Administrative Reinsurance Expert Witnesses

Administrative reinsurance expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on administrative reinsurance. The administrative reinsurance expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Actuarial and Insurance.

Jeremy Starr, FSA. MAAA

Jeremy Starr Consulting LLC

New York, New York
Actuarial, Insurance - life reinsurance, Yearly Renewable Term rate increases, Recapture disputes, life reinsurance coverage issues, reinsurance manager underwriting authority disputes, life reinsurance regulatory issues, life insurance securitization, financial reinsurance, surplus relief, administrative reinsurance
Over 45 years of experience in life (re)insurance practice. Created and ran a reinsurance acquisition division for Fortune 250 company. Managing Director working on life insurance securitizations for a major investment bank. Company roles have included senior officer in charge of reinsurance pricing and/or valuation. Actively lobbied insurance regulators on life reinsurance issues and was chief life reinsurance industry company lobbyist when chair of the American Council of Life Insurers’ Reinsurance Committee from 1999-2000. Chair of the Reinsurance Section of the Society of Actuaries and Chair of a reinsurance committee at the Academy of Actuaries. Chair of task forces that wrote an actuarial standard on life, annuity, and health reinsurance financial reporting and a second that wrote a practice note on credit for reinsurance. Author of the reinsurance chapter in the Society of Actuaries textbook “International Financial Reporting for Insurers.” Experience includes over a dozen ca...