Gregory L Nedurian, MD Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae

Senior Vascular Surgeon at Busiest ED in US

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Additional States: Georgia
  • Company: Nedurian Consulting
  • Phone: (863) 687-0550
  • Cell: (813) 892-5310
  • Fax: (863) 682-7700

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Vascular Surgery and Wound Care

Keywords/Search Terms:

Limb salvage, DVT, TCAR, Amputation, Endovascular Intervention, Office Based Lab, AAA Repair, Varicose Veins, Bypass Grafts, Vascular Trauma, Intravascular Ultrasound, Pedal Access, Wound Care, Gangrene, Atherectomy, Carotid artery Stenosis, RF Ablations, Venous Stenting, Vascular Duplex Lab


BS , Wagner College; MD, UAG; General Surgery-FACS, UMDNJ; Cardio-Vascular Fellowship, UMDNJ

Years in Practice:

40 +

Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

I am currently a practicing vascular surgeon with more than 45 years of experience in private practice. I am a fellow of the American College of surgeons and have completed a cardiovascular fellowship, with an additional fellowship year of oncological surgery, at the College of medicine and dentistry in New Jersey. This was followed by the wound care fellowship at Ohio State University. My initial 22 years of private practice was at Williamsport and Lock Haven Hospitals where I was the director of the vascular laboratory. Currently I am in private practice at Lakeland Regional Medical Center, FL, with 6 hybrid rooms, and state of the art OR facility for vascular and endovascular procedures. I developed one of the areas, first outpatient office-based Cath Lab, designated for limb salvage. I have extensive trauma experience with multiple cases of limb reimplantation. I embraced the changes brought by technology, with implantation over 500 stent grafts for AAA repair. In addition to bringing TCAR to our community, I have performed over 3500 open carotid endarterectomies. I have extensive experience in limb bypass with synthetic and in situ grafts. I help develop a muscle stapling device for limb amputation with Ethicon Surgical and have used it over 300 times successfully. I have extensive expertise in dialysis access. I have embraced intravascular ultrasound and have extensive experience in central venous stenosis and distal varicose vein treatment with radiofrequency and Varithena.