Damages Expert Witnesses

Damages expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on damages. The damages expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accounting, Advertising, Appraisal & Valuation, Banking, Bankruptcy , Brain Injury Medicine, Business Damages, Business Valuation, Computers, Construction, Construction Defects, Cybersecurity, Economics, Energy, and Financial.

Joe Carnes

Medsurity Experts

Birmingham, Alabama
Medical Billing, Medical Coding - Usual customary reasonable charges, damages, fraud, Over-billing statistical analysis, Electronic health records, clinical documentation, insurance coverage determinations, provider, biller, insurance disputes
Two decades of Medical Billing expertise in multiple care settings. 24-hour turnaround on billing consultations. Thorough analysis and reporting. Expert in analysis of contract rates compared to actual billed charges Patents trade secrets, electronic medical records, Medicare fraud, medical billing fraud, qui tam false claims act fraud Usual Customary Reasonable (UCR), Meaningful Use Electronic Health Records, HITECH Act, Affordable Care Act, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid,insurance, CRPS, EMTALA, HIPPA compliance

Joseph A LaRovere, C.E.M.

LaRovere Consulting, LLC

Cave Creek, Arizona
HVAC, Construction Defects - HVAC, Plumbing, Mechanical, Chillers, Boilers, Air Handlers, Heat Pumps, Delay Claims, damages, leaks, failures, water heaters, flooding, electrical, packaged equipment, condensers, heat exchangers, piping modifications, litigation
35+ years of experience as a contractor, owner/operator, technician, and consultant to the construction industry with specialties in HVAC, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Energy Management and Control Systems. Specialties HVAC Systems, air conditioning, heat pumps, chiller plants, heating hot water, boilers, air handlers, water source heat pumps, cooling towers, dedicated outside air, ventilation, and exhaust systems, Energy management and control system, sequence of operation, energy management and building efficiency, Domestic hot water systems, electric and gas boilers and water heaters, mixing valves and hot water recirculation systems, System failures, equipment failures, maintenance issues, preventative maintenance, water treatment, forensic investigation, and remediation, Project Management, Program Management, Project Accounting, and Scheduling consulting and analysis Contractor Evaluation, Contract Review, Contractor Standard of Care, Engineering Evaluation, Site Inspec...

Nolte Analytics, LLP

Brian Nolte

Los Angeles, California
Appraisal & Valuation, Accounting - Damages, Trademark Infringement, Copyright Infringement, Patent Infringement, Lost Profits, Disgorgement, Forensic Accounting, Fraud Investigation, Business Interruption, Reasonable Royalties, Personal Injury, Employment Damages, Unjust Enrichment, Breach of Contract, Theft of Trade Secrets
Our Team includes experts with the highest and most respected professional credentials, including Certified Public Accountant and Accredited Senior Appraiser. Our Team includes experts with over 40 years’ experience performing damage analyses, valuation, economic studies, and financial investigations. Our experience prevents false starts and avoidable errors, delivering more cost-effective results. Our Team includes experts with over 200 trial testimonies. We typically present our conclusions graphically, using a proprietary presentation system. As a result, we have an unequalled track record of judges and juries accepting our conclusions.

David G. Campbell, PhD

Wicomico Analytics Group LLC

Economics, Statistics - Damages, Antitrust, Statistical Sampling, Class Certification, Healthcare, Health Insurance, Medicare Fraud, Intellectual Property, Patent, Insurance Coverage, Securities Fraud, Environmental Disputes
David is a versatile economist who has worked in private consulting for 20+ years. He has been an Economics professor at several Southern California colleges, where he taught economic theory, econometrics, statistics, and finance. For several years he led an Antitrust Seminar in the joint Law School/Business School program at Pepperdine. David's research is well-cited; his article on Productivity Dynamics has over 1400 citations on Google Scholar. David has been retained as an economic and statistical expert in litigation matters in both U.S. District courts and state courts. He has opined in antitrust, medicare fraud, and intellectual property matters. In addition to his expert witness testimony, David has consulted for a wide variety of corporate and government clients. Last year, he served as chief statistician for the first-ever audit of the US Navy.

James Christopoulos, JD, MA

Christopoulos Economics Consulting Group

Costa Mesa, California
Economics, Business Damages - Damages, Present Value Loss, Lost Profits, Lost Earnings, Lost Income, Lost Wages, Pension Loss, Present Value Medical Care Costs, Lost Earning Capacity
I am well versed in the calculation of past and present value future economic damages for all matters such as employment litigation, business litigation, wrongful death, and personal injury, including the calculation of future medical care costs. I provide credible testimony and produce clear summary reports of relevant conclusions.

John J. D'Andrea, Ph.D.

