Physician/Surgeon + Medical Coding/Auditing Expert

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Company: Coding and Physician Reimbursement Analysts, Inc.
  • Phone: (321) 720-5193
  • Cell: (321) 720-5193
  • Fax: (321) 726-4061
  • Website:

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Medical Coding and Ophthalmology

Keywords/Search Terms:

Surgeon, Coder, Auditor, Fair and Reasonable Value, Medical Coding, Physician Coding, Ophthalmology Coding, Optometry Coding, Reimbursement, Eye Care, Coding, Medicare, Healthcare Fraud, Audits, False Claims Act, National Correct Coding Initiative, Bundling


BS , Cornell University College of Engineering; MD, University of Michigan Medical School; MBA, University of Central Florida; Residency/Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University / University of California San Francisco

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

ABOUT: Highly experienced expert witness with 100+ cases in medical coding, reimbursement, and compliance across the entire medical spectrum, providing services for both plaintiff and defense. Board-certified practicing physician and surgeon, Certified Coding Specialist (Physician-based), and Certified Professional Medical Auditor. Awarded graduate of Cornell University’s College of Engineering (B.S.) and the University of Michigan Medical School (M.D.), with postgraduate specialty training at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the University of California, San Francisco. Master-level graduate (M.B.A.) of the University of Central Florida, College of Business Administration. Chairman of the Ophthalmology Section at Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne, Florida. Assistant professor at the University of Central Florida, College of Medicine. Extensive committee involvement, including American Medical Association’s CPT Advisory Committee and the Florida Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee. Active educator and speaker at national, regional, and local levels. Available for consultation, research, analysis, report generation, deposition, and trial testimony as an expert witness. CERTIFICATIONS: - Certified Coding Specialist, Physician-Based (CCS-P) - Certified Professional Medical Auditor (CPMA) - Certified Physician AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION INCLUDE: - Medical coding and reimbursement - Coding compliance - Coding guidelines - Medicare - Medicaid - Private insurance - Fair and reasonable value - Usual, customary, and reasonable (UCR) value - CPT coding; ICD-10 coding - Auditing - Fraud and abuse - False Claims Act - Personal Injury Protection (PIP) - DRGs; National Correct Coding Initiative - Bundling - Modifiers