Statistical Analysis Expert Witnesses
Statistical analysis expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on statistical analysis. The statistical analysis expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Agriculture, Automotive Engineering, Business Damages, Economics, Human Resources, Industrial Hygiene, OSHA, and Statistics.
Jeffrey S Kane, Ph.D.
Statistician - Discrimination, Wage & Hours, HR
Professional Statistical Services
Statistics, Human Resources
Statistical analysis, Database analysis & Programming, Mathematical modeling, Management science, Discrimination in hiring/promotion/retention, Wrongful termination, Compensation/Pay Systems, California Wage & Hour analysis, Performance appraisal, Recruitment, selection, Survey research/analysis
Jeffrey S. Kane is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist (Ph.D., The University of Michigan; M.A. in Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota) with extensive education and experience in the application of statistical and quantitative methods, data analytic computer programming, and all aspects of human resource management and industrial/organizational psychology.
Litigation Support: Since 1974, Dr. Kane has been providing litigation support/expert witness services to attorneys for both plaintiffs and defendants. He has served as an expert witness in legal cases in which he was called upon to provide statistical analysis and expert testimony related to:
● Employment Discrimination (selection, promotion, pay, discipline)
● Wrongful Termination
● Staffing Issues (including alleged overbilling of government agencies)
● Violations of Federal regulations (e.g., for performance
appraisal and management systems)
● Wage & Hour Law (e.g., analysis of timeclock rec...
Shawn P. Capser, PhD, PE, PStat, CRE
Statistics, Reliability, and Warranty Analysis
Praxis Reliability Consulting
Monroe, Michigan
Statistics, Automotive Engineering
Sampling, Statistical Analysis, Data Analysis, Reliability, Warranty Analysis, Regression, Categorical Data Analysis, Forecasting, Modeling, Quality, Statistical Process Control, Process Capability, Mathematical Statistics, Probability, Automotive Warranty, Supplier Quality
Dr. Capser is an expert witness in areas of statistical and reliability methods. His focus is on product and process quality, reliability, warranty, and product risk assessments. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, statistical inference, statistical modeling and regression, categorical data analysis and logistic regression, survival analysis, component and system reliability analysis, warranty analysis, customer usage analysis and profiling, reliability modeling and simulation, probabilistic assessment of ‘at-risk’ failures, process capability, statistical process control, forecasting, and sampling.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, University of Toledo (Ohio)
- Master of Science in Statistics, University of Toledo (Ohio)
- Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Michigan (Dearborn)
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Toledo (Ohio)
Licenses / Certifications:
- ASA Accredited Professional St...
Nancy M McClellan, M.P.H., CIH, CHMM
Chemical and Biological Exposure Risk Assessment
Occupational Health Management, PLLC
Utica, Michigan
Industrial Hygiene, OSHA
Chemical & Biological Hazard Assessment, Pharmaceutical Containment, Covid Pandemic Risk Assessment, Bioaerosols, Air Disinfection Technologies, Ergonomic Musculoskeletal Disorders, Noise, Respiratory Protection, Indoor Air Quality, Dermal & Inhalation Exposure Modeling, Statistical Analysis
Award winning, industrial hygiene and safety expert with over 25 years of broad international experience practicing, teaching and authoring to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, control and prevent workplace health and safety hazards in high hazard industries. As an expert witness for both plaintiff and defense (50/50) I have provided consultation for both airborne and dermal exposure cases for chemical and biological agents. I have evaluated and modeled exposures, reconstructed exposure events, quantified dose following standardized practices for exposure assessment, and applied best practice statistical methods and science in forming my opinions.
I spend a great deal of time describing, in understandable, lay terms, chemical, biological and physical hazard exposures and their health impacts at public speaking opportunities. I have interviewed on ABC Good Morning America program and ABC News regarding the Covid Pandemic and indoor air quality solutions. Authored multiple article...
Jeffrey S Kane, Ph.D.
Statistician - Discrimination, Wage & Hours, HR
Professional Statistical Services
Laughlin, Nevada
Statistics, Human Resources
Statistical analysis, Database analysis & Programming, Mathematical modeling, Management science, Discrimination in hiring/promotion/retention, Wrongful termination, Compensation/Pay Systems, California Wage & Hour analysis, Performance appraisal, Recruitment, selection, Survey research/analysis
Jeffrey S. Kane is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist (Ph.D., The University of Michigan; M.A. in Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota) with extensive education and experience in the application of statistical and quantitative methods, data analytic computer programming, and all aspects of human resource management and industrial/organizational psychology.
Litigation Support: Since 1974, Dr. Kane has been providing litigation support/expert witness services to attorneys for both plaintiffs and defendants. He has served as an expert witness in legal cases in which he was called upon to provide statistical analysis and expert testimony related to:
● Employment Discrimination (selection, promotion, pay, discipline)
● Wrongful Termination
● Staffing Issues (including alleged overbilling of government agencies)
● Violations of Federal regulations (e.g., for performance
appraisal and management systems)
● Wage & Hour Law (e.g., analysis of timeclock rec...
David A. Macpherson, PhD
San Antonio, Texas
Economics, Business Damages
Economic Damages, Lost Profits, Earnings Loss, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Business Interruption, Statistical Analysis, Contract Breach, Employment Discrimination
Dr. David Macpherson evaluates damages in personal injury, wrongful death, employment, and business loss cases for plaintiffs and defendants. Since 2000, he has provided numerous independent reports. evaluated opposing experts' reports, and testified often in Federal and State courts (CA, FL, GA, KS, MI, MO, TX). Dr. Macpherson has also conducted statistical analyses of discrimination claims. Clients have included the U.S. Attorney (Hartford and Oklahoma City).
He is the E.M. Stevens Professor at Trinity University. Prior to joining Trinity University, he held the Rod and Hope Brim Eminent Scholar Chair in Economics and was Director of the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy at Florida State University. Earlier, he served as an assistant and associate professor of economics at Miami University.
He has held leadership positions in professional economics associations. He served as vice-president of the National Association of Forensic Economics and the Southern Economics...
Terry R. Smith, PhD
Dairy Strategies, LLC
Bruce, Wisconsin
Agriculture, Economics
Dairy, Farming, Business Analysis, Financial Analysis, Economic Damages Analysis, Bankruptcy, Chapter 11 Reorganization, International Agriculture, Debt and Equity Financing, Agricultural Economics, Statistical Analysis
Dairy Strategies, LLC has provided economic and damage analyses to a broad range of plaintiffs and defendants across agricultural enterprises, with a focus on the dairy sector. We have non-litigation and litigation-related clients in more than 20 states in the US and also in a number of foreign countries.