Realty Solutions

San Rafael, California
Real Estate, Banking - damages, mortgages/lending, Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), loan underwriting, sub-prime lending, foreclosures/workouts, real estate syndications/limited partnerships, real estate development, appraisals-real estate, due diligence-loans and properties, forensic economics, real estate brokerage
Dr. D'Andrea has been involved in real estate consulting, finance, investment, management, development, and/or brokerage for more than 25 years. His clients have included investment banks, institutional investors and some of the largest financial institutions and most prestigious law firms in the country. His broad range of experience in property and portfolio analysis, real estate finance, business strategies, and forecasting provide a strong foundation for his expert witness practice. Dr. D’Andrea is a seasoned expert, having provided trial and deposition testimony, reports and declarations. Dr. D'Andrea's expertise has been particularly beneficial to counsel when engaged either pre-litigation or in its early stages. He has assisted in succinct evaluation of case merits, reviewing documents for key provisions, discovery requests, examination preparation prior to and during depositions, and settlement negotiations.

Mason A Dinehart III, RFC

FEND - Financial Education Network Development

San Ramon, California
Securities & Investments, Insurance - Due Diligence, Suitability, Supervision, Standards of Care, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Variable and Fixed Index Annuities, TIC's, Non-Traded REIT'S, Broker Dealer Compliance, Portfolio Analysis,Private Placements, Elder Abuse, Damages, Misrepresentation, Material Omission and Fraud,
I am celebrating 5 decades in the securities Industry. I am both a FINRA Arbitrator and the designated securities expert witness for the CA State Bar. I am a consulting expert in litigation and arbitration having testified in 25 states involving securities, insurance and annuities. Since 1991, I have been retained over 1000 times and have testified in 365 arbitrations before NASD, FINRA, JAMS, PSE, AAA and PSE along with attending and testifying in over 100 mediations. In addition, I have qualified and testified before the L.A. Federal Court along with State Courts in L.A., Orange, Fresno and San Diego. My case track record stands at 328 wins and 37 losses. From a long-standing banking background in corporate finance to underwriting and investment banking and real estate experience, I bring a strong knowledge of modern portfolio theory through the teaching of hundreds of retirement financial planning seminars at the corporate level. It is my goal to bring a refres...

Marty Dirks

Investment Strategy & Analysis

San Francisco, California
Securities & Investments, Business Damages - Materiality of Information, Damages, Fiduciary Duty, Fraud, Hedge Funds, Insider Trading, Stock Options, Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Pension Plans, Ponzi Scheme, Short Selling, Suitability, Business Valuation
Marty Dirks has more than 30 years of institutional investment experience with expertise in hedge fund management, valuation and analysis of securities, analysis of corporate accounting fraud, and other complex investment-related issues. As an analyst and short selling hedge fund manager from 1989 through 2010, he has special expertise in the analysis of fraud and misrepresentation by publicly-traded companies. Mr. Dirks is a Senior Adjunct Professor of Finance at Golden Gate University (2006-present). He was the director of research at McCullough, a value equity manager, from 2010-2012. He was a board member for the San José pension plan from 2011-2019. From his roles as an Adjunct Professor and Investment Consultant he has proven his ability as a confident public speaker with the ability to convey technical concepts to diverse audiences. His corporate industry experience includes working at Cooper Industries (1987-1989), a Fortune 100 manufacturing company, and at Texas Instrume...

Eric Forister, PhD

Econ One Research, Inc.

Los Angeles, California
Economics, Business Damages - Damages, Lost Profit, Reasonable Royalty, False Advertising, Consumer Fraud, Class Certification, Class Action, Market Power, Market Definition, Patent, Survey, Valuation.
Dr. Eric Forister is an expert economist with testifying experience on market definition, market power, and damages. His expertise includes applying advanced statistical techniques to datasets, synthesizing information from documents, and designing and evaluating surveys. He focuses on relevant questions to tackle complex issues with an efficient and effective style of communication. Dr. Forister also has extensive experience consulting on issues including royalty rates, irreparable harm, sampling, survey design, common impact, and materiality. He is a Senior Economist at Econ One and can be reached for more information upon request. Learn more at www.econone.com/staff-member/eric-forister.


White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna, & Hunt, LLP

Sherman Oaks, California
Business Damages, Accounting - Forensic Accounting, Damages, Lost Profits, Lost Earnings, Lost Value of Businesses and Real Estate, Fraud. Extensive Expert Testimony in breach of contract, business interruption, dissolutions, intellectual property, construction, fraud, securities, personal injury, wrongful termination matters.
Barbara Luna is a Senior Partner in the accounting and litigation services firm of White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt. She has served as a forensic accounting, damages and valuation expert witness for over forty years in business and personal injury litigation and bankruptcy matters. She analyzes financial, accounting, economic, business, real estate and valuation issues relating to liability and damages in litigation matters and reorganization of businesses. She has testified on numerous occasions in U.S. District Court, Superior Court, Bankruptcy Court, arbitrations and depositions.

