Fraud Review Expert Witnesses

Fraud review expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on fraud review. The fraud review expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Chiropractic.

Jeffrey M. Wilder, DC, DABCO, FICA Wilder Chiropractic LLC

Waunakee, Wisconsin
Chiropractic - chiropractic, chiropractic negligence, anatomy, fraud review, chiropractic expert, chiropractic standard of care, boundary issues,
Doctor of Chiropractic, ​​ Board Certified Chiropractic Neuromusculoskeletal Specialist, Board Certified Chiropractic Orthopedist, Certified in Sports Chiropractic ​Fellow, International College of Chiropractic​​. Chiropractic Expert, Educator, and Leader​ with 41 years of chiropractic experience. Wisconsin "Chiropractor of the Year" 2001. 42 years clinical experience in family chiropractic practice. Founder and President of Madison Chiropractic, a multi-clinic group in the Madison, WI area, for over 25 years. Multi-year winner of "Star of Madison" for Best Chiropractic Clinic in Madison, WI. Past President, Wisconsin Chiropractic Association. Past Officer, Congress of Chiropractic State Organizations. Liaison between Medicare and Wisconsin Chiropractors. Nationally known speaker on issues including chiropractic standard of care, informed consent, documentation, Workers Compensation, diagnosis, evaluation and management. Contributing textbook author. Au...