Preventive Medicine Expert Witnesses in Michigan

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of preventive medicine expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on preventive medicine and related issues. Preventive medicine expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these preventive medicine expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Cholesterol, Heart Attack, Lipids, Myocardial Infarction, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Atrial Fibrillation, Bio Identical Hormones, Breast Cancer, Cancer Screening, Cardiovascular, Chest Pain, Coronary Artery Disease, Echocardiography, Erectile Dysfunction , and Estrogen.

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Steve R. Lasater, MD Optimal Wellness Medical Group

Grand Rapids, Michigan
Family Medicine, Preventive Medicine - Hormone Treatment, Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Osteoporosis, Estrogen, Testosterone, Menopause, Bio-identical Hormones, Standard of Care, Erectile Dysfunction, Failure to Diagnose, Cancer Screening, Cholesterol, Cardiovascular, Heart attack, Myocardial infarction, Lipids, Fractures
Steve R. Lasater MD trained in Family Medicine, which he has practiced since completing his residency in that specialty in 1982. He has subsequently specialized in the use of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to treat the signs and symptoms of deficiency of the hormones estradiol (estrogen), progesterone, and testosterone that occur in women around the time of menopause, as well as the signs and symptoms of testosterone deficiency that occur in men as a consequence of aging. His approach is strongly evidence-based, relying not just on published guidelines but also on the scientific evidence underlying those guidelines. He has particular interest in the effects of hormones on cancer risk, and the interaction between hormone levels and cardiovascular disease risk. Dr. Lasater also specializes in Clinical Lipidology - the science of lipid (cholesterol and triglyceride) management, and cardiovascular risk reduction. He has been awarded certification by the American Board of Cl...

Christopher Wenger, DO, FACC, FNLA

Cardiovascular Disease, Preventive Medicine - General cardiology, Preventive cardiology, Coronary artery disease, Chest pain, Echocardiography, Stress testing, Acute coronary syndrome, Heart attack, Myocardial infarction, Atrial fibrillation, Cholesterol, Lipids, Hypertension.
-Board certified in Cardiovascular Medicine, Nuclear Cardiology, Adult echocardiography, and Clinical lipidology. -Award-winning clinical physician. -Award-winning physician educator. -Published author in various medical journals. -Active committee member of two national medical organizations. -Experienced speaker to the public, media, and medical professionals on various topics of cardiovascular and preventive medicine, clinical lipidology, and industry-sponsored pharmacotherapy. -Currently serving as the medical director of preventive cardiology for a health system that spans 5 counties in Pennsylvania.
You can also find Preventive Medicine Expert Witnesses in:
Connecticut, New Mexico, Illinois, California, Ohio, North Carolina, Washington, Michigan, Florida, and Pennsylvania