Thomas M. Neches, CPA, ABV, CVA, CFE, CFF

Thomas Neches & Co., LLP

Los Angeles, California
Business Damages, Accounting - CPA expert witness, forensic accounting, damages, business valuation, lost profits, reasonable royalty, alter ego, intellectual property, wrongful termination, wrongful death, breach of contract, lender liability,banking, entertainment, insurance, manufacturing, retail, securities, wholesale.
Thomas Neches, managing partner of Thomas Neches & Company LLP, provides accounting, financial, business valuation and statistical analyses to assist attorneys involved in litigation. Mr. Neches has testified as an expert in state and federal courts in Arizona, California, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Nevada, New York and Oregon. He is a Certified Public Accountant, Accredited in Business Valuation, a Certified Valuation Analyst, a Certified Fraud Examiner and is Certified in Financial Forensics. He received his BA in Mathematics and Literature from UC San Diego and his MS in Operations Research from UCLA. Mr. Neches has testified to juries on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in antitrust, breach of contract, fraud, intellectual property, lender liability, personal injury and wrongful termination cases. Examples of the litigation issues he has addressed include lost profits, lost business value, determining a reasonable royalty and piercing the corporate veil. Representativ...

Stephen E. Roulac, PhD

Roulac Global

San Francisco, California
Real Estate, Economics - RE finance/investment,Causation/liability,Damages,Consulting expert, Valuation/appraisal/analytics,Fiduciary/ ethics, Due process/diligence, Properties/markets, Cycles, Conservation easements,Housing, Financial economics, Development/building,Loans, Securitization/CMBS/RMBS, Proptech, Leases, Strate
Dr. Stephen Roulac’s background includes working as a real estate expert providing professional strategic property analytic, investment management, and advisory services to decision-makers. Stephen Roulac has been retained as a consulting and/or testifying expert for 150+ matters, including many of the most significant real estate litigation assignments of the last several decades. Dr. Roulac and his team provide consulting advice and expert witness services to assist clients in resolving problems, including diagnosis, analysis, development of alternative solutions, and implementation assistance in negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and litigation. Dr. Roulac and his team have assisted attorneys to successfully pursue their cases on behalf of plaintiffs, defendants and the public interest in civil, bankruptcy, and criminal matters in Municipal/Superior/Federal courts and in public hearings and specialized proceedings before government (city, county, state, federal) and legislativ...

Michael Spindler, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, CAMS

B. Riley Advisory Services

Los Angeles, California
Accounting, Fraud - Forensic accounting, damages, alter ego, Ponzi schemes
Michael Spindler is a CPA and Certified Fraud Examiner who brings over 40 years of experience to complex disputes including matters related to forensic accounting and business fraud investigations across a wide range of industries. He has provided expert testimony on dozens of occasions in bench trials, jury trials and arbitration proceedings. He has served as a court-appointed forensic accountant and as an accounting referee. He has conducted numerous high-profile investigations of public company financial statement fraud and other matters. Mr. Spindler has presented his findings to special committees and various government agencies on behalf of clients, including the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service and the Office of Thrift Supervision.

Michael Trousdale, PhD

Econ One Research

Los Angeles, California
Economics, Business Damages - Damages, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice, Discrimination, Employment, Antitrust, Market Power, Market Definition, Class Action, Class Certification, Economic Analysis, Econometric Analysis, Economic Consulting
Dr. Michael Trousdale is a managing director at Econ One Research with over 15 years of experience conducting and managing complex economic research. As an economic expert, Dr. Trousdale applies economic and statistical analysis to liability and damages estimation for litigation matters. He has consulted on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants across a wide array of industries and products, including professional sports, commercial real estate, steel products manufacturing, air & surface transportation, oil & gas, electricity, pharmaceuticals, radio equipment, and a variety of others.

David G. Campbell, PhD

Wicomico Analytics Group LLC

Washington, District Of Columbia
Economics, Statistics - Damages, Antitrust, Statistical Sampling, Class Certification, Healthcare, Health Insurance, Medicare Fraud, Intellectual Property, Patent, Insurance Coverage, Securities Fraud, Environmental Disputes
David is a versatile economist who has worked in private consulting for 20+ years. He has been an Economics professor at several Southern California colleges, where he taught economic theory, econometrics, statistics, and finance. For several years he led an Antitrust Seminar in the joint Law School/Business School program at Pepperdine. David's research is well-cited; his article on Productivity Dynamics has over 1400 citations on Google Scholar. David has been retained as an economic and statistical expert in litigation matters in both U.S. District courts and state courts. He has opined in antitrust, medicare fraud, and intellectual property matters. In addition to his expert witness testimony, David has consulted for a wide variety of corporate and government clients. Last year, he served as chief statistician for the first-ever audit of the US Navy.

Philip J. Cross, Ph.D.

Kenyon Consulting LLC

Washington, District Of Columbia
Economics, Statistics - Lost wages, Antitrust, Class action, Lost profits, Breach of contract, Damages, Liability, Survey design, Conjoint analysis, Big data, Machine learning, Privileged consulting, Discrimination, Wrongful termination, Wrongful death, Industrial espionage, Fraud detection, Employment discrimination
Dr. Cross has over 20 years of experience as an economist and statistician in academia, government, and consulting. His consulting experience includes testifying as an expert in class-action litigations, antitrust matters, lost profits matters, and employment discrimination matters. Dr. Cross holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. He previously taught in the Economics Department at Georgetown University, and has held visiting positions at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Melbourne. Dr. Cross’s experience includes: Being retained as an economic and statistical expert in litigation matters in both U.S. District courts and state courts. He has opined in antitrust, class action, employment discrimination, breach of contract and regulatory matters. Working on litigation matters involving antitrust issues, class certification, statistical sampling, survey design, conjoint analysis, health-care reimbursement, wage and hour cases, product liability, economic dama...

