Emergency Medical Services Expert Witnesses in Wisconsin

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of emergency medical services expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on emergency medical services and related issues. Emergency medical services expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these emergency medical services expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Airway Management, Emergency Medical Services, Acute Care, Ambulance, Cardiac Arrest, Cardiac Care Peer Review, Cardiology Care In The Er, Choking, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Ems, Emt, Excited Delirium, Failure To Transport, and Inter Facility Transport.

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Sarah A Martin

Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin

Monona, Wisconsin
Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical Services - Toxiciology, Acute Care, Critical Care, Airway Management, Urgent Care, Vetrans Care, Ultrasound, Telemedicine
I am a dedicated physician that works with all facets of the community at large to achieve optimal high-quality, evidenced based health care is a sustainable manner. My work involves both the civilian and veteran populations, pediatric and adult patients, as well as integrating care and communications across all levels of administration, management in addition to other physician and advanced practitioner, as there is continuous collaborating for the best patient outcomes. Educating residents and medical students as well as advance practitioners and scribes is also part of my daily practice. I am a life longer learner and enjoy the rigors of keeping up to date on current practices. Part of every practice is EMR, which I am well versed in and interface with multiple systems. Daily, I performing quality improvement and reviewing quality assessments in care. The zeal I have for life manifests into my daily work and family life, which strengths these dedicated efforts to achieve excellen...

Geo Henderson, BC, CLI, AEMT-P


Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine - Ambulance, EMS, EMT, Paramedic, Standard of Care, Medical Malpractice, Cardiac Arrest, Airway, Intubation, Chemical Restraint, Refusal of Care, RMA, Violent Patient Management, Dispatch, Trauma Care, Delay of Care, Sedation, Overdose, Wrongful Death, Negligence
For over 35 years my career path has included public and private sector fire and emergency medical services. Extending into leadership, incident management, design and implementation of immersive educational scenarios, physician training, and emergency planning, I have experience in several widely varying aspects of my profession. In addition to management of countless incidents in a broad array of emergency services, I have also mitigated events ranging in complexity from multiple alarm fires to mass casualty incidents. I am a paramedic supervisor for both a municipal, fire-based EMS system (260 EMS providers) and a county emergency medical services system (90 EMS providers) I have participated in the design and implementation of educational, operational, safety, quality improvement, standard of care and EMS policies and procedures for EMTs, paramedics and physicians. As an expert witness specializing in pre-hospital emergency medicine, I have been retained by firms represent...

Sheffey N Massey, DO FACEP

HealthPartners Medical Group

Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical Services - Board Certified Emergency Medicine, 29 years of full-time emergency medicine practice, Team leader, Trained communicator, Trusted educator, Advanced military leadership, Hundreds of patient care charts reviewed as medical director, quality leader and utilization management liaison
• Highly experienced in the evaluation and care of complex trauma, medical and pediatric emergency medicine patients. • Serviced as Department Chair, Medical Director, Credential committee chair, and Utilization review liaison in Hospital system with over 50,000 emergency visits per year. Reviewed hundreds of patient charts for quality, medical management and sentinel events. Counseled multiple physicians on process improvement and quality care issues. Trauma site review physician in Wisconsin with over 50 trauma state variations. • 29 years of emergency medicine practice includes diverse experience in urban and rural facilities, all levels of trauma care from level I to small level IV facilities. • Directly involved in developing comprehensive stroke center, cardiac center and trauma system in Western Wisconsin. • Heavily invested in continuing education of ED staff, ED residents, APC and Medical students from area colleges. • EMS medical direction, real world training in disa...

Jeffrey VanBendegom, MD, FACEP

Middleton, Wisconsin
Emergency Medicine, Physician Assistant - My focus within Emergency Medicine is cardiology care in the ER. I have 10 years experience performing case analysis and quality assurance for STEMI (Heart attack care) in my hospital system, as well as cardiac care peer review. I am also involved in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as EMS director
I am a practicing full-time Emergency Medicine physician. Board-certified in Emergency Medicine with Fellowship status in the American College of Emergency Medicine. I am also an EMS director, part owner in a private practice, and Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Wisconsin. I have 10+ years experience in case analysis in multi-disciplinary case review (peer review) in my hospital system. I have also served as victim witness and expert witness in assault cases.

A. Keith Wesley, MD, FACEP, FAEMS

Emergency Medical Services Expert Witness

Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Emergency Medical Services - Emergency Medical Services, EMT, Paramedic, Standard of Care, Prehospital, Inter-facility Transport, Ambulance, Cardiac Arrest, Airway Management, Choking, Spinal Injury Management, Excited Delirium, Patient Restraint, Refusal of Care, Failure to Transport, Patient Safety
* Residency trained and Board Certified in Emergency Medicine * Sup-specialty Board Certified in Emergency Medical Services * Minnesota State EMS Medical Director 2007 - 2010 * Wisconsin State EMS Medical Director 2006 - 2008 * Chair, National Council of State EMS Medical Directors 2006 - 2008 * EMS Physician Advisory Committee, Wisconsin DHFS 1993 - 2004 * Author of two ECG texts and Medical Advisor to two Emergency Medical Responder textbooks * Editorial Board member Journal of Emergency Medical Services 2007 - present * Medical Director M Health Fairview EMSd (St. Paul MN) 2008 - 2020 * Medical Director United Emergency Medical Response (WI) 2007 - Present * Medical Director Ashland Bayfield County (WI) 2006 - 2012 * Medical Director Eau Claire Fire Department (WI) 1994 - 2004 * Assistant Medical Director Janesville Fire Department (WI) 1989 - 1993 My experience in direct oversight of EMS agencies and development of state-wide policies and protocols attests to my ability to ev...
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Tennessee, Wyoming, New York, Texas, California, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Arizona, Washington, Alabama, Connecticut, and Alaska