Law Enf & Criminal Justice Expert Witnesses in North Carolina

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on law enf & criminal justice and related issues. Law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses testify regarding may include: School Safety, Active Shooter, Chase, Child Abuse, Collision Investigation, Commercial Motor Vehicle, Community Policing, Crisis Management, Cvsa, Death/Cold Cases, Domestic Assault, Electronic Control Devices, Failure To Train, Firearms, and High Speed Vehicle Pursuits & Chases.

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Brent E Morgan American Priority Project

Hickory , North Carolina
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Use of Force, Chase, Traffic, Collision Investigation, School Safety, Active Shooter, Commercial Motor Vehicle, CVSA, Speed Measuring Instruments, Radar, Lidar
I have more than 27 years experience in law enforcement serving in both local city police and state law enforcement. I retired in April of 2024 as a Lieutenant with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. I have been a certified law enforcement instructor for more than 17 years and continue to teach Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) classes at local police academies. I also have specialized law enforcement instructor certification for speed measuring instruments (Radar/Lidar) and continue to teach, certify and re-certify NC law enforcement officers for their certification to operate these instruments. I have previously been certified to conduct commercial motor vehicle inspections under the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) and served as a Trooper as well a supervisor in the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) with additional certifications to inspect hazardous materials loads, cargo tanks, hazardous materials bulk packages, and motor coaches (bus...

Wayne S. Promisel Compass Investigative Services

Leland, North Carolina
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Investigations, Child Abuse, School Safety, Sexual Assault/Exploitation, Domestic Assault, Death/Cold Cases, Victimology, Investigation Procedures, Multi-agency Investigations, Crisis Management, Police Ethics, Training and Education, Community Policing, Police Supervision, Title IX investigations
Twice retired law enforcement professional spanning forty-years with proven track record of investigating the most serious criminal offenses resulting in a foundation of legal knowledge and extensive courtroom testimony experience. Reputation and character led to specialty assignments in several investigation units following a promotion to rank of Sergeant. One previous certification as expert surrounding sexual abuse allegation within non-profit organization in Florida. Recipient of recognition and awards for accomplishments associated with networking, collaboration, and policy development within multi-disciplinary team and agency environments to implement law enforcement best practices for local, state, and federal initiatives. Provider of numerous trainings applying investigative practices as related to topics including victimology, child abuse/exploitation of children, sexual/domestic assaults, violent crimes and death, evidence collection/preservation, and courtroom testimo...

Chief Roy G. Taylor, Ph.D. Taylor Law Enforcement Consulting Group

Raleigh, North Carolina
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force & Deadly Force, Electronic Control Devices, Standards of Conduct, High Speed Vehicle Pursuits & Chases, Law Enforcement Policies and Procedures,Failure to Train, Violations of §1983 Civil Rights, Police K-9, Firearms, Security (Private & Public), Security Training, Security at Events
Professional law enforcement manager with over 40 years of experience in a wide-range of federal, state, local and private criminal justice positions. Areas of expertise include: training; Use of force & firearms instruction; anti-terrorism, operation security, force protection, recruiting, selection and assignment; employee supervision, evaluation and retention; curriculum development; policies and procedures design and implementation; physical security, canine utilization; budgeting; public relations; emergency management. • Chief of Police Blue Ridge Public Safety – 4/2014-Present • Litigation Consultant 12/2013-Present • President/CEO Signal 88 Security of Charlotte – 7/2012-Present • President/CEO Capitol Special Patrol – 2/2012-Present • Chief of Police Capitol Special Police – 8/2002-Present • Lt. Colonel – Army Reserve – 6/17-Present • Lt. Colonel – Army National Guard – 3/2000-5/2017 • Antiterrorism/Emergency Management Branch Chief DoD – 4/2007-4/2014 • Task Force Office...
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Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Alabama, Delaware, Utah, Tennessee, District Of Columbia, Illinois, Texas, Missouri, Michigan, Maryland, California, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Washington, Arkansas, Ohio, and Colorado