Deepa Sundararaman, CPA, CVA, MBA

Berkeley Research Group

Washington, District Of Columbia
Business Damages, Intellectual Property - Accounting, Valuation, Economics, Financial, Dispute Resolution, Damages, Breach, Patent, Trademark, Trade Secret, lost profits, reasonable royalties, unjust enrichment, Section 337 matters, ITC, International Trade Commission
Deepa Sundararaman is a director in BRG’s Washington D.C. office. She has analyzed issues related to intellectual property disputes for 20 years. Ms. Sundararaman performs complex financial and accounting analyses for clients across numerous industries in evaluating economic and damages issues in litigation settings. Ms. Sundararaman has testified at deposition and at trial. In federal and state courts, and in arbitrations, Ms. Sundararaman has quantified damages in disputes dealing with patent infringement, trademark infringement, unfair competition, breach of contract, and fraudulent inducement. At the ITC, Ms. Sundararaman has analyzed economic and financial issues related to public interest, economic prong of domestic industry, commercial success, remedy, cease and desist and calculation of appropriate bond rates. Over the years, Ms. Sundararaman has led engagements dealing with business valuations, royalty investigations, bankruptcy investigations, regulatory compliance...

Santo Steve BiFulco, MD, CLCP

BiFulco Medical Group

Tampa, Florida
Life Care Planning, Physical Medicine & Rehab - Damages. Certified Life Care Planner. Testifying & Treating MD on matters involving future care, permanency, causation, and life expectancy for defense and plaintiff firms. Brain Injuries from mTBI to severe, Amputations, Burns, Multi-Trauma, Orthopedic Injuries, Chronic Pain.
Dr. BiFulco is a licensed physician in the State of Florida & New York; Dr. BiFulco holds specialty training & certifications in Interventional Pain Management, Radio-Frequency, & Intra-Discal Therapies. Dr. BiFulco is licensed by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency to prescribe. Dr. BiFulco is a Board-Certified Physician Life Care Planner. Dr. BiFulco’s professional career includes decades of clinical practice, treating over 100 thousand patients with all manners of acute, chronic, & catastrophic injuries and illnesses. Dr. BiFulco has occupied numerous medical directorships and medically-oriented advisorship positions. As a medical doctor/entrepreneur, Dr. BiFulco founded and managed successful clinical practices and medical centers. Dr. BiFulco’s professional associations include the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, the American Medical Association, the National Association of Disability Evaluating Professionals, the International Association for...

Thomas Collier, Jr

Collier Consultants

Construction, Premises Liability - Defects, personal injury, insurance, codes, commercial, residential, accidents, falls, asbestos, ADA, sewer, water, liability, damages, general contractor, fire, flood, contracts, subcontractors, engineer
Highly experienced construction and premises expert. Specializes in large commercial and multi-residential construction disputes and serious bodily injury claims. Has served on over 300 cases as an expert witness and dozens of cases as an arbitrator. 30+ years’ experience as a general contractor and owner/developer focusing on condominiums, roads, sewers, subdivisions, offices and other major construction. Summa Cum Laude/Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of North Carolina. Consultant (2008-Present): Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Cases include commercial defects and delays, serious personal injuries, multifamily, sewers, roads and drainage, retail, insurance, professional liability, and construction business practices. Approximately equal representation of plaintiffs and defendants. General Contractor - President of Buckhead Classic (2006 – presen): Projects include defective construction repair, new construction, fire and flood...

Thomas Collier, Jr

Collier Consultants

Atlanta, Georgia
Construction, Premises Liability - Defects, personal injury, insurance, codes, commercial, residential, accidents, falls, asbestos, ADA, sewer, water, liability, damages, general contractor, fire, flood, contracts, subcontractors, engineer
Highly experienced construction and premises expert. Specializes in large commercial and multi-residential construction disputes and serious bodily injury claims. Has served on over 300 cases as an expert witness and dozens of cases as an arbitrator. 30+ years’ experience as a general contractor and owner/developer focusing on condominiums, roads, sewers, subdivisions, offices and other major construction. Summa Cum Laude/Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of North Carolina. Consultant (2008-Present): Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Cases include commercial defects and delays, serious personal injuries, multifamily, sewers, roads and drainage, retail, insurance, professional liability, and construction business practices. Approximately equal representation of plaintiffs and defendants. General Contractor - President of Buckhead Classic (2006 – presen): Projects include defective construction repair, new construction, fire and flood...

