Land Development Expert Witnesses

Land development expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on land development. The land development expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Civil Engineering, Construction, Construction Defects, Construction Engineering, Engineering, Fraud, Land Surveying, Real Estate, and Slip Trip & Fall.

Craig Cherney, Esq.

Phoenix, Arizona
Real Estate, Fraud - Real Estate Funds, Syndicated Real Estate Investments, Land, Due Diligence, Fiduciary Duty, Standards of Care, Real Estate Fund Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Real Estate Entitlements, Land Development, Land Use, Land Valuation, Management Fees, Commissions, Pre-Acquisition Diligence, Title
Have deep experience in acquisition and disposition of hundreds of millions of investment capital in residential land, master plan communities, real estate development projects and entitlement and zone change opportunities throughout the United States. Joint Venture expert between institutional capital, private investors and local real estate operators or real estate sponsors. Pooled real estate funds, real estate syndication and private equity real estate fund management and duties of care to investors. Expert in fiduciary standards of care that relate to real estate managers' fiduciary duty and operating protocol when executing a real estate business plan or pooled investment scheme. Can conduct multiple financial models and sensitivity analysis showing present value and projected IRR rates of return and equity multiples that a real estate project should have delivered in the open market. Single family residential, attached residential, and multifamily Licensed attorney ...

Gregory T. Chatelain, PE

Civil Engineer - Site Design and Construction

Chatelain Engineering

Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering - Civil Engineer, Professional Engineer, Land Development, Construction Engineer, forensic engineer, ADA, Stormwater, Pavement Design, Grading, Flood control, Utilities, Water, Sewer, Orlando, Winter Park, Central Florida, environmental engineering, roadway and bridge design and construction
PROFILE Licensed Professional Engineer with ten years' experience in planning, designing, and managing municipal and private civil engineering projects including residential and commercial development, site design, highway & bridge construction/maintenance, water control structure & pump station construction, levee permitting, and wastewater treatment plant expansion. Highlights include: • Site Design • Land Development • Project Planning & Design • Project Management • Plan & Specification Preparation • Permitting & Hydraulic Studies • Cost Estimation • Site Inspection & Quality Assurance PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Chatelain Engineering, LLC., Winter Park, Florida May 2022 – Present Principal Projects include the following: • Civil Engineering design for 15-unit multi-story low-income apartment complex in St. Petersburg, FL, including underground stormwater system. • Civil Engineering design for Church master plan in Jacksonville, FL including underground stormwater. Master plan con...

Chuck Miller

Chuck Miller Consulting LLC

Boise, Idaho
Construction, Construction Defects - Construction contracts, construction scheduling, construction estimating, construction project management, International Building Code, code compliance, industry standards, energy efficient building, high performance home building, land development, contractor registration, contractor licensing
Chuck Miller has 50+ years of construction industry experience, has invested in professional education, and has extensive training in alternative dispute resolution, As a result, Chuck has the knowledge and ability to be a convincing construction industry specialist when serving as a professional witness and/or providing expert testimony during a dispute hearing. Chuck's Construction Industry Experience includes: Apprentice Carpenter - Hellman Construction - 1968 to 1970 Journeyman Carpenter / Carpenter Foreman - Ziola Construction Inc., Oak Lawn, IL -1970 to 1972 Journeyman Carpenter / Carpenter Foreman - Southwest Carpentry Inc. Oak Lawn, IL - 1972 to 1974 Site Engineer / Quality Control Representative / Superintendent- Carney General Contractors, Highland Park, IL - 1974 - 1975 Project Engineer - Morrison-Knudson Company, Inc., Boise, ID - 1976-1985 Project Engineer - Hunt Building Corporation, El Paso, TX 1985-1991 Builder & Operations Manager - Profile Home, Boise, ID 1991-...

Charles A. Budnick, PLS, CSE, M.ASCE

CABCO Consult, Inc.

Clinton, Massachusetts
Engineering, Land Surveying - Land Surveying, Survey Measurements, Construction Surveys, Accident Mapping, Boundary Disputes, Adverse Possession, Easements, Rights of Way, Slip & Fall, Site Engineering, Land Development, Septic Systems, Sewer Systems, Drainage, Earthwork, Soils, Wetlands, Flooding.
Expert Witness & Consulting Experience; Accident Site Mapping, Boundary Disputes, Adverse Possession, Right of Way and Easement Disputes, Right of Way Taking Issues, Construction Lay-Out Claims, Earthwork & Soils Issues, Septic System Issues, Wetland & Flood Plain Filling Issues, Land Development & Professional Negligence Issues.

Frank Ferrantello, PLS

Ferrantello Group

Plainview, New York
Land Surveying, Slip Trip & Fall - Boundary Dispute, accident and site mapping, civil engineering,flood,drainage,utility,land development,standard of care,easements,mapping,zoning,land use,earth work, adverse possession,
Mr. Ferrantello has been retained by a vast number of law firms, insurance companies and municipalities.Mr. Ferrantello has also had great deal of experience with large number of diverse projects such as: Expert Surveys, Maps, Plans, Diagrams, Exhibit’s, Testimony for damages and injuries such as: trip and falls, tree damage, flood building damage, traffic accidents, public and private property damage as well as wrongful death suits. Also has an extensive experience and background in Site Planning and Subdivision Consulting, examining title records, deeds and other recorded documents such as ingress and egress, pedestrian easements, right of ways, air and development rights, vista easements, bridle paths, beach, bathing and mooring rights, covenants and restrictions, real property, zoning and other land use principles. Extensive knowledge of the local Long Island zoning codes, site planning and subdivision regulations.The profession itself is to define the property lines and measure...

Matthew C. Neff, P.E.,P.S.

M.Neff Consultants

Cleveland, Ohio
Civil Engineering, Land Surveying - civil engineering, drainage, grading, utilities, site design, subdivisions, land development
Mr. Neff has expertise in the areas of civil / site engineering, design and review of roadways, utilities, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains, site planning, industrial site design, residential site design, multi-family site design, stormwater management, soil and erosion control, water quality, EPA regulations, and feasibility studies. Mr. Neff has surveying expertise in land surveying including boundary line determination; boundary, topographic and ALTA/ACSM surveys. Mr. Neff has been an expert witness including document analysis and report preparation in land development and drainage cases.