Occupational Medicine Expert Witnesses in New York

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of occupational medicine expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on occupational medicine and related issues. Occupational medicine expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these occupational medicine expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Abnormal Vital Signs, Acute Abdomen, Appendicitis, Back Pain, Blood In Stools, Cellulitis, Chest Pain, Dizziness, Fever, Gerd, Headache, Missed Fracture, Missed Tendon Laceration, Pneumonia, and Pulmonary Embolism.

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Garson M Caruso, MD, MPH, CLCP, CMLE

Life Expectancy and Life Care Planning

Garson M. Caruso MD, MPH, PA

Occupational Medicine, Life Care Planning - Custom Life Expectancy Determination, Physician Life Care Planning, Impairment Evaluation, Disability Evaluation, Workers Compensation, Drug Testing, Medical Review Officer (MRO), Fitness for Duty, Medical Direction, Onsite Worker Health and Wellness Clinics, Physician Extender Supervision
• Board Certified Occupational Medicine Physician and Certified Life Care Planner with expertise in Custom/Individualized Life Expectancy Determination • MPH at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Occupational Medicine Residency at University of Pennsylvania; Additional training at American Academy of Insurance Medicine • Fellow, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) and International Academy of Independent Medical Evaluators (IAIME) • Broad background in consulting, medical direction, and occupational health services for organizations including AmTrust North America, Bechtel, Bell & Evans, Dean Foods, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Lockheed Martin, The New York Transit Authority, PepsiCo, Service Employees International Union, and the US Department of State and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration • Extensive experience with supervision of physician extenders (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) in onsite occupational...

Joseph L Chow, MD

Urgent Care expert witness

Orchard Park, New York
Urgent Care Medicine, Occupational Medicine - Headache, Chest pain, Pulmonary embolism, Acute abdomen, Appendicitis, Retained foreign body, Missed tendon laceration, Sepsis, Abnormal vital signs, Cellulitis, Tachycardia, Missed fracture, Fever, Pneumonia, Back pain, Shortness of breath, GERD, Blood in stools, Dizziness, Weakness
Urgent care is all I do. I have committed my career to urgent care with all its clinical and operational aspects for the past 16 years. After moving from a primary care background to urgent care in 2008, I have accumulated extensive experience from working clinically in urgent care centers, management and oversight of over 100 urgent care clinicians (physicians, PAs, NPs), to developing urgent care specific education, protocols and risk reduction programs. I am privileged to serve as President and CMO of my group with 19 centers, was elected as the President of the Urgent Care Association from 2021-2022 and served on the Board of the College of Urgent Care Medicine. With this breadth of experience touching all aspects of urgent care, I am qualified and have provided insightful and industry respected opinions and malpractice reviews on urgent care standards. Practicing urgent care medicine and occupational medicine in our facilities has allowed me to manage the common presen...
You can also find Occupational Medicine Expert Witnesses in:
California, Tennessee, Texas, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Hawaii , Michigan, Florida, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Colorado, North Carolina, South Dakota, Ohio, and South Carolina