Jeffrey Miller, MAI, AI-GRS, CCIM, ASA

Complex Valuations, USPAP, Eminent Domain, Damages

Southern Skyline Valuations

Atlanta, Georgia
Appraisal & Valuation, Real Estate Appraiser - MAI, AI-GRS, CCIM, ASA, commercial real estate, default, partial interest, damages, environmental contamination, foreclosure, bankruptcy, USPAP, lease, instructor, Yellow Book, easement, estate, receivership, special, servicer, cmbs, office, retail, industrial, apartment, multifamily, land, expert
Publications/Seminars Developer of 4 Hour Seminar “Regional & Local Verification Requirements for Yellow Book, USPAP, State Regulations & Various Clients” Author of Appraisal Institute Article, “USPAP 2024: The 1st Update with No End Date”, 1st Qtr. 2024 Newsletter Coauthor of Appraisal Buzz Article, “Drones Take Flight for Appraisals,” Sept. 10, 2019, website Author of Appraisal Institute Article, “USPAP 2018-2019 Provides Clarity and Balance”, 4th Qtr. 2017 Newsletter Author of Appraisal Institute’s “Analyzing Credit Tenant Risk and Commercial Lease Analysis”, 7 Hour Seminar released in 2010 Contributing writer to Appraisal Institute’s “Analyzing Distressed Real Estate” 7 Hour Seminar released in 2009 Teaching AQB Certified USPAP Instructor -The Appraisal Foundation’s (TAF) Appraisers Qualification Board (AQB) Certification to be an Instructor for Uniform Standards for Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) Instructor for “7 Hour Update Uniform Standards for Profess...

John M Keeling, CRE, MAI, CHIA

The Keeling Consultancy, LLC

Hotel & Restaurant, Real Estate Appraiser - Ad Valorem Tax, Arbitration, Bankruptcy, Business Interruption, Business Value, Condemnation, Damages, Economic Impact, Enterprise Value, Lost Profits, Management Agreement, Management Contract, Property Tax, Reorganization
PROFESSIONAL HISTORY The Keeling Consultancy, LLC – Principal Valencia Hotel Group - Executive Vice President Prior: PKF Consulting – Senior Vice President & Shareholder Laventhol & Horwath – Regional Managing Partner LICENSES Louisiana Certified General Real Estate Appraiser Texas Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Texas Certified General Real Estate Appraiser Texas Real Estate Broker PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS The Appraisal Institute (MAI) The Counselors of Real Estate (CRE) Certified Hotel Industry Analyst (CHIA) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (retired member) PUBLICATIONS Real Estate Market Analysis: Methods and Case Studies, The Urban Land Institute, 2009 (Contributing Author) Downtown Development Handbook, The Urban Land Institute, 1992 (Contributing Author) EDUCATION Completed the Appraisal Institute course “Fundamentals of Separating Real Property, Personal Property and Intangible Business Assets” Completed all course work for a Certificate of Completio...

William R Legier, CPA, CFE, CFF

Legier and Company, apac

New Orleans, Louisiana
Accounting, Bankruptcy - Fraud, Lost Profits, Forensic Accounting, Business Valuation, Business Damages, Damages, Shareholder Disputes, Corporate Veil Piercing, Business Interruptions, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, White Collar Crimes, Fiduciary Duty
Certified Public Accountant; Certified in Financial Forensics; Certified Fraud Examiner; Extensive forensic accounting and complex commercial litigation experience with testimony in Federal and State Courts throughout the US for leading national law firms and Fortune 100/500 companies in areas including, calculating lost profits, fraud detection and recovery, mismanagement, bankruptcies, appointment of receiver, business valuations, shareholder disputes, evidence of ownership, identification of hidden assets, corporate veil piercing, business interruptions, single business enterprises, analysis and explanation of complex financial transactions, forensic accounting, accounting malpractice, marital dissolutions, including separate and community property, spousal support and tracing, lost earnings, personal injury, intellectual property and reasonable royalties, including patent, trademark and copyright infringement and trade secrets, investigative accounting, breach of contract, breac...

Shelby A. Dubato

MalcolmDubato, LLC

Marriottsville, Maryland
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Case Management, Medical Management, Future Medical Expenses, Life Care Plan, Durable Medical Equipment, Labor Market Survey, Earning Capacity, Wage Loss, Loss of Employment, Employment Capacity, Vocational Expert Opinion, Damages Expert
Shelby Dubato is a graduate of University of Maryland, Baltimore with a Master of Social Work degree and is licensed by Maryland’s Department of Health as a License Certified Social Worker with a Clinical designation (LCSW-C). Ms. Dubato is a Certified Case Manager (CCM), Certified Disability Management Specialist (CDMS), and Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP). Ms. Dubato is experienced in the following: • Completing extensive case file reviews, including medical records, employment files, educational documentation, and wage/tax documentation • Performing in-depth client interviews and assessments • Conducting home visits in conjunction with a physical and/or occupational therapist • Preparing correspondence to treating providers to determine future medical needs and costs, as well as physical abilities and limitations related to plaintiff's/claimant's work capacity • Coordinating services • Conducting research, such as labor market research; cost research for services, DMEs, m...

