Internet Expert Witnesses in California

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of internet expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on internet and related issues. Internet expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these internet expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Internet, Web, Ai, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Database, Databases, Distributed Systems, Information Technology, Machine Learning, Patent, Social Media, 802.11, Algorithms, and Android.

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Jonathan E Hochman

Hochman Consultants

Internet, Cybersecurity - E-commerce, Ecommerce, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, PPC, Pay Per Click Advertising, Internet Marketing, Web Development, Mobile Apps, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Digital Forensics, Internet Security, Privacy, Wiretapping, Patent, Trademark, Reputation Management, Online Defamation
Jonathan Hochman serves as consulting and testifying expert for cases related to Internet marketing, e-commerce, website development, digital forensics, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, privacy, securities fraud in the technology industry, and disputes related to technology startups. Since 2007 he has provided expert witness services to plaintiffs and defendants alike for disputes involving trademarks, patents, trade secrets, copyrights, contracts, defamation and online reputation, unfair competition, conspiracy and fraud. Hochman has testified at eighteen trials and fifty-six depositions. He has served as a consulting expert in many more cases. His clients have been located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Israel, Ukraine, and Romania. A Yale University graduate with two degrees in computer science, Hochman has worked as a sales, marketing and technology consultant for 34 years. After managing several prior business...

Jason Frankovitz

Quandary Peak Research

Los Angeles, California
Internet, Software Engineering - Metadata, Open Source, Web, Mobile, Social Media, Cloud Computing, Databases, e-Commerce, Smartphones, iPhone, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails
As a programmer, CTO, and inventor, Jason Frankovitz has been in the trenches of technology for more than 25 years. He has worked as a software developer, engineering manager, and system architect in a wide variety of industries including social media, e-commerce, digital entertainment, and mobile computing. He has launched multiple Internet startups using cutting-edge technologies like cloud-based server scaling, machine learning (AI), and personalized ad targeting. Jason's first startup,, was the first online bookmark site on the Web and created significant prior art used in multiple patent cases; he also holds a patent for technologies developed by his second startup, Seethroo. For several years Jason taught at San Francisco State University, and was a mentor for software development interns from ENSEEIHT, a major engineering school in France. He is employed by Quandary Peak Research in Los Angeles. Jason’s background in social media and user-generated content has all...

Arthur M. Keller, PhD

Minerva Consulting

Palo Alto, California
Intellectual Property, Internet - Computers, Information Technology, Databases, Electronic Commerce, Software, Distributed Systems, Plaintiff, Defense.
Researcher and Lecturer, University of California, Santa Cruz, Senior Research Scientist, Stanford University, Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Austin, Lecturer and Systems Programmer, Brooklyn College. Chief Technical Advisor and Board Member, Persistence Software (went public in 1999), Founder, COO, and CFO, Mergent Systems (acquired by CommerceOne in 2000).

Tal Lavian, Ph.D.


Encino, California
Telecommunications, Internet - Network Communications, telecommunications, TCP/IP Internet Protocols, Web, Network security, Firewalls, Media Streaming, Voice Over IP (VoIP), Instant Messaging, Chat, SMS, 802.11, Mobile Wireless, Patent, Routing/Switching, Data Communications, computer communications, Computer networks, broadbad
Dr. Lavian is an expert in telecommunications, network communications, and internet technologies, with over 35 years of experience in the industry. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, where he specialized in networking and communications. Throughout his career, Dr. Lavian has co-authored numerous scientific publications, journal articles, and peer-reviewed papers, solidifying his reputation as a leading researcher in the field. In addition to his expertise, Dr. Lavian has also held academic positions at UC Berkeley, including serving as an industry fellow and lecturer in the Industrial Engineering and Operation Research (IEOR) Department and the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET). At UC Berkeley, Dr. Lavian has been involved with the university's start-up accelerator, SkyDeck, serving as the principal investigator for the RF signal start-up company, CRadar.Ai, and as the CTO for smartphone wireless telecommunica...

Sam Malek, PhD


Irvine, California
Software Engineering, Internet - Computer Science, Software Development, Mobile Software, Android, Java, Internet, Web, Distributed Systems, Software Architecture, Operating System, Database, Cloud Computing, Software Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Information Technology, Internet of Things, Embedded Systems
Highlights - Professor of Software Engineering, University of California, Irvine - 20+ years of experience in academia and industry - 50+ prior engagements in software-related litigation matters - 40+ prior testimonies in trials and depositions - Renowned author of 120+ peer-reviewed publications Formal Education - PhD, Computer Science, University of Southern California, 2007 - MS, Computer Science, University of Southern California, 2004 - BS, Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, 2000 Academic Experience Sam Malek is a Software Engineering Professor in the Informatics Department within the School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Irvine. His research is in the field of software engineering, and to date his focus has spanned the areas of software design and architecture, distributed and embedded systems, smartphone and mobile computing, internet and web technologies, and software dependability and security. Re...

Jessie Stricchiola

Alchemist Media Inc.

San Francisco, California
Internet, Technology - Web Analytics, Search Engines, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, ChatGPT, AI, Algorithms, Mobile Apps, YouTube, Google Ads, Internet, Website Development, Google Analytics, Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Patent, IP, Prior Art, Copyright, Trademark, Content Moderation,
Ms. Stricchiola has been retained as a testifying or consulting expert in over 100 litigation matters in U.S. and Canadian courts, has testified at 18 depositions, testified at 7 trial and arbitration proceedings, and written over 70 expert reports and declarations on various internet-related topics pertaining to web analytics, traffic validity, online advertising, search engine optimization, social media content, digital discoverability, and related topic areas. Cases in which she has provided expert testimony have included class action, trademark, copyright, and trade secret matters, and her patent litigation testimony has included claims construction and validity, infringement, and indefiniteness analyses. With twenty-five years of experience in web analytics, digital marketing, search engine optimization, and related internet technologies, she is a published O’Reilly author and co-author of The Art of SEO (© 2009, 2012, 2015, Q3 2023), a comprehensive reference guide to organ...

Walter Sujansky, MD, PhD

Sujansky & Associates, LLC

San Carlos, California
Health Informatics, Software Engineering - Electronic Health Records, EHR, Electronic Medical Records, EMR, Interoperability, Health Information Exchange, Health Data Exchange, Internet, Database, Medical Apps, User Interface, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Machine Learning, Probability, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Intellectual Property
- A seasoned health I.T. professional with a medical degree, medical informatics doctorate, and 30 years of research and development experience in industry. - Adjunct faculty member at Stanford Medical School in the Center for Biomedical Informatics Research. - A track record of innovation in product-development roles, as well as consulting to health I.T. firms, healthcare provider organizations, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, and litigators in intellectual property and medical malpractice cases. - Has consulted as an expert witness on 11 cases since 2011, with 3 depositions since 2019. - Published author and experienced speaker. - Interests and skills include software engineering, clinical data modeling and standards, clinical decision support, interoperability, health information exchange, health I.T. regulations, intellectual property law, and teaching. - Full resume available at - Expert witness refe...
You can also find Internet Expert Witnesses in:
New Jersey, California, Connecticut, Colorado, New York, South Carolina, Virginia, Texas, and Florida