School Safety Expert Witnesses in California

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of school safety expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on school safety and related issues. School safety expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these school safety expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Ada, Special Education, Accommodations, After School, Americans With Disabilities Act, Best Practices, Boundary Policies, Boundary Violations, Bullying, Child Care, Child Care Administration, Child Care Best Business Practices, Child Care Non Profit Administration, Child Sexual Abuse, and Child Sexual Abuse Prevention.

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Elisa Mula

Security, Premises Liability - schools, school safety, foreseeability, facial recognition, alarms, access control, surveillance, parking lots, bars, hotels, concerts, sporting events, apartments, retail, guards, lighting, risk assessments, security adequacy
Security consultant and expert witness. Masters degree in protection management, physical security. Diverse experience with security technology such as access control, facial recognition, and video surveillance. Significant teaching/training experience. Special experience in school security.

Lee A Allton Lee Allton

Mission Viejo, California
School Safety, Education & Schools - Child Care , Child Care Administration, Health and Safety Child Care, Preschool Administration, Title 22 Regulations, Child Care Non-Profit Administration, Title 5 Regulations, Child care Best Business Practices

Diane Cranley Diane Cranley Consulting

Laguna Niguel, California
Child Abuse, School Safety - child sexual abuse, sexual assault, molestation, grooming, sexual misconduct, educator misconduct, Title IX sexual harassment, child sexual abuse prevention, best practices, boundary violations, boundary policies, mandated reporter, failure to report, school, after school, sports, reporting
I am an expert in child sexual abuse prevention in youth-serving organizations. While organizations may not be able to stop every case of child sexual abuse within their programs, there are best practices that when followed, significantly lower the risk of abuse occurring and minimize delays in reporting. I can help by: • Identifying and evaluating valuable discovery materials including an organization’s policies, practices, documentation, and training • Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your case by comparing those organizational materials to best practices to identify the gaps • Differentiating the failure of individual mandated reporters versus organizational failures based on that gap analysis and case materials • Identifying grooming behaviors that are cause for reasonable suspicion and reporting • Supplying best practices and relevant research to substantiate my opinion as it relates to your case • Educating the judge and jurors on grooming behaviors and boundaries ...

Jon D. Sand, EdD

Thousand Oaks, California
Education & Schools, School Safety - Education, Discrimination, Employment, Unfair Labor & Wrongful Termination, Special Education, IEP, IDEA, ADA, Section 504, Student Support Services, Accommodations, School Safety & Security, Student Safety, Standard & Duty of Care, Bullying, Mandated Reporting, School Comparisons and Evaluations.
Introduction Dr. Jon D. Sand is an expert in pre-K-12 Education and Student Support Services in Higher Education. With over 35 years of direct experience, he holds multiple requisite education teaching and administrative credentials, having completed a Doctor of Education degree in K-12 Educational Leadership with a Master of Science degree in Special Education. His expertise covers best practices in general and special education teaching, learning, interventions, due process, special needs eligibility and case management. Further, Dr. Sand has significant direct experience with Human Resources, school site safety, including student supervision, and overall district governance and operations. Dr. Sand is qualified to provide evaluative consultations and reviews of public and private schools. This stems from his tenure in K-12 education in completing accurate assessments of a students' educational needs, evaluating K-12 instructional and operation programs, and providing extensive s...

Joseph S Schwartzberg, Ed.D.

Vista, California
Education & Schools, School Safety - Special Education Expert witness . Particular expertise in issues related to the standards of care for children with disabilities. Extensive experience testifying in state and federal court on matters concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Fully credentialed/certified in special education. Administrative credentials in both NY and California. Served as a classroom teacher and Principal in schools designed to serve special populations as well as general education/mainstream environments. Served as Senior SELPA Director. Taught university classes designed to prepare prospective special education teachers. Developed and implemented agreements with other agencies with responsibilities to persons with disabilities. Development , implementation and evaluation of special education programs. Establish protocols for standards of care for students with disabilities. Expertise and trial testimony experience in matters concerning school safety and child abuse.
You can also find School Safety Expert Witnesses in:
California, Florida, West Virginia, New Jersey, Georgia, Michigan, Maryland, Mississippi, Oregon , Ohio, Texas, South Carolina, and New Hampshire