2 Housecall Expert Witnesses Found

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Delray Beach, Florida
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery - Vascular Trauma
...Additionally during the early years (12) I worked part time as an E R physician and made house calls for family practitioners--all very valuable experience.

Sally T. Price, DVM, CVPM, FFCP Palmetto Paw Law

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Veterinarian, Dogs - Animal Matters, Animal Injury, Dog/Cat Attacks, Horses, Abuse, Neglect, Vet Malpractice, Liability, Business, Vet Contracts, Practice Management, HR of Vet Workers, Shelter, Corporate, Rescue, Non-profit, Private Practice, Organization Best Practices, Vet Hospital Operations, Marketing and Ethics
...Practice areas include private practice, corporate practice, house call ambulatory, shelter medicine, surgery, veterinary business, and veterinary practice management.