Statistical Sampling Expert Witnesses

Statistical sampling expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on statistical sampling. The statistical sampling expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Business Damages, Economics, Fraud, Medical Billing, and Statistics.

David G. Campbell, PhD

Wicomico Analytics Group LLC

Economics, Statistics - Damages, Antitrust, Statistical Sampling, Class Certification, Healthcare, Health Insurance, Medicare Fraud, Intellectual Property, Patent, Insurance Coverage, Securities Fraud, Environmental Disputes
David is a versatile economist who has worked in private consulting for 20+ years. He has been an Economics professor at several Southern California colleges, where he taught economic theory, econometrics, statistics, and finance. For several years he led an Antitrust Seminar in the joint Law School/Business School program at Pepperdine. David's research is well-cited; his article on Productivity Dynamics has over 1400 citations on Google Scholar. David has been retained as an economic and statistical expert in litigation matters in both U.S. District courts and state courts. He has opined in antitrust, medicare fraud, and intellectual property matters. In addition to his expert witness testimony, David has consulted for a wide variety of corporate and government clients. Last year, he served as chief statistician for the first-ever audit of the US Navy.

David G. Campbell, PhD

Wicomico Analytics Group LLC

Washington, District Of Columbia
Economics, Statistics - Damages, Antitrust, Statistical Sampling, Class Certification, Healthcare, Health Insurance, Medicare Fraud, Intellectual Property, Patent, Insurance Coverage, Securities Fraud, Environmental Disputes
David is a versatile economist who has worked in private consulting for 20+ years. He has been an Economics professor at several Southern California colleges, where he taught economic theory, econometrics, statistics, and finance. For several years he led an Antitrust Seminar in the joint Law School/Business School program at Pepperdine. David's research is well-cited; his article on Productivity Dynamics has over 1400 citations on Google Scholar. David has been retained as an economic and statistical expert in litigation matters in both U.S. District courts and state courts. He has opined in antitrust, medicare fraud, and intellectual property matters. In addition to his expert witness testimony, David has consulted for a wide variety of corporate and government clients. Last year, he served as chief statistician for the first-ever audit of the US Navy.

Alan J Salzberg, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Statistics from Univ. of Pennsylvania

Alan Salzberg

Brooklyn, New York
Statistics - statistics, statistical sampling, data analysis, predictive modeling, statistical estimates, unbiased estimation, fraud detection, large databases
Alan Salzberg is Senior Statistician and Principal of Salt Hill. His focus is statistical analysis, sampling, estimation, and modeling, especially using large or complex datasets. Many of Dr. Salzberg's consulting projects and research papers have related to the detection and measurement of bias. He has testified as an expert witness in statistics in federal and state court on multiple occasions. Prior to joining Salt Hill, Alan was CEO of Analysis & Inference. He has also held positions in KPMG’s Economic Consulting group and at Morgan Stanley. Dr. Salzberg holds a Ph.D. in Statistics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he also received a Bachelor of Science in Economics.

Lance S. Loria, CPA, LFACHE, FAAMA

National Expert in Medicare Regulatory Matters

Loria Associates, LLC

Montgomery, Texas
Medical Billing, Fraud - 60-Day Rule, Hospice, Corrective Action Plan, Cost Report, Coding, Statistical Sampling, Overpayment, Skilled Nursing, Home Health, FCA, Medicare, Hospital, Physician, False Claim, Physician Contract, Compliance Training, AKS, Laboratory Billing, Medical Necessity, Clinical Documentation
Mr. Loria has 53 years of healthcare (HC) regulatory compliance, M&A, Medicare reimbursement and appeals, hospital pricing, managed care contracting and litigation support. Extensive expert witness experience before the Provider Reimbursement Review Board, ALJ proceedings, civil and criminal litigation, and mediation and arbitration proceedings. Mr. Loria has represented hospitals, nursing facilities, home health, hospice, reference laboratory, physician groups, and other providers in Medicare appeals and controversies. During his career he has managed more than 2,000 Medicare disputes and other investigations. He was a Partner in the SW Regional HC practice of PwC. Prior to joining PwC as a Partner, he was the National Director of the Regulatory practice at EY for 10 years. He founded Loria Associates in 2002 and serves as CEO and Managing Director. He has consistently served HC clients on a nation-wide basis and delivered excellent results based on his unique qualifications a...

Gila Bronshtein, PhD


Vancouver, Washington
Economics, Business Damages - Antitrust, Class action, Trademark Infringement, Intellectual Property, Consumer Fraud, Lost profits, Damages, Discrimination, Statistical Sampling, Class Certification, Contract Dispute, Liability, Wrongful Termination, Personal Injury, Data Security, Data Breach, Wrongful Death, Forensic Economics
Dr. Bronshtein earned her PhD in Economics from Stanford University, paving the way for her notable career in economic litigation. At Cornerstone Research, Dr. Bronshtein has honed her skills in litigation support and expert witness services. Over her career, Dr. Bronshtein managed over 25 expert witness projects in a variety of industries, including tech, automotive, consumer products, and pharmaceuticals. Her profound insights and strategic approach have been pivotal in numerous legal disputes related to product liability, false advertising, data privacy, competition, antitrust, contract disputes, patent or trademark infringement, and discrimination lawsuits. Learn more at