Roger K Pitman, MD

West Newbury, Massachusetts
Forensic Psychiatry, Brain Injury Medicine - posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD, psychological trauma, traumatic brain injury, TBI, brain damage, brain injury medicine, abuse, tort, workers compensation, damages, disability
Dr. Pitman has been practicing psychiatry for 53 years. He is Certified in Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, and Brain Injury Medicine by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He is Professor of Psychiatry, previously full-time, currently part-time, at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. He is an internationally recognized researcher, teacher, and clinician in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He has nearly 300 peer-reviewed publications in the medical and clinical psychology literature. He is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a recipient of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies' Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement and its Lifetime Achievement Award. In addition to Dr. Pitman's activity in academic psychiatry, he has a selective private practice in forensic psychiatry, specializing in PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and mental damages. He does not accept malpractice liability cases (e...

Patricia Yanes

Applied Marketing Science, Inc.

Burlington, Massachusetts
Marketing, Advertising - Conjoint Analysis, Class Action, Class Action Lawsuits, Class Action Damage Models, Class Action Litigation, Class Certification, Economic Damages, Market Research, Marketing, Survey Design, Survey Research, Damage Calculations, Damages
Patricia Yanes serves as an expert witness for civil litigation, with a specialty in on conjoint analysis and discrete-choice methodologies for class actions. She has led domestic and international market research engagements for over a decade as a Principal at Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS). Her litigation research experience includes supporting affiliated academic experts in the design and execution of high-stakes consumer litigation, and in preparing rebuttals. She has managed projects with testifying experts on cases related to deceptive advertising, class actions, patent infringement and more. Patty is a master of conjoint analysis, maximum-difference scaling (MaxDiff), total unduplicated reach and frequency (TURF), and choice-modeling techniques. Patty is a member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), the Insights Association (IA), and Women in Research (WIRe). She has gu...

Kerry Campbell, CFA®, CFP®, AIFA®

Kerry Campbell LLC

Staten Island, New York
Securities & Investments, Financial - Uniform Prudent Investor Act, UPIA, Trust and Estates, Trustee Duty of Impartiality, Fiduciary Duty, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Damages, Investment Suitability, Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Asset Allocation, Investment Due Diligence, Divorce, Matrimonial, Hedge Funds, FINRA, Annuities.
Mr. Campbell has over 30 years of financial industry experience. He is the principal of a financial litigation and investment management consulting firm, Kerry Campbell LLC, where he serves as a financial expert witness during litigations and provides consulting services to financial institutions and investors. He has worked in investment research and portfolio management, as a Managing Director at Arden Asset Management, and as a Senior Vice President at Guggenheim Partners. He has worked in prime broker risk management as a Managing Director at Bear Stearns. Prior to that he worked as a commissioned registered representative, a funding officer and as a credit analyst/loan officer. Mr. Campbell received a Master of Business Administration in Finance from the University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business and a Bachelor of Science in Finance Summa Cum Laude from Fordham University Gabelli School of Business. He is an Approved FINRA Dispute Resolution Arbitrator, a Cha...

Don May, PhD

DMA Economics

Cortlandt Manor, New York
Economics, Accounting - Economic damages, lost profits, securities fraud, lost business value, theft of trade secrets, breach of contract, damages, product mislabeling damages, business valuation
Don May is Managing Partner at DMA Economics LLC and possesses over 35 years’ experience in consulting, valuation and litigation support as well as researching, publishing and teaching at the university level. His experience includes implementing a broad range of damage analyses and valuations for businesses of various sizes and in numerous industries. Prior to founding DMA Economics, Dr. May was Managing Director at Berkley Research Group and the Principal in charge of valuation and litigation support services for a regional accounting firm, a Managing Director for PricewaterhouseCoopers and a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management. Dr. May has prepared expert reports and testified in federal and state courts as well as AAA, JAMS, and FINRA arbitration hearings and has effectively communicated as an expert witness testifier and consultant in several multi-million dollar cases. Some examples of recent matters Dr. May has been asked to ...

Thomas Collier, Jr

Collier Consultants

North Carolina
Construction, Premises Liability - Defects, personal injury, insurance, codes, commercial, residential, accidents, falls, asbestos, ADA, sewer, water, liability, damages, general contractor, fire, flood, contracts, subcontractors, engineer
Highly experienced construction and premises expert. Specializes in large commercial and multi-residential construction disputes and serious bodily injury claims. Has served on over 300 cases as an expert witness and dozens of cases as an arbitrator. 30+ years’ experience as a general contractor and owner/developer focusing on condominiums, roads, sewers, subdivisions, offices and other major construction. Summa Cum Laude/Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of North Carolina. Consultant (2008-Present): Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Cases include commercial defects and delays, serious personal injuries, multifamily, sewers, roads and drainage, retail, insurance, professional liability, and construction business practices. Approximately equal representation of plaintiffs and defendants. General Contractor - President of Buckhead Classic (2006 – presen): Projects include defective construction repair, new construction, fire and flood...

