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Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Dentist and Forensic Medicine

Keywords/Search Terms:

Dental Malpractice, Standards of Care, Elder abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, Bite Mark Analysis, Age Assessment or Age Estimation, Dental Identification, Forensic Dentistry, Elder abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, Independent Dental Examinations


DDS, 1988, New York University, College of Dentistry; AEPGD Certificate, 1989, New York University, College of Dentistry; D-ABFO, American Board of Forensic Odontology

Years in Practice:


Additional Information

Dr. Ho received an A.B. from Cornell University in 1983 and her Doctor of Dental Surgery from New York University College of Dentistry (NYUCD) in 1988. She achieved a certificate from the Advanced Education Program in General Dentistry from NYUCD and completed an externship at the Prince Philip Dental Hospital in Hong Kong, both in 1989. As a forensic specialist, she works as a consultant for the Suffolk County Office of the Medical Examiner, the Rockland County Office of the Medical Examiner and has been a responder to 9/11 and Hurricanes Katrina and Maria as a member of DMORT. She has been an active reviewing member of the National Dental Image Repository/CJIS-LEO under the aegis of the FBI since its inception. She has taught at NYUCD, at Stonybrook University College of Dental Medicine and at John Jay College of Criminal Justice as a guest lecturer. She has presented domestically and internationally on Forensic Odontology and has written on Human Abuse and dental morphometrics. She is a member of the Organization of Scientific Areas Committees (OSAC,deputy chief in Odontology), the Academy Standards Board (ASB), the American Dental Association Standards Committee on Dental Informatics (ADA SCDI) and is a US representative for the International Standards Organization (ISO) working groups on Forensic Odontology terminology, writing standards. She has completed nearly 1200 hours of continuing education. Her Professional Affiliations: New York County Dental Society New York State Dental Association American Dental Association Eastern Dental Society, past member of Board of Governors New York City Medical Reserve Corps-not active since pandemic Suffolk County Medical Reserve Corps-not active since pandemic American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Fellow New York Society of Forensic Dentistry, Immediate Past President (society returning this fall) Suffolk Society of Forensic Dentistry, past Education Officer-society not active since pandemic American Society of Forensic Dentistry, 2020 President Association of Forensic Odontologists for Human Rights, Past Secretary Dentify.Me, international member Kenyon International Forensic Dental Consultant