Physics Expert Witnesses

Physics expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on physics. The physics expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accident Reconstruction, Biomechanics, Biomedical Engineering, Computers, Emergency Medicine, Environmental, Hydrology, Medical Devices, and Technology.

Wayne B Norris

Norris Associates

Santa Barbara, California
Computers, Technology - Computer Forensics, Physics, Video animations, Technology Valuations, General Aviation, Foreign outsourcing, Engineering best practices, Dark Web, Cybercrime
Our firm delivers astonishingly accurate and compelling forensic animations in cases of murders, officer involved shootings, automobile crashes, building collapses, assaults, accidents, bullet trajectory reconstructions, and mechanical failures. We also do financial evaluations of technology, including cases involving software copyright infringement, patent infringement, and company valuations. In addition, we do cases involving aviation accidents, including forensic analysis of autopilot and GPS data, pilot responsibilities, weather factors, and external factors such as runway surface and obstructions. The call is always free, the response is always fast, the science is always bulletproof, the work output is always legendary, and the rates are always affordable. As a group of laboratory physicists, software experts, and animation experts, our motto is "BECAUSE ACCURACY MATTERS".

Bradley E Layton, PhD PE MLE

Biomechanics and Biomedicine Expert - 30+ cases

Human Powered Future PLLC

Missoula, Montana
Accident Reconstruction, Biomedical Engineering - accidents, biomechanics, diabetes, dynamics, energy, engineering, failure, forensics, imaging, injury, materials, mechanics, nanotechnology, neurology, neuropathy, patents, personal injury, physics, proteins, slip trip & fall, soft tissue, solar, spine, statics, statistics, vehicle
American Concrete Institute Member ASME member IEEE-EMBS Editor Author - Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics Associate Teaching Professor - Drexel University Associate Professor - University of Montana Elite Athlete - United States Rowing Team 1995 & 1997 Fire Protection Engineer - US Department of Energy - Savannah River Site Founding Member - Insurance Engineering Blockchain Consortium International Code Council Member Inventor - AFM Nanomanipulation & Surgical Patents Licensed Professional Engineer - CO, GA, IA, ID, IN, KS, MI, MT, NV, PA, UT Lunar Scientist - US Department of Energy - Office of Space Machinist - Merlin Metalworks - titanium bicycle design & Stillwater - Kevlar boat design Model Law Engineer Oath of the Engineer - Engineer's equivalent of Hippocratic Oath National Society of Professional Engineers Post-doctoral Fellow - University of Michigan MRI laboratory Recipient - Montana Governor's Innovator Award Scientist - 100+ papers and abstracts

George J. Shaw, MD, PhD

Shaw Biomedical Consulting, LLC

Cincinnati, Ohio
Biomechanics, Emergency Medicine - Biomedical Engineering, Mechanism of Injury, Injury Causation, Brain Injury, TBI, Concussion, Slip Trip & Fall, MVA, Motor Vehicle Accident, patents, intellectual property, battery, assault, physics, low speed impact, helmet, seatbelt, airbag, diving, ATV, bike, IME, independent medical examinations
Biomechanics expert. Active emergency medicine clinical practice. Holder of a PhD in physics. University of Cincinnati medical school and biomedical engineering faculty. Patented inventor of a device to detect and monitor intracranial injuries. Well published. Significant teaching experience. Certified Independent Medical Examiner. Highly experienced expert witness.

Timothy D Bechtel, PhD, PG

Franklin and Marshall College

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Environmental, Hydrology - sinkhole, groundwater, landslide, drilling, hydrogeology, rockfall, karst, vibration, blast, earthquake, contamination, pipeline, fracking, water, erosion, construction, stormwater, physics, leak, cave
Dr. Bechtel is geophysicist/geologist, and a world-renowned expert on sinkholes. But not just sinkholes; bedrock conditions, caves, water pollution, and all issues related to karst terranes. Dr. Bechtel has 25+ years of experience in the engineering/environmental industry, as well as faculty positions at Franklin & Marshall College, the University of Memphis and the University of Pennsylvania, and is an appointed member of the International Karst Commission. Dr. Bechtel has been an expert in dozens of sinkole or karst-related cases - often related to causes of sinkholes and/or water problems. Dr. Bechtel also has expertise and courtroom experience in Unconventional Oil & Gas, hydraulic fracturing (fracking), and fracking-industry-related earthquakes, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), as well as all fields of seismology, seismic hazards, vibration monitoring and analysis, subsidence, soil creep, landslides, rockfalls, non-destructive evaluation of earthen dams and levees, subsu...

Gary D Fletcher, PhD

RnDDx Solutions LLC

Media, Pennsylvania
Medical Devices, Biomedical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering, R&D, Product Development, Clinical diagnostics, Blood collection, Biospecimens, Point of care testing, Microfluidics, Spectroscopy, Cell therapy, Intellectual Property, Microscopy, Physics, Biomedical sensing, Optics, Imaging, Mathematics, Laboratories & Testing, Lasers
Dr. Fletcher is Founder and Principal Consultant at RnDDx Solutions LLC, a consulting firm focused on industrial biomedical and mechanical engineering, and research and product development, in medical devices, diagnostics, optical devices, point-of-care blood sample testing, and on expert witness patent litigation, including subject matter expertise in medical device mechanical engineering, and subject matter expertise in medical devices for blood collection and blood sample processing for diagnostics and therapeutics. He has particular expertise in mechanical engineering design and development of non-invasive and minimally invasive biomedical diagnostics systems, blood collection and stabilization, blood separation, and blood and cell preparation for both diagnostic and therapeutic applications, including the development of sample collection devices, needles, and lancets. He is co-inventor on 23 patents for devices and methods in blood collection and processing. Yale educated Ph...