Jerry Rodriguez Expert Witness

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Company: JR Investigatie & Consulting Group
  • Phone: (386) 400-2333
  • Cell: (951) 313-3951
  • Website:

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Police Practices & Procedures and Document Examination

Keywords/Search Terms:

Police lethal use of force, in-custody death investigations, excessive force investigations, malicious prosecutions, internal/administrative investigations, patterns, and practices.


Masters Degree, Leadership, St. Mary's College of California; Bachelor's in Business Management, UOP; Police Officer Standards and Training , CAL POST Management Certificate

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

Retired as a police captain from the Los Angeles Police Department after 26 years of service; worked as a Police Deputy Police Commissioner for the Baltimore Police Department; Worked as Chief of Investigations for the San Francisco District Attorney's Office—special investigator for the San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs. I am a police use of force expert (lethal and nonlethal) with experience in four law enforcement agencies on both the West and East coasts. I have experience in police procedures and operations.