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Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Electricity and Safety

Keywords/Search Terms:

Electrical Safety, Electrocution, Electrical Arc Flash Burns, Utility Safety, Power Systems Safety, Utility Fall Protection, Transmission and Distribution Safety


BS, Johnson State College; AS, Community College of Vermont

Years in Practice:


Additional Information

As President of Workplace Safety Solutions, Inc. for over 20 years Lee has provided safety consultation services specializing in electrical safety to over 700 companies. With more than 45 years of experience in the electric field he has cultivated his expertise to build a solid consulting business. There are many electrical standards to sort through. Each case is unique and requires expertise in all of them. Lee has been teaching electrical standards classes for several OSHA Training Institutes for years and keeps current with the NEC changes by maintaining his electrician license. With 20 years field experience in the electric utility, powerline contacts are Lee’s specialty. But he also offers consultation, investigations, opinion reports and testimony for a variety of electrical safety issues from low voltage to ultra-high voltage. Law firms are provided exemplary service, dedication, and the commitment they need to effectively assist with legal cases and challenging schedules from pre-discovery to final decision… and always in a polite and respectful way.