Internet Security Expert Witnesses

Internet security expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on internet security. The internet security expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Internet.

Jonathan E Hochman Hochman Consultants

Cheshire, Connecticut
Internet, Cybersecurity - E-commerce, Ecommerce, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, PPC, Pay Per Click Advertising, Internet Marketing, Web Development, Mobile Apps, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Digital Forensics, Internet Security, Privacy, Wiretapping, Patent, Trademark, Reputation Management, Online Defamation
Jonathan Hochman serves as consulting and testifying expert for cases related to Internet marketing, e-commerce, website development, digital forensics, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, privacy, securities fraud in the technology industry, and disputes related to technology startups. Since 2007 he has provided expert witness services to plaintiffs and defendants alike for disputes involving trademarks, patents, trade secrets, copyrights, contracts, defamation and online reputation, unfair competition, conspiracy and fraud. Hochman has testified at eighteen trials and fifty-six depositions. He has served as a consulting expert in many more cases. His clients have been located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Israel, Ukraine, and Romania. A Yale University graduate with two degrees in computer science, Hochman has worked as a sales, marketing and technology consultant for 34 years. After managing several prior business...

Bruce Schneier

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cybersecurity, Information Technology - Cryptography, internet security, denial-of-service attacks, ransomware, internet-of-things security, privacy, surveillance, supply chain security, 5G security, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, LLMs, adversarial machine learning, election security, spyware, stalkerware
Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a “security guru” by the Economist. He is the New York Times best-selling author of 14 books -- ­including "A Hacker's Mind" -- ­as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and academic papers. His influential newsletter "Crypto-Gram" and blog "Schneier on Security" are read by over 250,000 people. Schneier is a Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, a fellow at the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, a board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and AccessNow, and an advisory board member of EPIC and He is the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc.