School Shootings Expert Witnesses

School shootings expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on school shootings. The school shootings expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Education & Schools, Emergency Preparedness, Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures, and School Safety.

Craig D McLaren First Response Law Enforcement Consulting Group

Castaic, California
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Crowd Control, Use of Force/Excessive Force Inadequate/Negligent Security, Informants, Evidence Preservation, Chain of Custody, Sexual Assault, Drug Enforcement, Gangs, Surveillance, Vice, Prostitution, Gambling, Vehicle Pursuits, School Shootings, Workplace Violence
Vastly Experienced Police Expert, working for plaintiffs as well as the defense. Over 31 years as a Los Angeles Police Officer. Trained / Taught new officers, in the field, for 24 years in all facets of Police work. Including Use of Force and Use of Deadly Force. Personally involved in over 40 Uses of Force as well as being present at approximately 100 more. Certified Force Science Analyst, by Force Science Institute, which is a leader in law enforcement study. The Institute has conducted many research projects uncovering the scientific realities surrounding officer performance under stress, action/reaction time, memory, decision-making and more in complex, rapidly unfolding encounters. Worked celebrity security for the late Dean Martin for approximately two years, providing personal security as well as residential security. Expert in Vehicle Pursuits, having been involved in and receiving yearly training in pursuits. As well as training new officers in Vehicle Pursuit Tactics. E...

Michael S. Dorn Safe Havens International

Juliette, Georgia
School Safety, Emergency Preparedness - School Security, School Shootings, Run Hide Fight, School Child Abuse, Active Shooter, School Sexual Assault, School Violence. Active Shooter Training, Bullying, Student Supervision, ALICE Training, School Resource Officers

Kenneth S. Trump, Ed.D. National School Safety and Security Services

Cleveland, Ohio
School Safety, Education & Schools - school security, school safety, school shootings, school wrongful death, school assaults, school sexual assaults, school rapes, school violence, school bullying, school crisis, school emergency, school police, security guards, security officers, student supervision, school bus, school gangs, crime
Ken provides experienced, accessible, timely and quality expert services to plaintiff and defense attorneys on preK-12 school safety and security cases. He is an experienced speaker, teacher, news commentator and personal communicator on school safety. Ken served as an officer, investigator and gang unit supervisor for the Cleveland City Schools' safety division, and as a suburban school security director and assistant gang task force director. During his 30 years in school safety he trained and consulted with school and public safety officials from 50 states and internationally.   Ken is the author, co-author and/or editor of three books, five book chapters and 450 articles on school safety. He appears regularly in national and international news.   Ken is a four-time invited Congressional witness on school safety and emergency preparedness, and testified on bullying to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. He presented to the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, Education Commission o...

Craig D McLaren First Response Law Enforcement Consulting Group

Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Crowd Control, Use of Force/Excessive Force Inadequate/Negligent Security, Informants, Evidence Preservation, Chain of Custody, Sexual Assault, Drug Enforcement, Gangs, Surveillance, Vice, Prostitution, Gambling, Vehicle Pursuits, School Shootings, Workplace Violence
Vastly Experienced Police Expert, working for plaintiffs as well as the defense. Over 31 years as a Los Angeles Police Officer. Trained / Taught new officers, in the field, for 24 years in all facets of Police work. Including Use of Force and Use of Deadly Force. Personally involved in over 40 Uses of Force as well as being present at approximately 100 more. Certified Force Science Analyst, by Force Science Institute, which is a leader in law enforcement study. The Institute has conducted many research projects uncovering the scientific realities surrounding officer performance under stress, action/reaction time, memory, decision-making and more in complex, rapidly unfolding encounters. Worked celebrity security for the late Dean Martin for approximately two years, providing personal security as well as residential security. Expert in Vehicle Pursuits, having been involved in and receiving yearly training in pursuits. As well as training new officers in Vehicle Pursuit Tactics. E...