1 Failure To Procure Expert Witness Found

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Larry Lowenthal

Gainesville, Florida
Real Estate - broker malpractice, Realtor code of ethics, broker negligence, failure to disclose, commission disputes, broker standard of care, broker license law, broker dishonesty, insurance defense, procuring cause, testifying expert, consulting expert, broker obligations, broker duties, commercial, residentia
Larry Lowenthal is a real estate expert witness and broker who has been retained for dozens of lawsuits over troubled or failed transactions, most of which name real estate brokers who are charged with malpractice, failure to disclose, negligence, dishonesty, deceptive conduct, violations of state license statutes and/or the Realtor Code of Ethics. Some cases stem from commission or procuring cause disputes. Depending upon the facts and the law, Larry works for plaintiffs and defendants, and testifies at depositions and trials. (Note; he will only accept cases that he is comfortable with.) Larry had twenty years of experience with his Board of Realtors in South Florida serving on the Grievance Committee -- where he examined and analyzed over 250 ethics complaints and arbitration requests -- and on the board's Professional Standards Committee, sitting on ethics and commission arbitration hearing panels, which act as judge and jury....