1 Qdro Expert Witness Found

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Arthur B Kagan, FSA, EA

A | K Actuarial & Pension Services

Woodland Hills, California
Actuarial, Statistics - Actuary, Pension Plans, retirement plans, 401k plans, ERISA, IRS compliance, audits, pension consulting, life expectancy calculations, marital dissolution, employee benefits, personal injury, wrongful death, disability, loss of income, life estate values, insurance, annuities, executive plans
...Fully credentialed in actuarial valuations, plan funding, and present value calculations: experience in creative plan design, plan compliance issues, implementing new plans, amending existing plans, terminating plans, annual plan administration and tax filing, employee communication requirements, IRS/DOL/PBGC government reporting and audits, plan investment and life insurance rules, marital dissolution calculations and QDRO review, non-qualified executive deferred compensation plans, 403(b) plans, and union plans. Has served large, mid size, and small plans covering all industries and all employer types.