Frank A. Fetterolf, M.D. Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Company: Frank A. Fetterolf, M.D. LLC
  • Phone: (412) 832-9949
  • Cell: (412) 636-1103
  • Fax: 510-275-0490
  • Website:

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry

Keywords/Search Terms:

Psychological Injury and Disability from Post-traumatic Stress (PTSD), Dissociative Identity, Dissociative Amnesia, Depersonalization, Derealization, Factitious, Personality Disorders (BPD), Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Sexual Offenders, Paraphilias, Hypnosis, Malingering, False Memory


B.S., Cornell University; M.D., Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

I am a board-certified psychiatrist and member of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law (APPL). In addition to my clinical practice, I am contracted to provide Pennsylvania’s Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) with criminal forensic evaluations. I have submitted expert opinions related to trial competency and criminal responsibility in over 100 cases, a few of which involved courtroom testimony. Building on my experiences at deposition and trial, I have refined my testifying skills through the completion of specialized training for medical expert witnesses. As an expert witness, I provide evidence-based independent medical-psychiatric examinations (IMEs), opinions, and testimony on a range of civil issues, including disability, violence risk assessment, and psychological injury. My particular expertise is in the evaluation of sexual violence, both in offenders and victims, which includes issues such as rape, molestation, child pornography, incest, adult sequelae of childhood sexual abuse, PTSD, dissociation, paraphilia, factitious, and personality disorders. My IMEs include objective tests that assess the conscious (i.e., malingering and factitious) and unconscious (i.e., severe trauma and dissociation) factors that may affect a client’s claims. CASE EXPERIENCE Specialized Populations Sexually Violent Offenders • Victims of Sexual Violence, especially with particular vulnerability (i.e., Dementia, Intellectual Disability, and Autism) Violence Risk Assessment College Student Violence Risk Assessment Psychological Injury Due to Trauma Medical Catastrophe • Sexual Assault • War Zone • Whistleblower • Sexual Abuse in Childhood • Sexual Abuse in Autism • Sexual Abuse in Dementia Disability Due to Psychiatric Disorder PTSD • Substance Use • Functional Neurological Symptom (Conversion) • Borderline Personality • Panic • Major Depression • Somatic Symptom Trial Competence Homicide • Rape • Assault • Child Sexual Abuse • Terroristic Threats • Weapons and Firearms-Related • Driving Recklessly and Under the Influence • Assault • Theft • Bomb Threats • Impersonating Public Servant • Animal Cruelty • Trespassing • Robbery • Arson • Stalking • Drug-Related Criminal Responsibility Familicide • Child Sexual Abuse • Aripiprazole-Related Compulsive Criminal behavior • Terroristic Threats • Theft • Assault • Firearm-Related • Driving Recklessly and Under the Influence •