Human Factors Engineering Expert Witnesses

Human factors engineering expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on human factors engineering. The human factors engineering expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Biomechanics, Human Factors, Industrial Hygiene, Mold, and Warnings & Labels.

Dr. Eric N Brown, CIH, CSP

Indoor Environments

Los Angeles , California
Mold, Industrial Hygiene - Asbestos, Bad Faith, Construction Safety, Environmental, Ergonomics, Hazardous Materials, Human Factors Engineering, Industrial Hygiene & Mold, Landlord / Tenant, Lead Poisoning, Occupational / Environmental Health, OSHA, Safety, Wrongful Death
Dr. Eric N. Brown, CIH, CSP, is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), with both certifications in good standing with the issuing boards. Dr. Brown holds a Doctorate in Public Health with an Industrial Hygiene specialization from the University of California at Los Angeles, and a Master’s degree in Public Health with an Occupational Health specialization from the Medical College of Ohio. He has over 20 years of experience in: Health and Safety Industrial Hygiene Indoor Air Quality Exposure Assessments Heat Stress Litigation Support Dr. Brown has been a designated expert in hundreds of cases, been deposed dozens of times, and has testified successfully in both trials and arbitrations. His services are available to attorneys representing both plaintiff and defendant.

David R. Lenorovitz, PhD, CPE

LENPRO Services, Inc.

Littleton, Colorado
Human Factors, Warnings & Labels - Human Factors Engineering, Ergonomics, Hazard Analysis, Safety Procedures, Warnings, Warnings Adequacy, Warning Systems, Product Liability, Perception-Memory-Cognition, User Distractions/Diverted Attention, Task Analysis, Industrial Accidents
Dr. Lenorovitz is a Board Certified Ergonomist / Human Factors Professional with extensive experience in developing and applying knowledge regarding the ways in which human capabilities and limitations can materially effect a user's performance (i.e., success or failure) when interacting with a variety of products or equipment. He has performed HF-related work evaluating, designing, developing, and testing user-interactive-systems for a wide range of industrial, governmental, and individual clients. His forensic experience has included applying HF scientific principles, preparing analysis reports, providing expert opinions, and testifying in cases involving: hazard analysis; evaluating safety systems; assessing the necessity for and adequacy of warnings, instructions, operator manuals, work practices, & organizational procedures; addressing product design and product liability issues; and investigating incidents involving user distractions or diverted attention situations.

Wanda L Greaves Holmes, Ph.D.

Ergonomics, Human Factors- Former UCF Professor

Grey Matter Engineering & Research, LLC

Frisco, Texas
Human Factors, Biomechanics - Biomechanics , Human Factors Engineering , Industrial Engineering , Ergonomics
Professional Summary Dr. Greaves-Holmes is a scholar, professor, and professional engineer with expertise in ergonomics and biomechanics. Her work has been featured in research, professional publications, peer reviewed journals, as well as congressional legislation. Her extensive scholastic achievements and industry experience allows her to instruct at the higher education level and in the field. She served as a graduate level professor at the University of Central Florida while providing consultative industry services as CEO of Gray Matter Engineering and Research.