James R Quinn, RN, BSN, LCP-C, MCP-C, CNLCP, CPB Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae


Contact this Expert Witness

  • Company: J. Quinn Consulting, LLC.
  • Phone: (215) 486-4009
  • Cell: (215) 486-4009
  • Fax: (215) 757-1381
  • Website: QuinnLifeCarePlan.com

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Life Care Planning and Medical Billing

Keywords/Search Terms:

Bill Reviews, NJ PIP Law, New Jersey Haines Decision, Life Care Planning, Medical Cost Projection Specialist, UCR, Future Damages Expert


Bachelor's of Science in Nursing, Ohio University; Diploma in Nursing, Abington Memorial Hospital Dixon School of Nursing

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

Mr. James R. Quinn is a recognized dual licensed registered nurse, certified nurse life care planner, certified professional biller, educator, consultant and expert witness. He consults in matters related to medical billing/coding, medical cost projections, life care planning, catastrophic injuries, and personal injury related litigation. He has developed over 1,500+ reports on past billing and future damages including life care plans, medical cost projections, and analyses of other experts’ life care plans and cost projections. His practice has a particular focus on trial testimony, as he has testified over 75 times to date, mostly for trial. Mr. Quinn provides unbiased insights, evaluations, medical billing reviews and research for both plaintiff and defense attorneys in civil and federal legal proceedings. He bases his opinions on professional experience, science, analytics, academic expertise, and a deep understanding of the UCR or Usual, Customary, and Reasonable charges and the application of bundled services within the framework of UCR, life care planning and medical billing/coding. His methodologies align with research-based evidence, ensuring that his opinions are accurate and can stand up to the scrutiny of cross-examination. He is also dedicated to educating other experts within the field of life care planning, having presented at national conferences on the application of UCR, medical billing and coding to life care planners, with an emphasis on objective testimony. Mr. Quinn utilizes his diverse experience as a critical care and emergency room nurse, medical biller, educator and expert witness to communicate critical evidence in a manner that can be understood by legal professionals, juries and judges. As a multi-subject matter expert, he is also highly proficient in evaluating the accuracy, appropriateness, and reliability of other experts' data & opinions, which increases accuracy and efficiency.