Richard Smith, MD Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Company: Florida Center for Orthopaedics
  • Phone: 407-292-2156
  • Cell: 407-832-5014
  • Fax: 407-613-2605
  • Website:

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Orthopedic Surgery and Spine Surgery & Spine Care


Medicine, Hahnemann University; BA, Temple University

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:

100 +

Additional Information

Dr. Richard C. Smith, MD, FACS, is highly experienced and based in Central Florida. Since 1990, he has provided expert opinions and treatment recommendations to diverse patients, including those with orthopedic issues, sports injuries, and spinal conditions, leveraging his extensive expertise. Dr. Smith's educational background includes a medical degree from Hahnemann University Medical School and orthopedic surgery training at the Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Dr. Smith's professional affiliations are a testament to his commitment to excellence. He is a member of the North American Spine Society. He holds fellowships with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons, and The Association for Medical Ethics. His expertise extends to providing services in Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs), Compulsory Medical Examinations (CMEs), and Medical Reviews. Additionally, since June 1998, Dr. Smith has been a Certified Expert Medical Advisor (EMA) with the Florida Department of Financial Services Division of Workers' Compensation.