General Practice Expert Witnesses in Wisconsin

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of general practice expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on general practice and related issues. General practice expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these general practice expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Assisted Living, Crna, Emergency Medicine, Emt, Expert Witness Referrals, Family Medicine, Long Term Care, Memory Care, N Ps, Neurology, Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Home, Occupational Medicine, and Orthopedic Surgery.

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Jeffrey G. Nicholson, PA-C, PhD, M.Ed, MPAS, DFAAPA PA Experts Network

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Physician Assistant, General Practice - Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Urgent Care, Occupational Medicine, Pain Management, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurology, Nurse Practitioner, Expert Witness Referrals, PAs, NPs, and RNs, nurse, sitter, nursing home, long term care, assisted living, memory care, EMT, CRNA, CNM, PT.
Dr. Nicholson is a recently retired 30 plus years practicing PA, PA Educator and experienced legal consultant. He can provide experienced PA, NP and RN experts in all medical specialties nationwide. Malpractice case merit review, expert witness, deposition and testimony for all medical specialties. Dr. Nicholson is a recognized leader in the PA profession and recognized expert on PA malpractice. He can either help you personally or provide the right expert, usually within 24 hours. Current CV Highlights: Distinguished Fellow, American Academy of Physician Assistants; President, American Academy of Physician Assistants in Legal Medicine; Membership Commission, AAPA; Delegate, Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants; Board of Directors, Hillside Health Care International Mission Clinic; Adjunct Clinical Faculty, University of Wisconsin – Madison PA Program Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Marquette University PA Program Fellow, Society of Emergency Medicine Physician Assistan...
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Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, California, Indiana, Ohio, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Illinois, and North Carolina