Vehicle Expert Witnesses

Vehicle expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on vehicle. The vehicle expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accident Reconstruction, Automotive, Biomechanics, Products Liability, Railroad, Risk Management, and Transportation.

Martyn Thake

Motorsports Consulting Services, LLC

Green Valley, Arizona
Automotive, Risk Management - motorsports, auto racing, racetrack, design, construction, operation, race car, manufacture, safety, event planning, emergency services, service, vehicle, performance driving, drag, dirt, paved, go kart, motocross, road, street races, temporary, production set safety, inspection, risk management
More than 40 years of comprehensive motorsports and special event experience; encompassing all areas of facility design, operation and management, racetrack design, construction management, event promotion, event management, operations and logistics management, sanctioning body track inspection, insurance inspection, risk management inspection, risk assessment, safety plan design and implementation, event management planning and implementation, race car design and manufacture, performance driving instruction and emergency service dispatch. More than 100 different motorsports and entertainment facilities (including drag strips, dirt ovals, paved ovals, go-kart tracks, motor-cross tracks, permanent road courses, 30+ temporary street races, temporary events, and TV shows) around the world have benefited from my input on their operations procedures and facility/track design, redesign, and inspection. I have performed hundreds of operational reviews, track inspections, designs and redes...

Christopher A. Gayner, MSME

Expert Reconstruction Company LLC

Santa Barbara, California
Accident Reconstruction, Biomechanics - Human Factors, Occupant Dynamics, Automotive Safety, Seat Belts, Airbags, Restraint Systems, Collision Analysis, Accident Causation, Accident Avoidance, Crash Data Retrieval, Animation, Vehicle, Traffic Accident Reconstruction
Expert Reconstruction Company LLC offers complete traffic accident reconstruction consulting and expert witness services. High quality scientifically based accident analyses for the litigation community on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants throughout California and the United States. Consulting on matters involving automobiles, trucks, tractor-trailers, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians. We are retained for both civil and criminal matters. Our loyal client base relies on our 35 years of professional experience to address a wide variety of technical accident issues. CEO and Senior Engineer, Christopher Gayner, holds a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and has completed over 35 specialized training courses/seminars/events. Please Call 888-687-1334 for an initial consultation.

Timothy R Borchers

Light Rail: Accident, Safety & Compliance Expert

National Transit Services LLC

Tampa, Florida
Transportation, Railroad - Subway, Railway, Railroad, Train, Light Rail, Streetcar, Streetcar Expert Witness, Trolley, Tramway, Accident, Incident, Rail, Track, Intersection, Transit, Vehicle, Safety, Security, Heritage, DOT, Transport, FTA, Specialist, Derailment, Passenger, Slip, Trip, Fall, Electrolysis, Electrolytic, Bus,
Light Rail: Accident, Safety & Compliance Expert With over 40 years of international experience in the light rail (LRT), streetcar, trolley, and tramway industry, I bring extensive knowledge in operations, design, construction, maintenance, engineering, and regulatory compliance. As a compliance expert, I have safety-certified high-profile light rail systems with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) through local Departments of Transportation (DOT). I have regularly authored and reviewed incident and accident reports, developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and prepared technical documentation for litigation attorneys as an expert witness. My proficiency in investigative report writing has led to authoring and co-authoring multiple white papers, light rail standards, and industry articles. A key aspect of my career has been conducting risk and hazard analyses and identifying and mitigating risks in the rail industry. I have served both as a member of public transit r...

Scott J. Taylor, CDP

Accident Reconstruction and Animations

South Carolina, South Carolina
Accident Reconstruction, Products Liability - Truck, Vehicle, Animations, Night Lighting, Crime Scene Reconstructions, Whiplash, Product Liability, Pedestrians, Motorcycle, Fork lift , Crane, Dart Out Accident, Slip and Fall, Fires Simulations, Explosion, Rain, Fog, Snow, Train, Crane, Lift, Vault, medical malpractice, Patent, Sun glare
PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] with your phone number, to receive a call to discuss your case. 1. 96% of Scott's cases settled favorably for his hiring attorneys, of 230 animated cases in a 2010 study. 87% were before trial (if finished 1 month before trial), and 9% in trial 2- His animations provide the opposing attorney a quick view of the Accident Reconstructions the jury will see, justifying earlier settlement requests, for more equitable amounts, and before trials. A Bar Study stated "The combination of verbal and visual delivery is remembered six times as effectively as verbal" 3. He was the pioneer who wrote the admissibility paper suggesting American Judge's qualifying animations questions, based on 12 Law books of "Federal Evidence Rules" precedents, for Attorney Kendall Few, Greenville, SC, to present live to the National Institute For Trial Advocacy (NITA) meeting in Keystone, Colorado. This enabled first animations jury viewing nationwide. Kendall was ...