1 National Ski Patrol Expert Witness Found

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JOHN M DANIEL, EMT, RN, FNP, DO Daniel Medical and Legal Consulting

Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Police officer policy, Body/vehicle cameras, 911 Dispatch for officers, Restraint asphyxiation, Serving process, Patrol policy and procedures, SWAT tactics, Use of Force, Internal Policy and supervision issues, Corrections policy and procedures, Correctional Medicine. EMT, Nursing, Physician.
...Daniel served as a full time SWAT officer, Patrol deputy, bailiff and supervised 6 LPNs in jail medical. Jail medical was only one of two programs across the state that had National Accreditation in Correctional medicine. Dr. Daniel had the highest DUI arrests and process served while making arrests and answering calls in his zone. Even when Dr. Daniel was not full-time, he has served in multiple departments as a reserve officer. Dr. Daniel was elected full time Constable of his county district in 2018 and was reelected to that position in August of 2020. Dr. Daniel has twenty years of experience in Law Enforcement. Dr. Daniel is a wound care physician who has done Hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBO) and is one of the few physicians that have treated patients in the tank while they were having a seizure. Dr. Daniel also works as a hospitalist and in the primary care setting. Dr....