2 K9 Deployments Expert Witnesses Found

Results Sorted Below by State

Mark Mooring, MPA

Ventura, California
Security, Premises Liability - Security Training, Security Deployment, Use of Force, Hospital Security, Security Policies and Procedures, Active Shooter
...Los Angeles Police Department 22 years Sergeant II - 17 years Patrol, Metro, Special Investigations, Internal Affairs Developed, and Officer in Charge of, Suspect Search Dogs - K-9 Unit Chief of Protective Services - Santa Clara County Valley Medical Center. (1998-2006) Completely re-designed and implemented a comprehensive security program, which includes all facets of Security Plan Development, Staff Development, Policies, Training, Recruitment, Personnel Management and daily security operations, associated with a large County Hospital. Proper Authorities LLC - Founder (1993-Present) Crime Prevention, Loss Prevention, Safety/Security Assessments, Workplace Violence Prevention, Personal Safety, Sexual Harassment, Threat Assessments and Managing Assaultive Behavior. Developed comprehensive Use of Force Policies and Programs. Developed and delivered Workplace Violence Programs....

Benedict J Tisa

FBI Retired

San Francisco, California
Police Practices & Procedures, Firearms & Ballistics - Use of Force, Arrest and Control, SWAT, Officer Involved Shooting
AREAS OF EXPERTISE - FIELD OPERATIONS AND DEPLOYMENT TACTICS Use of Force • Officer Involved Shootings • Force Management Review • Threat Assessment Procedures • Firearms • Weapon Tactics • Defensive Tactics/Patrol-Custody Officers • Less-Lethal and Impact Weapons • Arrest and Control Procedures • Prisoner/Inmate Control • Patrol Officer Tactics • Plain Clothes Officer Tactics • Negotiation Team Tactics • SWAT Team Operations • External Ballistics and Projectile Trajectories • Chemical Agents • Command Post Operations • Patrol Supervisor First Responder Procedures • Sniper Team Operations • Incident Command and Control Procedures • Critical Incident Management •Psychology and Physiology of Behavior in Critical Incidents • Warrant Service • Hostage Rescue Procedures • Aircraft, Ship and Oil Platform Recovery • Security/Guard Staff Procedures • Security/Vulnerability Assessments and Procedures • Helicopter Operations • Forced Breaching Methods and Procedures • Low-light/Night Operations...