Zinc Expert Witnesses

Zinc expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on zinc. The zinc expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Food, Neurology, Nutrition, and Occupational Medicine.

Jonathan S. Rutchik, MD, MPH

Mill Valley, California
Neurology, Occupational Medicine - Neurotoxicology, Metals, Aluminum, Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Manganese, Thallium, Tin, Zinc, Solvents, Pesticides, gases/ asphyxiants, Carbon Monoxide, Electromyography, Environmental, Chemical Exposures, Toxic Neuropathy, Mold, Head trauma, concussion, CRPS, RSD, electricution, product liability
Dr. Rutchik is one of very few physicians in the United States board certified both in Neurology and Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He is also an associate professor of Medicine at UCSF where he taught medical students, medical residents and nurses. He is also an experienced California State Qualified Medical Examiner. He is a Fellow of both the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM). He provides clinical evaluations and treatment, including electromyography, of individuals and populations with suspected neurological illness secondary to workplace injuries or chemical exposure; neurological trauma, and neurological fitness for duty in safety sensitive populations. He has five office locations in Northern California; San Francisco, Richmond, Petaluma, Sacramento and Arcata, CA. Other services include independent medical examinations, medical record review, utilization review and consulting to ...

Priscilla A Barr, MS RDN CDN CLC

Neonatal & Pediatric Nutrition

NEW YORK, New York
Nutrition, Food - Failure to Thrive, Malnutrition, TPN, Parenteral Nutrition, Tubefeed, Infant Formula, Formula Mixing, Breast Milk, Refeeding Syndrome, Thiamine, Iron, Zinc, Copper, B12, Nutrient Deficiency, Rickets, Osteopenia, B12, Food Allergy, Heavy Metals, Dietitian, Dietician, Nutritionist, NICU, Pediatrics
Priscilla Barr has been a Registered Dietitian for 19 years, specializing in neonatal, pediatric and obstetrical nutrition. During her career she has worked at top US teaching hospitals, including NYU Langone Health and currently New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell. Priscilla has extensive experience in pediatric nutrition, especially in infancy, toddlerhood and pregnancy. Her responsibilities include evaluating the growth and nutritional status of infants and children, and coming up with nutrition care plans for them including the management of parenteral nutrition (TPN), breastfeeding and infant formula, tube-feeding, specialized diets, as well as vitamin and mineral supplementation . Patients are followed up after discharge in the neonatal follow up clinic where infant and toddler nutrition education is further discussed. She has also cross covers obstetrical patients teaching them about pregnancy nutrition, and the management of diabetes and hyperemesis in pregna...