenger safety, Rules of the Road, equipment failure, sinking, drowning, vessel operation, safety, sport fishing, charter boat, jet ski, kayak
Captain David G. Bacon, a U.S. Coast Guard licensed vessel captain available as an expert witness on cases involving; boating accidents, slip & falls, personal injuries, collisions and allisions, issues of responsibilities and liabilities aboard vessels and on gangways and docks and piers, drowning and vessel grounding or sinking. I am available to travel for investigations and inspections. Passenger/crew interaction, training and safety orientation are areas where many liabilities are created due to negligent actions, and I have experience opining on those issues based on Rules of the Road and other regulations, standard duty of care and safety protocols. I have served as a vessel charter captain for 30+ years, specializing in; crew training, safety procedures, crew drills and practice, passenger safety orientation. During that lengthy career I have had no accident or injury claims because I am a diligent seafaring professional and I know what dangers to look for and remedy befor...

Captain Gregory M Tylawsky, MBA, CMMar, AFNI

Maritime Expert Group, Inc.

Carson City, Nevada
Maritime, Accident Reconstruction - Piloting, Ship handling, Ship routing, Weather, anchoring, heavy weather, anchor, allision, collision, ship, Captain, tug, STCW, USCG, IMO, Standard of care, COLREGS, VTS, Harbor, Pilot ladder
Chartered Master Mariner Master Of Self-Propelled Vessels Not Including Auxiliary Sail of Unlimited Tonnage Upon Oceans. First Class Pilot of Vessels of Unlimited Tonnage Upon the Waters Of San Francisco Bay From Sea to and Between the Dumbarton Bridge, Stockton, And Sacramento. Radar Observer -Unlimited Able Seaman - Unlimited Lifeboatman Wiper Steward’s Department (F.H.) INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING CERTIFICATION ON WATCHKEEPING for Seafarers 1978 as amended. The lawful holder of this Credential as endorsed below, is entitled under Title 46 (Shipping) U. S. Code to serve in the capacity or capacities specified, subject to any limitations indicated. The Government of the United States of America certifies: GREGORY MICHAEL TYLAWSKY has been duly qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation(s) III/1; II/2; II/3; II/4; II/5; IV/2; VI/1; VI/2; VI/3; VI/4; VI/5; VI/6 Of the above Convention, as amended, and has been found competent to perform the ...
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California, Louisiana, Idaho, Florida, Texas, Washington, Pennsylvania, New York, and Nevada