Ergonomics Expert Witnesses in Illinois

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of ergonomics expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on ergonomics and related issues. Ergonomics expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these ergonomics expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Accident Investigation, Driver Behavior & Capabilities, Ergonomics, Human Capabilities & Limitations, Human Machine Interface, Machine Design, Operator Vehicle Interaction, Perception, Slip Trip & Fall, Surface Transportation, Trips & Falls, Vision & Visibility, and Warnings & Instructions.

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David G Curry, PhD, CHFP, CSP

Curry Human Factors & Safety LLC

Oswego, Illinois
Human Factors, Safety - Human Capabilities & Limitations, Human-Machine Interface, Ergonomics, Driver Behavior & Capabilities, Warnings & Instructions, Perception, Vision & Visibility, Accident Investigation, Machine Design, Slips, Trips & Falls, Operator-Vehicle Interaction, Surface Transportation
Dr. Dave Curry is the Principal Consultant for Curry Human Factors & Safety LLC. He consults on all aspects of human factors, applied human performance, ergonomics, and safety. Areas of particular expertise include: human-machine interface design and evaluation, human capabilities and limitations in applied environments, industrial ergonomics, instructions and warnings, perception/vision/visibility, slips/trips/falls, the evaluation of equipment/facilities/structures from a human use standpoint, and safety-related issues in general. He is recognized as an expert in operator-vehicle interaction and is both a Certified Human Factors Professional and a Certified Safety Professional. He is the author of over sixty technical papers dealing with various issues relating to applied human performance, safety, and accident investigation. He holds several U.S. patents and design awards and has or does serve as a member of national standards-making committees for a variety of organizations (...
You can also find Ergonomics Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, California, Idaho, Illinois, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Texas