Grooming Expert Witnesses

Grooming expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on grooming. The grooming expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Behavioral and Social Sciences, Child Abuse, Education & Schools, Premises Liability, Psychology, and School Safety.

Diane Cranley

Diane Cranley Consulting

Laguna Niguel, California
Child Abuse, School Safety - child sexual abuse, sexual assault, molestation, grooming, sexual misconduct, educator misconduct, Title IX sexual harassment, child sexual abuse prevention, best practices, boundary violations, boundary policies, mandated reporter, failure to report, school, after school, sports, reporting
I am an expert in child sexual abuse prevention in youth-serving organizations. While organizations may not be able to stop every case of child sexual abuse within their programs, there are best practices that when followed, significantly lower the risk of abuse occurring and minimize delays in reporting. I can help by: • Identifying and evaluating valuable discovery materials including an organization’s policies, practices, documentation, and training • Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your case by comparing those organizational materials to best practices to identify the gaps • Differentiating the failure of individual mandated reporters versus organizational failures based on that gap analysis and case materials • Identifying grooming behaviors that are cause for reasonable suspicion and reporting • Supplying best practices and relevant research to substantiate my opinion as it relates to your case • Educating the judge and jurors on grooming behaviors and boundaries ...

Jennifer French Tomasic, MSc

Jennifer French

Manhattan Beach, California
Psychology, Psychology - coercive control, undue influence, sexual abuse, sexual consent, family abuse, psychological manipulation, grooming, sexual violence, battered women syndrome, financial abuse, coercion, intimate partner violence, parental alienation, stalking, troubled teen industry, false / coerced confession, cult
Jennifer works on cases of coercive control and identifies patterns of behavior designed to exploit, control, create dependency and dominate another person. This process may initially include tactics of psychological manipulation such as gaslighting and love bombing which are part of a grooming process. These patterns may include coercive control as it relates to child custody, undue influence, sexual abuse, child abuse, domestic abuse, domestic violence, financial abuse, physical abuse, human trafficking, the troubled teen industry, and deprivation of liberties. She is an expert in cults, cultic abuse, and religious and spiritual abuse from the perspective of identifying behavioral patterns and not as a means to diagnose individuals psychologically. Please note: she is not a psychotherapist. She also specializes in sexual consent, date rape, stalking, strangulation, grooming, molestation, reproductive coercion, and the capacity to consent as they relate to tactics and patterns of ...

Kate Amber, MSc

Coercive Control, Workplace & Domestic Violence

ECCUSA (End Coercive Control USA)

Vernon, Connecticut
Psychology, Behavioral and Social Sciences - coercive control, domestic violence, child abuse, workplace bullying, batterers, battered women syndrome, grooming, coercion, psychological manipulation, psychological maltreatment, abuse, alienation, undue influence, consent, cults, workplace violence, hostile workplace, workplace harassment, fraud
Kate Amber MSc is a researcher, speaker, trainer, consultant and turnaround expert in coercive control and domestic abuse/violence in the contexts of family abuse, human trafficking, gangs, extremist groups, religions, workplace abuse, and psychological maltreatment. She holds post graduate certifications in violence and abuse prevention executive leadership, and coercive control, and professional certifications in human rights, ADA advocacy, the Homicide Timeline, and the Danger Assessment. Ms. Amber is trained on the Safe & Together CORE Model at the intersection of domestic violence and child abuse, and assesses cases for different types of abuse and the short and longterm risks involved for adults and children traumatized by it. Ms. Amber's Quicksand Model™ of Coercive Control (QSM™) is a synthesis of 70 years of research and theory on coercive and controlling abuse of power and the trauma it causes. Ms. Amber speaks, conducts research, and trains mental health, law enforcemen...

R. Leslie Nichols, MSSA, CPP, CSC

Child Sexual Abuse Expert - Schools & Organization

R.L. Nichols & Associates, LLC

Oxford, Mississippi
School Safety, Premises Liability - sex abuse, child sexual abuse, molestation, grooming, harassment, bullying, school, church, camp, bus, afterschool, sports, olympic, mentor, scouting, coach, background check, negligent hiring, negligent supervision, negligent retention
Mr. Nichols has over 30 years’ experience at the national and local level involving the protection of children. Since 2016, he has served as an expert witness for plaintiff or defense in cases involving sex abuse and other types of harm to youth in schools, churches, camps, sports, buses, mentoring, scouting and afterschool programs. Examples from past cases include: • Afterschool program director molests teen girl • Scoutmaster molests boy • Adult mentor molests boy • Female school counselor molests boy • School assistant molests special needs girl • Karate club coach molests multiple teen girls • Swimming coach molests teen girl • High school golf instructor molests female student • Volunteer youth baseball coach molests multiple boys • Tennis instructor molests young girls • Male students molest special needs girl during school • Male student molests special needs girl on institutional van • School bus supervisor molests boy on bus • Boy molests girl on church van • Church volun...

David Wolowitz, J.D.

Wolowitz JD Consulting LLC

Greenland, New Hampshire
Education & Schools, School Safety - School standard of care, educator misconduct, educator sexual abuse, coaching misconduct, trusted adult misconduct, molestation, child sexual abuse, grooming, boundary violations, school investigations, student misconduct, negligent supervision, harassment, bullying, hazing, discrimination, Title IX
David Wolowitz, J.D., serves as an expert witness on the standard of care for schools and other youth-serving organizations to safeguard children from misconduct by trusted adults. He has been retained by plaintiffs and defendants on matters throughout the country in over a dozen states both a consulting and a testifying expert. In addition to being retained for current matters, Mr. Wolowitz can testify on the evolution of the standard of care for child safeguarding over the past decades. He has followed social science research and literature about the prevention of and response to child sexual abuse since the 1970s. He has been retained for multiple matters involving historical abuse claims dating back to the 1970s and 1980s. Mr. Wolowitz has served as an expert in cases around the country involving current and past school standards of care for protecting the health and safety of students, as well as the adequacy of school policies, training, and investigations. He is knowledge...