Jonathan Lovins, MD, SFHM, MMCi

Duke University Health System

Durham, North Carolina
Hospitalist, Information Technology - Internal Medicine, Informatics, EHR, EMR, electronic medical records, electronic health records, patient portals, medical records, IT, board certified, Medical Director, Internist, negligence, injury, damages, causation, malpractice, quality of care, standard of care, professor, medication error
Experienced expert witness for dozens of hospital medicine cases for over 12 years. Hands on experience for over 10 years as a hospitalist and medical faculty at Duke University Health System. Served as director of 30+ FTE academic and clinical hospital medicine program in Connecticut for over three years. Excellent communication skills from teaching Duke physicians and giving academic presentations and lectures. Duke University, University of Connecticut, and Tufts University educated physician board certified in both internal medicine (hospital medicine focused) and clinical informatics. Awarded Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude from Clark University. Recipient of Senior Fellow in Hospital Medicine designation from the Society of Hospital Medicine and Scholars Award from Duke University. Received training from SEAK in expert witness testimony. Over 5 years of medical informatics experience as Associate Medical Informatics Officer at Duke Regional Hospital and Informatics Physic...

Michael D. McCarthy, Esq.

Military Experts

Columbus, Ohio
Legal - military lost wages, military economic damages, military compensation, lost wages, damages, promotions, military benefits, military disability, military careers, military damages, military retirement, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Space Force, personal injury damages, tort damages.
Mike is a founding Principal of Military Experts, LLC which has been providing expert witnesses in civil tort cases where a servicemember has been injured since 2010. Military Experts’ team includes retired Admirals and Generals from each of the military services. Mike is an expert on matters relating to military compensation, military careers and the military disability evaluation system. Extensive expert witness experience assessing whether a service member has lost military earnings or benefits and, if so, quantifying that loss. 25+ years’ service in the Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve, mainly in infantry and counter terrorism. Selected as a Congressional Fellow and assigned to serve as a military advisor to the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Advisory portfolio as a Congressional Fellow included defense and veterans’ policy issues. Admitted to practice law in Ohio and the District of Columbia. Currently serving as Colonel in the Uni...

Richard S Kaplan, MD

Kaplan Life Care Planning

Monroeville, Pennsylvania
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Life Care Planning - Life Care Planning (large cases), Medical Cost Projection (smaller cases), Life Expectancy, Disability, Damages, Mass Tort, Auto Accident Injury Assessment, Pain, Brain Injury, Multiple Trauma, Spinal Cord Injury, Gait Dysfunction, Falls, Nursing Home Injuries, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury
Certified PM&R physician life care planner available for both life care plans (large cases) and medical cost projections (cost-effective for smaller cases). 25+ years experience in comprehensive physical medicine/rehabilitation and pain management practice. Available to both plaintiff/defense for life care plan and cost projection reports, rebuttal reports, and life expectancy opinions. Straightforward, flat-rate pricing on all services. Available in Pittsburgh and nationally. See details at www.kaplanlifecareplan.com or www.rehabanalytics.com

Bryan A. Finley, CPA, CFF, CFE

Janik Forensics PC

Dallas, Texas
Accounting, Fraud - Forensic Accounting, Accounting Expert Witness, Damages Expert, Certified Fraud Examiner, CFE, Certified in Financial Forensics, CFF, Certified Public Accountant, CPA
PRACTICE AREA • Provides professional services as a forensic accountant, expert witness, arbitrator and consultant to legal counsel for clients involved in complex civil litigation, corporate board and internal investigations, complex insurance claims, bankruptcies, and responses to actions by regulatory and investigative bodies. • Advises on matters related to damages, loss claims, fraud, financial reporting, internal controls and accounting issues, among others. • Subject matters commonly addressed include partnership and investor disputes, breach of contract, fee disputes, tort, professional negligence, misappropriation, bribery, conflicts of interest, whistleblower allegations, probate/trust matters, vendor fraud, M&A post-transaction accounting disputes, antifraud programs, internal controls, loss of value, intellectual property, theft of trade secrets, lost profits, royalties, business interruption, environmental disasters and construction defects. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIO...

John M Keeling, CRE, MAI, CHIA

The Keeling Consultancy, LLC

Houston, Texas
Hotel & Restaurant, Real Estate Appraiser - Ad Valorem Tax, Arbitration, Bankruptcy, Business Interruption, Business Value, Condemnation, Damages, Economic Impact, Enterprise Value, Lost Profits, Management Agreement, Management Contract, Property Tax, Reorganization
PROFESSIONAL HISTORY The Keeling Consultancy, LLC – Principal Valencia Hotel Group - Executive Vice President Prior: PKF Consulting – Senior Vice President & Shareholder Laventhol & Horwath – Regional Managing Partner LICENSES Louisiana Certified General Real Estate Appraiser Texas Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Texas Certified General Real Estate Appraiser Texas Real Estate Broker PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS The Appraisal Institute (MAI) The Counselors of Real Estate (CRE) Certified Hotel Industry Analyst (CHIA) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (retired member) PUBLICATIONS Real Estate Market Analysis: Methods and Case Studies, The Urban Land Institute, 2009 (Contributing Author) Downtown Development Handbook, The Urban Land Institute, 1992 (Contributing Author) EDUCATION Completed the Appraisal Institute course “Fundamentals of Separating Real Property, Personal Property and Intangible Business Assets” Completed all course work for a Certificate of Completio...

