Daren E Marceau, P.E. Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae

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Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Traffic Engineering and Transportation

Keywords/Search Terms:

sight distance, stop sign, pavement marking, traffic engineer, MUTCD, traffic signal, red light, traffic control device, traffic sign, pavement marking, red light crash, stop light crash, AASHTO, sight line, sight triangle, work zone, traffic expert, roadway safety, traffic safety, railroad crossing


Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University; Master of Science - Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

Daren Marceau is a former police officer and is a practicing traffic & transportation engineer licensed in several states. Mr. Marceau managed an engineering design practice at a national consulting firm where he prepared transportation and traffic engineering plans including designs for intersections, work zones, traffic signals, pavement marking, and roadway signs. He also investigated and reconstructed hundreds of traffic crashes, and testified as an expert witness. Daren Marceau currently serves attorney clients as a consultant and expert witness, and teaches classes for law enforcement, engineering, insurance, and legal professionals. He is also the leading author on traffic signal crashes. Mr. Marceau works in all 50 states. Mr. Marceau's current focus is investigating and providing expert testimony in traffic crash cases involving traffic control devices and/or sight distance issues in both final and temporary/work zone conditions. Mr. Marceau also has significant personal experience racing bicycles, and driving motorcycles. He is a certified police motor officer, and a former licensed bicycle racing and triathlon coach. He is court-qualified as an expert in both bicycle and motorcycle operations, and regularly investigates and reconstructs bike and motorbike crashes. Daren Marceau's expertise includes the design, construction, and maintenance of bike and pedestrian facilities such as crosswalks, mid-block crossings, sight distance, pedestrian and shared-use path signing and pavement markings, and pedestrian crossing signals. And, Mr. Marceau is often called in cases involving sight distance along roadways and at intersections where crossing vehicles or pedestrians need adequate sight lines and sight triangles to safely cross the major roadway. His experience includes AASHTO and MUTCD requirements for sight distance, and their relationship to human factors such as perception-reaction time.