Water Supply Expert Witnesses

Water supply expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on water supply. The water supply expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Environmental and Geology.

Thomas D Gillespie, P.G.

Gilmore & Associates, Inc.

Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
Geology, Environmental - Groundwater, Hydrogeology, Geology, Geo-Hazards, Mining, Stormwater, Oil & Gas, Bedrock Aquifer, Groundwater Contamination, Environmental Forensics, Environmental Evaluation, Environment, Water Resources, Water Supply, Karst, Karst Geology, Karst Hydrogeology, Sinkholes
Expertise in hydrogeology, geology and environmental forensics with a specialization in groundwater flow and contaminant transport in fractured bedrock aquifers. Mr. Gillespie's technical expertise is complemented by an industry insider’s savvy of corporate needs and operations and the regulatory acumen of a former agency reviewer and bureau official. He is a published researcher in hydrostructural geology and karst hydrogeology, an adjunct university professor of geology and a frequent provider of continuing professional education courses. Mr. Gillespie is routinely invited to speak on matters of earth, environment and energy to government committees, national business organizations and educational institutions. He developed and leads a geoResource Risk Reduction practice, specializing in strategic representation in regulatory and legal venues. Mr. Gillespie has provided litigation support, testifying expert services, expert regulatory negotiation support and public representa...