Stark Langs

Realty Capital Solutions, LLC

Dallas, Texas
Bankruptcy, Real Estate - Bankruptcy Plan Feasibility, Appropriate Interest Rate, Damages, Commercial Real Estate Loan Underwriting, Real Estate Acquisitions, CMBS, Loans, Representations and warranties, Due diligence, Finance, Damages, Real Estate
I am an expert in commercial real estate finance with over 35 years of experience in the industry. I have worked in commercial real estate consulting, loan underwriting and acquisitions. I have underwritten in excess of $3 billion in commercial real estate loans and potential acquisitions. I have been retained as an expert on commercial real estate finance cases involving bankruptcy plan feasibility and appropriate interest rate, damages, loan underwriting, acquisitions and CMBS. In the past 4 years I have testified: - as a damages rebuttal expert at deposition and at a confidential Arbitration Hearing. Case involved alleged breach of fiduciary duty and breach of contract with respect to an office building; - as a bankruptcy plan feasibility and appropriate interest rate expert at deposition. Case settled at the Confirmation Hearing. Collateral was an apartment property; - as a real estate finance expert at deposition. Case involved an allegedly fraudulent investment fund, ...

Eric Cole

Secure Anchor Consulting

Ashburn, Virginia
Cybersecurity, Computers - Computer Forensics, Computer Investigations, Computer Security, Cyber Breach, Intellectual Property, Loss Prevention, Network Security, Security Management, Security Negligence, Trade Secrets, Security Standards, Data Privacy, Cloud Security, Patents, Apportionment, Infringement, Damages, Meta Data
Dr. Eric Cole is a computer and cybersecurity expert who has built a solid reputation in the information technology industry over the last three decades. His educational experience includes a master’s degree in computer science from the New York Institute of Technology, and a doctorate in Professional Studies from Pace University. Dr. Cole’s expert involvement in the cybersecurity industry is demonstrated by being appointed as the commissioner on cybersecurity for the 44th president, holding a position as a senior fellow at SANS, and being elected to the Purdue University Executive Advisory Board. His extensive real-world experience includes being the former Chief Technology Officer for McAfee, former Chief Scientist at Lockheed Martin, and former Program Manager at the Central Intelligence Agency. Currently, he is the CEO and Founder of Secure Anchor Consulting. His consulting clients include Fortune 500 companies, Fortune 50 companies, international organizations, and the feder...

Gila Bronshtein, PhD


Vancouver, Washington
Economics, Business Damages - Antitrust, Class action, Trademark Infringement, Intellectual Property, Consumer Fraud, Lost profits, Damages, Discrimination, Statistical Sampling, Class Certification, Contract Dispute, Liability, Wrongful Termination, Personal Injury, Data Security, Data Breach, Wrongful Death, Forensic Economics
Dr. Bronshtein earned her PhD in Economics from Stanford University, paving the way for her notable career in economic litigation. At Cornerstone Research, Dr. Bronshtein has honed her skills in litigation support and expert witness services. Over her career, Dr. Bronshtein managed over 25 expert witness projects in a variety of industries, including tech, automotive, consumer products, and pharmaceuticals. Her profound insights and strategic approach have been pivotal in numerous legal disputes related to product liability, false advertising, data privacy, competition, antitrust, contract disputes, patent or trademark infringement, and discrimination lawsuits. Learn more at www.econ-metrics.com

Theodore G Phelps

FVLS Consultancy

Spokane, Washington
Business Valuation, Business Damages - Fraud, Forensic Accounting, Divorce, Partnership Dispute, Shareholder Dispute, Minority Shareholder Oppression, Dispute Resolution, Corporate Investigation, Dissolution, Valuation, Damages, Expert Testimony, Business Divorce
During his four decades as a financial problem solver, Ted Phelps has built a reputation for integrity, diligence, and leadership. Phelps is skilled in the fields of insolvency, reorganization, and restructuring. As a court-appointed fiduciary, he has completed dozens of business receiverships, many of which involved fraud and shareholder oppression issues. A forensic accountant and testifying expert in the areas of Fraud, Business Valuation, and Economic Damages, Phelps excels in following the money no matter where the trail leads. Although it is a necessity in many litigated matters, forensic accounting can be time-consuming and expensive. Experience and sound judgment matter. "I separate gossip from fact," Phelps says of his work. "I listen to the parties, and I strain out the extraneous and irrelevant. In the end, I develop a road map showing the detours that led to the problems and the route to their solutions." As the founder and president of FVLS Consultancy, Phelps develop...

Randall M Albert, PE

Shale Advisory Group, LLC

Bluefield, West Virginia
Energy, Oil and Gas - Leases, JOA, Safety, Drilling, Completions, Operations, Project Management, M&A, Midstream, Upstream, Damages, Mining
I have over 40 years experience in the Energy sector with the last 20 at the C-Suite level. I have extensive experience as an expert witness for both defendant and plaintiff. I have worked with large national law firms and small regional law firms. I have provided both deposition and trial testimony.