Thoracic Spine Surgery Expert Witnesses

Thoracic spine surgery expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on thoracic spine surgery. The thoracic spine surgery expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Neurological Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, and Spine Surgery & Spine Care.

Clement K. Jones, MD Clement K. Jones, MD, PC

San Francisco, California
Orthopedic Surgery, Spine Surgery & Spine Care - Orthopaedic Spine Surgery, Cervical Spine Surgery, Thoracic Spine Surgery, Lumbar Spine Surgery, Spinal Fusion and Reconstructive Surgery, Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery, Spinal Deformity Surgery, Revision Spine Surgery, Minimally-Invasive Spine Surgery, Sports-Related Spine Injuries
Dr. Jones is a board-certified Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon with a prestigious medical career spanning over three decades. As an Independent Medical Examiner, he lends his expertise to plaintiff and defense parties in cases involving, but not limited to individuals claiming spinal injuries from any incident, events, or accidents. Dr. Jones reflects incredible reliability, credibility, veracity, and integrity while applying critical thinking, unbiased and evidence-based medical approaches. He possesses the ability to articulate and communicate scientific terminology effectively and with ease. Dr. Jones has expansive case experience which includes delivering prompt and accurate record reviews, independent medical examinations, and expert witness testimony in depositions and trials. Professionally, he upholds an extensive list of achievements ranging from his Navy active duty to his achieved positions in the medical field. His certifications include the American Board of Orthopaedic Sur...

Saul S. Schwarz, MD, FACS Saul S Schwarz, MD FACS, Medical Consulting LLC

Denver, Colorado
Neurological Surgery, Spine Surgery & Spine Care - Brain Surgery, Brain Tumor, Cervical Spine Surgery, Thoracic Spine Surgery, Lumbar Spine Surgery, Disc Surgery, Spinal Tumor, Epilepsy Surgery
- 35 years of neurosurgical practice with extensive experience in complex microsurgery of the brain and spine - 19 years of service as Neurosurgery expert reviewer for Colorado Board of Medical Examiners, working with the Office of the Attorney General, Colorado - served as Neurosurgery expert reviewer for Wyoming Board of Medical Examiners - a wealth of experience in providing deposition and courtroom testimony, including 5 years as neurosurgical expert witness - many years of teaching nurses and physicians and other health care professionals - years of participation in surgical peer review and on hospital risk management committees - years as chief of surgery and and chief of neurosurgery departments - 15 years as Naval Officer, completed service as CDR USNR Medical Corp - author of 4 chapters in leading neurology text, Medlink Neurology