Kier G Cotton Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae

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  • Phone: (925) 518-6131
  • Cell: (925) 518-6131

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Construction and Construction Defects

Keywords/Search Terms:

General Construction, Framing, Building Envelope, Waterproofing, Electrical, HVAC, Concrete, Residential Construction, Multi Family Dwelling, Single Family Dwelling, Commercial Construction, Finish , Contract Scope, Cost to Repair, Site development, Architectural Design, Utility , Gas, Solar, Fire

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

Mr. Cotton has a diverse, comprehensive, and practical knowledge of construction methodologies, with equivalent experience in the science of sequencing projects. His intellectual understanding is paired with first-hand experience over years of practical application. Mr. Cotton holds several active licenses from the state of California, specifically plumbing, electrical, and carpentry. For each of these credentials, Mr. Cotton accrued qualifying time under the guidance of licensed experts in each trade and passed all required testing. He has been in construction since the early 2000’s, solidly grounding his vast knowledge and expertise. Mr. Cotton serves as an expert witness in many construction-related matters. As VP of Reconstruction and Senior Consultant at Blackstone Global based in Walnut Creek CA, Mr. Cotton performs construction defect and litigation services with a team of highly qualified experts. Services focused on include: Testing and analysis of construction defects. Destructive testing (ASTM standard testing doctrines). Field inspection services. Comprehensive report generation. Contract analysis: scope of work and cost. Cost of repair estimating. Photographic documentation and UAV drone imaging. Specialty trade - Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC. Evaluate building envelope defects. Blackstone also offers post litigation reconstruction through a refined process of “litigation-to-construction” promoting a turn-key construction option. This includes post destructive testing, "put-back", specifically tailored to client requirements offering complete support throughout the entire process. Mr. Cotton contributes Plaintiff, as well as Defense, litigation support. As a qualified and hands-on general contractor who has excelled in the construction industry, Mr. Cotton understands the complexity of the construction business and is able to leverage his experience to support client and attorney concerns.