Rae Gordon, MD Expert Witness
Curriculum Vitae

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  • Phone: 404-668-2011
  • Cell: 404-668-2011

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine

Keywords/Search Terms:

Birth Injury, Neonatal Jaundice, Newborn Infection, Breastfeeding, Newborn Congenital Anomoly, Newborn Cardiac Anomaly, Newborn Critical Care, Well Infant Care, Infant Resuscitation


MD, McGill Faculty of Medicine; ScB, Brown University

Years in Practice:


Additional Information

Rae Gordon is a Neonatologist in active clinical practice since 2007. She is the senior partner in a private neonatology practice in the Atlanta, Georgia area that employs more than 20 physicians and advanced practice nurses and was established in 1982. Dr Gordon completed her fellowship in Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine and residency in Pediatrics at New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. She earned her MD at McGill Faculty of Medicine in Montreal, Quebec, and a Bachelor of Science in Cognitive and Linguistic Science at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. She is expert in all aspects of care of the well and ill newborn including birth injury, newborn resuscitation, feeding and breastfeeding, newborn jaundice, newborn congenital and early onset infection, early presentation of genetic, metabolic, and cardiac disease, and all aspects of care of the well and ill newborn.