Chief Chet Epperson, (Ret.), M.B.A. Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Company: AGR Police Practice Group, LLC
  • Phone: (815) 703-7421
  • Cell: (815) 703-7421
  • Website:

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Police Practices & Procedures and Law Enf & Criminal Justice

Keywords/Search Terms:

Use of Force, Police Shootings, Officer-Involved Shooting, Excessive Force, Wrongful Conviction, Risk Management, Police Complaint Investigation, Deadly Force, Internal Investigation, Police Policy Practices, Police Tactics, Arrest


MBA, Rockford University

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

Author and police use of force and police practice expert. President, Americans for Effective Law Enforcement (AELE). Formed in 1966, AELE is a research driven educational organization that produces and disseminates legal information through traditional seminars, via electronic media and direct contact. Experienced 42-year police professional in areas of use of force, internal affairs, officer-involved shootings, supervision, wrongful convictions, practice, policy, discipline, mental health, auditing, staffing analysis, organizational assessments, investigations, and training. 34-years as an active law enforcement officer and 10 of those years as chief of police of a 340 sworn/ non-sworn municipal police department. On-going experience for the past 7-years as a police practice consultant providing Federal Court-Appointed expertise in police Consent Decrees and a United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Police Consultant regarding police use of force. Expert in applying constitutional standards, state law, policy, practice and training to police incidents. Retained in plaintiff and defense litigation incidents. Experienced in deposition and trial testimony. Instructs courses on police use of force, internal affairs, discipline, and risk-management issues. Performs police management assessments on staffing, operations, policy, auditing, investigations, and training.