Lending Expert Witnesses

Lending expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on lending. The lending expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Banking, Fraud, Real Estate, and Securities & Investments.

Christine Dawe

Christine Dawe, LLC

Melbourne, Arkansas
Banking - Credit Union turn-around CEO, operational expert, fraud detection, regulatory compliance, lending expert, compliance expert
Professional Profile  Executive management experience in profit and non-profit business sectors, business transformation and turnaround, business development, public policy administration, finance, project management, and strategic planning.  Education compliments business experience in process consultation, internal and external analysis, financial modeling, and customer/stakeholder relationship building. Professional Experience Operations and Administration • Nationally recognized Chief Executive Officer hired to execute credit union turnarounds – completed several in record time. • Experience in completing regulatory compliance requirements efficiently and ahead of schedule. • Effective communicator and negotiator: o Repaired corporate reputation with members, staff, regulators, vendors, and credit union community. o Lease negotiations, vendor contracts, complicated litigious strategy and execution. o Excellent presentation skills. Featured speaker at national A...

John J. D'Andrea, Ph.D.

Realty Solutions

San Rafael, California
Real Estate, Banking - damages, mortgages/lending, Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), loan underwriting, sub-prime lending, foreclosures/workouts, real estate syndications/limited partnerships, real estate development, appraisals-real estate, due diligence-loans and properties, forensic economics, real estate brokerage
Dr. D'Andrea has been involved in real estate consulting, finance, investment, management, development, and/or brokerage for more than 25 years. His clients have included investment banks, institutional investors and some of the largest financial institutions and most prestigious law firms in the country. His broad range of experience in property and portfolio analysis, real estate finance, business strategies, and forecasting provide a strong foundation for his expert witness practice. Dr. D’Andrea is a seasoned expert, having provided trial and deposition testimony, reports and declarations. Dr. D'Andrea's expertise has been particularly beneficial to counsel when engaged either pre-litigation or in its early stages. He has assisted in succinct evaluation of case merits, reviewing documents for key provisions, discovery requests, examination preparation prior to and during depositions, and settlement negotiations.


RIA, Broker Dealer, Trusts, Fiduciary & Banking

Esoteric Advisors

San Luis Obispo, California
Securities & Investments, Banking - RIA, Broker Dealers, Banking, Lending, Estates, Trusts, Fiduciary, Securities, Crypto & Specialty Assets, Reg BI, Accredited, International, Firm Practice, Regulatory, Risk Management, 1031/DST, Complex Insurance Plans, FINRA, OCC, SEC, Forensic, Fraud, Human Resources, Case Strategy, Supervision.
With over 38 years of experience in the financial services industry, I currently hold the positions of President, Chief Compliance Officer, and Owner of Wealth Innovation, a boutique Registered Investment Adviser firm. Additionally, I am the founding advisor at Wealth Advocacy, a consultancy specializing in business and consumer financial services. I am the President, Founder, and Owner of Esoteric Advisors, a collaborative consulting and expert witness company that aims to foster a robust and extensive collegial network of fellow experts. My professional journey includes serving as a FINRA and court admitted expert witness. I have authored numerous expert reports, participated in depositions, and provided testimony in arbitration and court proceedings. My unwavering commitment to business and personal compliance, legal integrity, and creditworthiness is impeccable. I have held several significant positions with a major financial institution. These roles have encompassed audit-ris...

Michael F Richards

Manhattan, Montana
Banking, Fraud - Bank Practices and Procedures, Banking Industry Standards, Bank Operations, Bank Policies, Bank Regulations and Law, Lending, Lender Liability, Loan Documentation, Bankruptcy, Bank Fraud, Commercial Real Estate and Mortgages, Bank Credit Administration and Credit Policy Issues.
Mr. Richards has more than 34 years of banking experience in all aspect of banking. His experience as a Founder, President, and Director of two De-novo banks and heading up a work-out department for a regional bank give the client and attorney a behinds the scene understanding of banks. He has extensive experience in lending, lender liability, banking operations, regulatory oversight, policies, procedures, documentation, and standards of banking practice. In 2009 he began his consulting and expert witness career, serving both plaintiffs and defendants. He has qualified and testified at trial in state and federal courts as an expert witness. He has also testified as an expert witness in a white collar federal criminal case. He serves clients nationally and has represented clients in 38 states since beginning his expert witness career. He has been retained in over 120 cases as an expert witness.